Roll 75
Cihas [ 6 ] = 6
> You look around: It seems that there are quite a number of large tents around, and you appear to be in some sort of frozen valley.
Gustaf walks over to an injured soldier and puts him out of his misery.
Race: HumanInventory (7/10) :- Bow
- Quiver [50 arrows]
-- Arrows (Qty. 47)
- 142 gold coins
- Cooked Venison (Qty. 1)
- Deer Pelt
- Quartz
-- (Energy: ===)
- Grass Blades (Qty. 50)
Equipped (1/10) :- Caelum Blue Robe
Active Abilities :- Arrow Abilities (Requires a bow and arrows)
-- Fire Arrows
-- Cold Front
-- Tornado Shot
-- Trail Blazer
- Magic Control Level - Instinctual
-- Elemental
-- Accelerated Repair
Passive Abilities :- Stealth (+1 any action involving sneaking)
- Bull's Eye (+2 to precision actions)
Conditions :(TorrentHKU)
John Freemaneth [ 4 ] = 4
> You apply a cooling force to your hands to help the burn, and it seems to make it go away. Following the other mages, you see that they all have the same emblem on their robes:

They lead you into and through the damaged walls of the prison until you arrive in a large circular chamber. Crystals the size of men line the chamber's perimeter, and in the center of the chamber is the white blade that you saw the armored figure wielding earlier.
Surrounding the blade are several mages, some alive and standing, some on the ground, dead. One of the mages you were following speak up:
"Where is the weapon?""Damn thing teleported...""..."A mage in a blue robe is staring at a map, concentrating.
Race: Human
Inventory (6/10) :- Leather Pouch
-- 1500 gold coins
- Calligraphy Kit
- Paper Runes
-- Shield Tah (Qty. 6)
-- Earth Elemental Tag (Qty. 1)
-- Fire Drop Tag (Qty. 6)
-- Lightning Tag (Qty. 5)
-- Lightning-Trap Tag (Qty. 5)
-- Push Tag (Qty. 6)
- The Chronicles of Kark (book)
- The Two Lovers of Vranhal (book)
- Crossbow Bolt (Qty. 17)
Equipped (4/10) :- Andrew's Mage Stone
-- (Energy: ==========)
- Quality Chainmail
- Quality Gauntlets (Qty. 2)
Active Abilities :- Magic Control Level - Pathic
-- Elemental
--- Ice Claws
-- Kinetic
Passive Abilities :Conditions :(wiffles)
DogBerry [ 1 ] = 1
> You sneak closer to the burny village, and manage to get a closer look at the figures walking around. They seem to be wearing dark robes with a strange aura around their bodies.
The other soldiers in your party spot the figures as well.
"I've never seen THAT before. Maybe it's some other group of mages?""What are they doing around the fire? Aren't they getting burnt?""Dun look like it.""Hey guys, we've got company."You turn around and look in the direction you came, and see a small army headed your way.
Race: HumanInventory (4/10) :- Death of literacy
- Long Sword
- Wallet (501 gold coins)
- Twine Sack (0/20)
Equipped (8/10) :- Helmet
- Plated Cuirass
- Plated Gauntlets (Qty. 2)
- Plated Greaves (Qty. 2)
- Steel Shield
- Chainmail Hauberk
Active Abilities : - Asinine combustion (Dogberry's complete idiocy can make enemies spontaneously combust in rage)
- Dance Dance Revolution! (+2 any action involving dance)
- Dance moves
-- Moon walk
-- Circle Spin
-- Crotch Grab 'N Pop
-- Ballerina Spin
- Blade Dance
- Magic Control Level - Vocal
-- Basic Elemental
Passive Abilities :- Enhanced Vision (can see in the dark)
- Soldier's Training (+1 physical activities)
Conditions :(Ragdollmaster)
Gustaf Anorak [ 5 ] = 5
> You walk around and take note that you appear to be in a frozen valley with large tents everywhere. You find an injured but living soldier lying against an ice spike sticking out of the ground.
He appears to be unconscious.
Race: HumanInventory (3/10) :- Sanguis
- Firebrand
- 100 gold coins
Equipped (4/10) :- Echo Helm (+1 Detection)
- Magmaul (Brigandine)
- Caelum Mage Stone
-- (Energy: ==--------)
- Caelum Mage Stone
-- (Energy: ----------)
Abilities :- Heaven's Blessing: Automatically roll a 5 when used with an action. (10 turn recharge)
-- Rechargo-Meter (==========)
Passive Abilities :Conditions :(Roast Veg)
Paradox Mist [ 1 ] = 1
"Well, you heard Val. They're retreating, and we'd be unwise to miss an opportunity to see some cool stuff. Besides, you and her have barely had a chance to meet yet. We should go.""... Okay."You follow the group following the enemy army until you come upon a town that you've visited earlier. There seem to be a lot more guards around, both human and Lupus.
"Where'd they go?""Look at the ground."Everyone looks at the ground under them, which isn't covered in grass like the rest of the plains.
"Looks like they warped out.""ALL of them? How much energy do these guys have?""Don't know. I guess they've been doing their research. Heh. Lemme see if I can track their teleport and warp us to them. You guys get ready; this won't be an easy battle."Somni starts to head into town with everyone.
"Hey Mist, I've got an idea! Follow me."Race: HumanInventory (3/10) :- Vulcanis
- Leather Bag
-- 1100 gold coins
Equipped (1/10) :- Caelum Mage Stone
-- (Energy: ====------)
Abilities :- Magic Control Level - Runic
-- Energy Control
-- Elemental
-- Kinetic
- /Instinctual
-- Addle Lance
Passive Abilities :- Critical Eye (+1 to actions involving precise movements)
Conditions :(Banrax)
Banrax [ 6 ] = 6
> You hold onto what feels like the sleeve of a robe and follow it as it walks around guards, onto a catwalk, and quietly to another building. A door is silently opened, and you sneak inside and close it quietly.
The mage's invisiblity fades away and so does yours, and in his hand is a large roll of paper and a piece of chalk.
"Alright, we're gonna teleport out of here. Er, well, not OUT of here, but to someone who can get us out. I just need to figure out where that is..."Emiel unrolls the paper to reveal a map of the city, and traces his finger along the roads paths until he stops at a building next to something that look like appartments.
"We're here... And we need to get..."His finger walks around again until it lands on a large building that resembles an academy.
"...Here. Not too far for a warp."The mage starts to draw a large but intricate rune on the ground. When he finishes, he looks up at you somewhat nervously.
"Well... Ready?"Race: HumanInventory (2/10) :- Whirlwind Halberd
- Curved Dagger (+1 to precise attacks)
Equipped (0/10) :Active Abilities :Passive Abilities :- Advanced Learning (Can learn at a faster rate)
Conditions :(NPC Group)
Scouting Party [ - ] = -
Members (11) : - Soldiers (x 11)
World Events:Time of day: Night