Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #54)
Sorry it took an extra day for this one. I'm at a camp for a few hours each day this week, so it's eating up my spare time.
Nonetheless, I can now post! Here's you guys' round!
(By the way, Calkoom gets +1 to
all combat rolls. Merry Christmas!)
Tokochiro (5)
You look around for a stone, but you can't find anything large enough to use as a bludgeoning weapon, so you simply switch your nunchuck back into a cane and ready it.
"Well, ♥♥♥♥"Calkoom takes to the air and swoops overhead, (6 v. 7) but luckily he misses you.
caekdaemon (9)
"Hey, giant bird god guy, can you cough up a glyph?"You chuckle silently to yourself.
You prepare for battle, setting yourself into a defensive stance, ready to move at any time. You are totally ready for this.
The "bird god guy" swoops at the party from the air, (6 v. 9) missing you by a large margin.
CaveCricket (6)
You take a look at what's around you.
There is a large shrine in front of you. It is raised a few feet up from the ground. It is about big enough for one person to shelter in. Inside is a statue of Calkoom.
The place you're fighting in is a slightly-sandy shore. The sand isn't thick enough to impede movement, but it can sure get whipped up by wind.
The area is-
Here you stop, because Calkoom is flying straight at you with claws extended. (6 v. 7) He doesn't hit you.
Torrent (-)
You put away your mace and pull out a dagger in each hand.
Ociamarru (5 - 1 = 4)
You try to climb up the shrine, but somehow you manage to slip and fall. It's only about 3 feet up to the shrine. You feel clumsy.
Calkoom passes overhead, unable to reach you from the air due to your position next to the shrine.
Adam (2)
You try to walk around to the back of your foe, but he's already back in the air and charging.
(6 v. 8 ) You manage to duck in time to avoid getting clawed.
Gabriel reacts immediately. He takes a swing at Calkoom, (10 v. 2) catching one of its legs as it passes by. (6 v. 2) Unfortunately, the same leg catches him in the chest, knocking him flat.
Status-Winded (-1 to next action)
Ya, don't forget your NPCs get hurt. And die.
But don't worry your head over them, because if you do, you'll stop worrying about yourselves.
Plus, Gabriel is pretty tough. He can take just as much punishment as you guys will inevitably suffer.
The bird continues to circle overhead, preparing for another aerial attack.