Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #56)
Toko has not posted, but I am impatient! Rolling!
Ociamarru (Nikolai) (7 + 2 - 1 = 8)
After three turns of trying to smash a statue, you finally succeed.
You lift yourself up to the thing, and thrust your palm against it. Fragments of stone fly outward, hitting the walls of the shrine and falling to the ground.
You take a look at Calkoom, hoping that you had some effect. You seem to have had SOME effect, because he's charging straight for you.
(2 v. 8) Calkoom, in his rage, seems to have forgotten how to attack properly. He sails above you, and you strike with a palm to his exposed belly. You hear a grunt from the beast, and Calkoom hits the dirt on the other side of the shrine in a rather undignified manner. Amazingly, he gets back up in a flash and attacks you yet again. His eyes are glowing, and he seems even more unhappy than before. (9 v. 11) You just manage to get out of the way as his claws cut through the air.
caekdaemon (Anderson) (10 - 2 = 8)
"MEDIC!!!"You're really hurting right now. You manage to drag yourself away from the shore and into a grassier area. Clinging to the grass like a lifeline, you haul yourself behind a tree. Calkoom doesn't seem to have noticed you. He's too busy trying to kill Nikolai.
Torrent (Gillian) (12 - 2 = 10)
You hear the sound of something breaking to your left. Nikolai finally got around to smashing that statue. Good for him. Oh, look. Calkoom doesn't seem to be taking it very well. He's charging. Oh! Nikolai scored a hit on the oversized kitten! And Calkoom is still coming back for more! He's a stubborn one. Nikolai manages to dodge him again. You notice that Calkoom like to charge headfirst into enemies, but when he can't get enough momentum to pounce, he resorts to using his claws.
CaveCricket (Raphael) (3)
You hold the longsword out defensively, but Calkoom seems busy attacking someone else. Well darn.
Adam (Adam) (11 - 1 = 10)
You speed up to a run, flailing your whip about as Calkoom attacks Nikolai. After the second attack, you strike. (10 v. 9) Calkoom sees you coming, and begins to move out of the way. Your whip catches him on the upper back, doing practically nothing. He begins backing up...
Tokochiro (Johni) (MISSED THIS ROUND)
You sit still and do nothing. Luckily, your head is not torn off by an angry lion. 'Grats.
Gabriel catches his breath.
Status-Left Shoulder - Clawed (Bleeding)
-Pain (-1)
Okay, peeps. It seems that a map would REALLY help you guys out, so I'm going to go ahead and post one.

Also, you're all going to have to choose colors, or you won't be able to tell who's who.

I don't know if you want pink or lavender... but...
Anyway, I chose some of the most visible colors possible. You can only choose a color that's on there, as I'm saving some for... *ahem* NPCs.
In your posts, gimme a number.
Two people cannot have the same color!