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 Activity: Block Wars 
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 Activity: Block Wars
Inspired by the episode in Judge Dredd I decided to make my own block wars and here it is :D No stories, no sense, just two buildings, two brains and lots of angry actors with angry barrels. Where are they coming from? It does not matter! Obviously some nano-assembler got too bored and decided to have some fun :) The whole idea is not killing opponent's brain, but rather watching AI's doing this, just like in Tartarus, but with simpler level architecture and more strategic AI tricks.

Finally, a hero came down from the lands of awesome, and brought some fancy Judges into play! :D Just download the included mod and Block Wars will do everything else automagically :)

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Download the latest version of Block Wars here.

B27 gameplay video:

What's important:
- Can be launched on any scene that has all the defined zones, no static Vectors anywhere in the code, only Zones ( now for real! :) )
- May require additional polish
- Was designed for 1600x1200 full screen, please, please, please give me back my high resolution, you need to edit configs manually for it :)

Updated: Apr 18,2014
- B30 support
- Player vs player support
- Fixes

Updated: Dec 23, 2012
- Updated V1.05 vanilla faction files
- Slightly redesigned map

Updated: Oct 27, 2012
- Install DudeAbides's brilliant Hall of Justice mod, and Block wars will spawn a few Judges to kick both team's arses!
- Supports custom maps
- New map Block Wars 2 by DudeAbides for prolonged gameplay

Updated: Sep 29, 2012
- V1.0 RC1 compatibility

Updated: Jun 07, 2012
- Marked all scenes as unplayable in metagame

Updated: Jun 03, 2012
- B27 compatibility
- Units spawned in batches up to three at a time
- Factions updated

Updated: Sep 30, 2011
- MacOS compatibility

Updated: Sep 30, 2011
- All faction configs can be stored in a single place - CC root folder. Just copy your Factions folder. Mod will search for factions in <CC install folder>\Factions first and if it's absent or empty, then in <CC install folder>\<modulename>\Factions.
- MacOS users are welcome to test this windows version too, might work on your systems with B26 only but I didn't test myself
- Pelian Army faction thanks to Arcalane

Updated: Sep 26, 2011
- Wehrmacht faction by Kettenkrad
- Tek Troopers faction by Whitty

Updated: Sep 20, 2011
- Warhammer 40000 faction compilation by Asklar (YOU MUST TRY IT!!!1)
- Bugfix

Updated: Sep 18, 2011
- Bugfix

Updated: Sep 18, 2011
- B26 compatibility (vanilla factions updated)

Updated: Sep 12, 2011
- Bugfix (Windows only just now). Only needed if you have Unmapped Lands MP and/or Tartarus installed.

Updated: Aug 9, 2011
- Strategy fixes
- S.A.W. faction
- Zaneborg 1 billion faction

Updated: Aug 9, 2011
- Mac OS compatible

Updated: Aug 8, 2011
- AI strategy tweaks
- You can enable waypoint drawing by setting self.DrawWaypoints to true at BlockWarsGameplay.lua and watch what AI want to do and what it really does
- Debugging output mostly turned off
- Minor scene tweaks


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Last edited by weegee on Fri Apr 18, 2014 1:40 pm, edited 31 times in total.

Sat Aug 06, 2011 2:34 pm
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Post Re: Mission: [Any] Block Wars
Holy ♥♥♥♥ you got mod factions going on in here too!?

Bravo, Weegee, bravo.

Nothing from my baby, SAW ): Atleast the combine are in there.

EDIT: lol

Sat Aug 06, 2011 3:15 pm
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Mission: [Any] Block Wars
Weegee, this reminds me of how much I love your missions.
Bravo, good job.
Coops, how did that rocketstorm battle end?

Sat Aug 06, 2011 7:23 pm
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It was only exciting for the first few seconds of everyone shooting.

Then I found out it was even more fun to give everyone just pistols.

Also I can't seem to figure out how to get mods to work with this. They're all listed in the factions folder but they don't load.

Sat Aug 06, 2011 7:50 pm
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Post Re: Mission: [Any] Block Wars
Coops9753, you either need to do this - viewtopic.php?f=4&t=19308&p=363188
or edit BlockWars.rte\Factions\Factions.cfg to enable other factions.

Sat Aug 06, 2011 8:07 pm
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Post Re: Mission: [Any] Block Wars
Weegee, I have the same problem. Mods that work fine in Tartarus just won't appear in the faction selection screen in this mission after enabling them.

Sat Aug 06, 2011 8:12 pm
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Post Re: Mission: [Any] Block Wars
Oh ok, the CFG file is much much easier. Just open it in Notepad and get rid of the star beside the mod that you want to load.

Sat Aug 06, 2011 8:39 pm
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Post Re: Mission: [Any] Block Wars
I got rid of the stars in front of the mods I wish to load, they ain't appearing in the faction selection screen.

Sat Aug 06, 2011 9:17 pm
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Post Re: Mission: [Any] Block Wars
Some things you NEED to change:
1. Fix the AI being stuptarded. They always get stuck on the stairs or they will jump out of their perches. All of them jump out simmultaniously as it is now.
2. Make it so new actors only spawn when old ones die, sans 2 actors who should be in reserve. They respawn too. (one actor for each layer, plus two extra just in case)
3. Add S.A.W to the list of teams ;n;
4. Also, make the actors go to their perches, and make it so there is only one per row. Please.

Damn I am so demanding. :p

Mon Aug 08, 2011 1:02 am
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Post Re: Mission: [Any] Block Wars
SAW is too laggy, I already tried.

Mon Aug 08, 2011 1:04 am
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Post Re: Mission: [Any] Block Wars
Oh. :c

Mon Aug 08, 2011 1:05 am
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Post Re: Mission: [Any] Block Wars
Miggles wrote:
Some things you NEED to change:
1. Fix the AI being stuptarded. They always get stuck on the stairs or they will jump out of their perches. All of them jump out simmultaniously as it is now.
2. Make it so new actors only spawn when old ones die, sans 2 actors who should be in reserve. They respawn too. (one actor for each layer, plus two extra just in case)
3. Add S.A.W to the list of teams ;n;
4. Also, make the actors go to their perches, and make it so there is only one per row. Please.

I agree that sometimes AI acts stupid. The behavior of soldiers is a little bit more complex, they're not only walking to the perches, that's why they always spawn :) Script tries not to send more than one soldier to a single position, they have cooldown time, 14 sec, and next soldier can be send to position only after that cooldown time. Some of them go to perches, but if all of them are occupied they start brainhunting. And they usually plot their route through the top, that's why they mess with those who just stand there. If enemy entered the hall all new troops sent to the hall, but they again plot their route through the top increasing the mess. And to get rid of cluttering on the stairs every once in a while all troops are sent for brainhunting (Rage Time is printed in console) that's why all of them jump out of their windows :) Finally if brain chamber is compromised all troops are sent to chamber and once it's secure they want to revenge and start brainhunting. You can enable waypoints and watch what's going on now, usually the AI is hardly walking where he's sent and it causes so much trouble and it's quite hard to cure. I'll increase perch cooldown and see if it helps to avoid the mess. And you can completely redesign the scene, just don't remove any predefined areas, and everything will work fine. I can even try to include it as an alternate site for this mission. Current scene design seems to be not very AI friendly.

Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:46 am

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Post Re: Mission: [Any] Block Wars
You're right, this won't work on my mac. At least not on 10.6.8. The scenario starts, but it just shows a fixed picture of the background, if that's any help towards getting it to work. The idea looks fun, though.

Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:48 am
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Post Re: Mission: [Any] Block Wars
KnightD wrote:
You're right, this won't work on my mac. At least not on 10.6.8. The scenario starts, but it just shows a fixed picture of the background, if that's any help towards getting it to work. The idea looks fun, though.

Updated the OP, now you can try MacOS version, it should work. Different paths are usually a headache.

Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:56 am

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Post Re: Mission: [Any] Block Wars
I'm really sorry but how do you get more factions into this?
I tried to follow the instructions on Tarturus but my small brain can't understand....
Why must I be stupid...X(

Sat Aug 27, 2011 2:02 am
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