Re: Mouse Movement Problem
I FIXED MY PROBLEM! the problem for me was somthing with mouse acceleration or whatever. i dont have setpoint but i do use a logitech mouse. i noticed that when i was on fullscreen it didnt act all horrible. but it was very slow, so i wondered if it would be better if i made the resolution different, when it was slow the resolution was 1024x768XGA, there was smaller things with SVGA and VGA from largest to smallest. but its now set to 1600x1900 on fullscreen and it works JUST FINE! i hope this helps some people! although you may need to fiddle with the resolution, since all computers are different! i only had 5 things to choose from, 1600x1900 was the only one without VGA or anything after it.

P.S. my problem only happened when i was in game, not in the menu...weird...
P.P.S. resolutions in order from top to bottom...
these are for my computers resolution, yours are most likely different!