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 PixelGenerator Mods 
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Post PixelGenerator Mods
Game Mode mods:
(for B24 and B26)
(the B26 version is also good with B27, but not perfect)

One-Man Army Multiplayer
As the name says. Its One-Man Army with multiplayer compatibility. If one of you dies: game over.

Introducing: respawn. It's a players vs cpus mode. You start with one body, 0 funds and some weapons (like in One-Man Army), but the goal is to score more points than the CPU team. To score points kill enemies, but if you die they gain points. And as I said if you die it means only that you lose points against the CPUs, because you will respawn in 3 seconds with a starting gear. The CPU has a handicap. The beginning of the script file is a configuration module for the game mode, you can change it.
IMPORTANT! If you change the script file for configurations, you must restart CC for the changes to take effect! you should type "PresetMan:ReloadAllScripts()" in console for the changes to take effect.

Last Man Standing
Classic fps-style Last Man Standing, if you got killed, you lose one life. It's a PvP mode with 0 funds, so the CPU does nothing. This is a free-for-all game, so don't team up, you still have to kill your teammate(s) if you want to win. The game keeps a ranking list, so you can see who is leading. The beginning of the script file is a configuration module for the game mode, you can change it.
IMPORTANT! If you change the script file for configurations, you must restart CC for the changes to take effect! you should type "PresetMan:ReloadAllScripts()" in console for the changes to take effect.


(present version: v0.31)

Any one can use the scripts freely, you don't need my premission, but please keep me informed, because I'm intrested in the ways how you improved it, thanks!

Change (2011.05.22) v0.1b:
-fixed respawn bug (at least I think it's fixed, tell me if it's still not okay)
-changed .ini files, fixed editing in Base.rte, it's not needed anymore, just copy the PixelG.rte and game modes are ready to play (if you modified the Activities.ini, restore it with the back-up copy, or just delete the lines you added previously)
(the added lines:)

Change (2011.05.23) v0.2:
-fixed "control device order" problems
-all game mode's lua script begins with the configuration module
-added Last Man Standing game mode
-rebalanced Raid mode

Change (2011.07.24) v0.2b:
-controlled number of CPUs, fixed "actor dying without any reason" bug
-added random system for players in Raid and Last Man Standing game modes
-configuration module expanded in Raid and Last Man Standing game modes
-random actor/weapon for players/CPUs
-changable list of actors/weapons for random selection
-fixed actor/weapon for players/CPUs
-difficulty settings no longer effect the game modes
-in Raid: ability to change time limits and scoring method (the amount of points to recieve and lose when killing or dying, change handicap)
-also in Raid: ability to change the CPU target spawning number (CPULimit)

Change (2011.07.24) v0.2c:
-repaired variable names

Change (2012.05.31) v0.3:
-changed weapon layout, so now it is working with B26 as default

Change (2012.06.15) v0.31:
-NEW FEATURE: Spawn-in-crate

Known bugs:
-in Last Man Standing, if you group up in teams (two player in one team) you still have to kill each other, but if one of you wins the other will have the victory screen as well, but it does not effects the ranking, at the moment a draw is a defeat as well to every one, I don't think these will be "fixed"
-IMPORTANT! adding more weapons to the list will result in a halt at start up (the game won't start), the reason of this is not clear to me yet, so if you want to add new weapons to the game modes replace an existing one

Thanks to:
Silverarm - for the wake up call and for the ideas

Last edited by PixelGenerator on Fri Jun 15, 2012 1:15 pm, edited 14 times in total.

Sat May 21, 2011 9:40 am
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Post Re: PixelGenerator Mods
I like this. This shows great promise.

Sat May 21, 2011 4:38 pm
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Post Re: PixelGenerator Mods
Raid mode is cool.
I always wanted to play something like that.

So yeah, you should continue creating game modes like this.

Sat May 21, 2011 6:34 pm
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Post Re: PixelGenerator Mods
I like them both. A lot. Nice job, keep 'em coming.

Sat May 21, 2011 9:53 pm
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Post Re: PixelGenerator Mods
Wow... I am amazed, I thought I will get a reply after a few days, or none at all... But 3 on the day it got posted, okay I think I will continue.

Also, I forgot to tell you: you can use this mod freely, don't need to ask for any premission, but keep me informed please, because I'm intrested if any one would improve it in any way.

And there were 3 more ideas in my plans:
-make the respawn a bit cooler (when you respawn, you come from a crate, land and go, but there were problems with this method)
-Last Man Standing game mode, classic last-man-standing (like in UT, or other fps), you have a set amount of lives to respawn, but this would be a PvP-thing
-well... there is also this idea, but I don't know it's even possible at all, but to make a menu for the game modes, where you can set your weapons to play with

And one more thing I remembered: if you open up the PixelG.rte/GameModes/Raid/Raid.lua script in an editor at the begining of the script:
function Raid:StartActivity()
   print("START! -- Raid:StartActivity()!");
   TOD = {};
   COD = {};
   Weapon1 = "Ronin/M16"; -- setting starting inventory, weapons, tools, the order you list these devices is the order you will have them in the game, 1st default ="Coalition/Assault Rifle"
   Weapon2 = "Coalition/Auto Pistol"; -- 2nd default ="Coalition/Auto Pistol"
   Character = "Soldier Heavy";

You can change your equipment, like weapons (Weapon1, Weapon2) and body (Character) to anything you desire.

So, for now I will try to solve the respawn bugs, then I think the Last Man Stading will come, but please tell me if you have some ideas or wishes, okay?

Sun May 22, 2011 9:58 am
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Post Re: PixelGenerator Mods
I tried the Raid Mode(with a few changes in loadout).I gotta say,its was pretty fun.Good job!:D

Sun May 22, 2011 11:32 am

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Post Re: PixelGenerator Mods
Well, it was inspiring, so here it is:
Finished the Last Man Standing mode and fixed some bugs.
(I just found out, that there was a copy of Last Man Standing in it's early stage in the mod folder, you can delete it, it's the "Last Man Standing" directory, with the "LastManStanding.lua" in it.)

Things fixed:
-all players text is fixed in all game modes(previous if you skipped a player slot in controls and added not the controller device which was the next in order, the text and other things were not working as they were supposed to)
-rebalanced the Raid mode (enemies a bit more challanging and need to score more pooints, not tested much, so tell me if it's too hard or easy, Nuts! is made for multiplayer, so it's really hard)
-custom configurations are at the begining of all the game mode .lua scripts

To have these, just download it from the link in the first post and overwrite the PixelG.rte directory.

Mon May 23, 2011 8:36 am
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Post Re: PixelGenerator Mods
sry for dumb question,but how do you play it in multiplayer?there can only be one players selected:s *put his head in a hole*

Mon May 23, 2011 9:00 am

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Post Re: PixelGenerator Mods
Hmm... I don't really understand what you are talking about. :S
If you are talking about the "One-Man Army", then it's not the same game mode, search for a game mode "One-Man Army Multiplayer", probably somewhere on the bottom of the game mode list.
If that's not the chase, please describe it more accurately.

Mon May 23, 2011 9:25 am

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Post Re: PixelGenerator Mods
Version Update!

-controlled number of CPUs (well it's a target number, sometimes it goes over it, but then it won't spawn more CPUs until their numbers go lower than the target amount, the default is 10)
-added random system for players in Raid and Last Man Standing game modes (the ability to spawn everytime with random weapons and actors)
-configuration module expanded in Raid and Last Man Standing game modes (you can set your equipment and gameplay options aswell)
-random actor/weapon for players/CPUs
-changable list of actors/weapons for random selection
-fixed actor/weapon for players/CPUs
-difficulty settings no longer effect the game modes
-in Raid: ability to change time limits and scoring method (the amount of points to recieve and lose when killing or dying, change handicap)
-also in Raid: ability to change the CPU target spawning number (CPULimit)

Thanks for Silverarm for waking me up and for the good ideas, all of these are his minds work! (Exaptation for the CPU spawn control, I had that one in my mind for a time now.)

Also some news:
I have a lot of things to do in the summer, but(!)...
I was working on a new game mode, a more complicated one then before, so it needs time (because I'm learning new depths of CC), but I think it will be great and fun, so wait for it!

IMPORTANT! If you change the script file, you must restart CC for the changes to take effect!

Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:26 am
Data Realms Elite
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: PixelGenerator Mods
What will the new gamemode be like?

Sun Jul 24, 2011 5:13 pm
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Post Re: PixelGenerator Mods
PixelGenerator wrote:
IMPORTANT! If you change the script file, you must restart CC for the changes to take effect!

PresetMan:ReloadAllScripts() is your friend. You still have to restart the Scene though, not CC itself.

Sun Jul 24, 2011 5:20 pm

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Post Re: PixelGenerator Mods
First of all, I re-updated the thing (I f*cked things up, sky high, I was so tired, that I misspelled my own variables, sorry for that).

Version Update!

-repaired, now working

Also, if anyone finds some bugs, tell me please, some times I don't test things out because of time shortage.
(Also, thanks for the PresetMan:ReloadAllScripts() command, I didn't know about it.)
Sorry, but no teasers about the new game mode for now, because at the moment I won't have much time, so it will have to wait.

Sun Jul 24, 2011 8:02 pm
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Post Re: PixelGenerator Mods
Dont put the PresetMan Function in your Scene otherwise your Scene will lag badly, people need to just put that function in the Console when they change the script.

Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:47 am

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Post Re: PixelGenerator Mods
After nearly a year I finally paid a visit for this mod. Sorry, everyone. :S :oops:

I really want to escape reality for a bit with all it's problems and I thought I will come back and do some modding again...
I won't promise anything, because I still don't have time for this (but if I fed up with my job/friends/community/family :x , you will find me modding).

In short: I'm back and updates will come within a few weeks (maybe... just MAYBE(!)... I will come up with a new game mode).

Version 0.31 is out.

You could start in a drop crate, but don't worry, I made sure you can't get stuck in one. It only needs to hit the ground and there you go.

Thu May 31, 2012 10:35 pm
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