Bought the game, but cannot play. Please help me!
I just bought Cortex Command, but can't get it to work.
As I read
here the registration key needs to be in this Format:
But I only got a gift code in this format:
Excerpt from the email I got:
Your license keys are: (one per line)
Your gift code is: ******
Unlock a copy of the game by pressing the [Register] button in the Main Menu and entering one of the keys above.
This is not working, because the game tells me that the key is wrong.
The mail also tells me that I can print a nice license card here:
http://licensing.datarealms.comBut if I try to use my gift code to register, the email I get contains a link for activation. This link gives me another error:
Oops! An error has occurred.
It's a framework error.
input to Base32Decode had a bad character: 32
After resending the email I got another error:
Oops! An error has occurred.
It's a framework error.
input to Base32Decode was a bad mod length: 6
Something seems to be badly ♥♥♥♥ up. How can I play the game now?
Makes the buying experience really frustrating.

Thanks for any help.