Re: BFBC2 (gamertags etc.)
411570N3 wrote:
Those stat bars don't come close to in-game performance man. The MG36's fire-rate is probably one of the easiest places to show this in the game.
I'm fairly certain it's still higher than the PKM or T88. Even though they're not totally accurate, "don't come close"? I haven't really noticed that very much. They're good for a general idea of which gun is better at what, at least.
God I hate Wookies. Recon's an awesome class when used correctly, though. My squad (when I play with friends) is always composed of one of each class and we always kick complete and utter ass. The Recon's equipment is an integral part of our tactics, especially in the Rush game mode. Even when I go solo as a Recon, I'm one of the best team players around- I spot tons of enemies, destroy plenty of vehicles with C4 and mortars, take out enemy snipers, even rush with the main attack force and help out with motion trackers and a close to mid-range weapon like the M14EBR or USAS-12. A Recon with an automatic shotgun who can spot everyone around him with the toss of a tracker is a force to be reckoned with in close-quarters urban areas.
Every class has the potential to waste a spot. I've seen Assault guys just camping and supplying themselves infinite ammo, Medics sitting next to those campers waiting for an easy revive, Engineers completely ignoring injured friendly vehicles or advancing enemy vehicles, and of course, Recons sitting back two miles away from the rest of the players and getting a kill every two minutes. It's not a fault of the class, it's just players being clowns.