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 King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like 
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Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
Yeah, I notice a lot of bull♥♥♥♥ going on in a lot of servers. I got banned from 2 servers because I killed people during a battle that the opposing team started.

This is basically what happened:

BLUE: k gys we gon fite now
RED: Come at me bro
BLUE: u kil me i ban u u not fair
RED was kicked from server.

Edit: Ughhh I was just banned again, the reasoning being 'killed two people at middle of map and break barricade.' That is litterally exactly what they put. We need DRL servers. ;-;

Thu Jun 23, 2011 4:16 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
A DRL server would be lovely...

However, we're soon to adopt a votekick-only-by-team system -> no more asshattery.

Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:50 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
I don't think that would help very much as teams are likely to turn a bind eye to someone cheating on their own team, if its helping them win.

Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:45 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
I think the main point is to take out griefers who join a team and start wrecking the castle, in which case same-team only kicks will be fine.

But instead of simply ignoring the enemy team's votes, a nicer solution might be to just have a system where users are given vote weight/power based on whether they can actually see what the person being kicked is DOING. (People who grief will be seen by team members, and mostly kicked by team members, whereas hackers will likely be kicked by the enemy team)

Also, it seems like if there's over 50% of people saying yes, the person is kicked - I think it's fairer to wait until 66%. (2:1 ratio)

In addition, there should be a button you have to press to vote around the reason, so that people have to read it.
At the moment people are just saying HIT F12 DAMMIT HIT F12.
(This is more of a problem with the community than the game, but meh.)

Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:38 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
Contrary wrote:
I don't think that would help very much as teams are likely to turn a bind eye to someone cheating on their own team, if its helping them win.

True, however hacking is much less of a problem than griefing for the most part. Most games will have a few "honourable" players per side anyway, who are unlikely to enjoy having a hacker spoiling the game. It works well enough in Combat Arms, and we'll trial it at least until accounts come in (so we can weight votes that way).

That's a cool idea, MLC, I'll run it by Michal.

We're going to reduce the anonymity of the voting soon so you at least know which players are asshats - Voting using check or cross speech bubbles.

Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:07 pm
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
Have your say on the future of KAG's art style

Spoilers - saying you like the smaller, more realistic proportions makes me happy ;)

Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:14 pm
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
Oh yeah also

You can start giving us money if you like. I don't think this counts as "paying for the game", but it does count as "paying for access to the multiplayer editor mode in the upcoming build" for sure ;)

Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:25 pm
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
I find on almost every server it isn't actually griefing or hacking, it's just the other team QQ'ing because we did something OH NOE SO HIRRBLE in a sandbox war game where you're supposed to do horrible things. Ironically I also find that servers with no rules are backseat moderated more, and tend to ban more people just because anyone can start a vote.

All I can say is, Y U NO FICKS BAN SISTUM!?!?!

EDIT: Also the future of KAG graphics looks the same as the history of KAG graphics.

Thu Jun 23, 2011 4:36 pm
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
Miggles, see
Geti wrote:
we're soon to adopt a votekick-only-by-team system -> no more asshattery.

Fri Jun 24, 2011 2:30 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
Impending Release:


Fri Jun 24, 2011 1:36 pm
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
What happened to wooden structures? Are we not getting them?

Also, is that I new block I see there? :D

Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:54 pm
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
All the graphics there are updated and shiny. That's coming asap :)

Wooden stuff is coming when we get the time. I've got some graphics done but I'm not thrilled with them... There are coming though!

Changes build 57-67:

- new default gamemode Capture the Flag
- construction require support if longer than 5 blocks
- added fully collapsible physical blocks
- added buildable outpost
- added HUD block menu (hold [F])
- change class button is now [E] on tent/outpost
- pressing [E] on team member gives 10 of each materials
- changed bomb throwing
  * pressing [F] lights bomb
  * press [F] again throws at default velocity
  * to throw further you must add momentum from jumping 
- decreased sack/flag throw velocity but is affected by player velocity
- not drawing 0 amount label on objects
- fixed catapult/tent resource icon red
- fixed healing heart not adding to 3 hearts in knight
- fixed client changing health
- Knight respawns with 1 bomb
- fixed respawn timer
- dying near respawn results in longer respawn time (gamemode config variable “nearspawn_multiplier”)
- fixed server trying to delete client object which was never sent
- fixed local player globally banned issue
- fixed chat position after death
- fixed label appearing on tent
- added buildable outpost tent
- trees don’t appear on mountains
- own bomb hurts self
- server list is sorted by player count
- fixed catapult rocks making sounds on die
- fixed m_generator not being loaded
- script can now load from generator files eg. LoadMap(“Scripts/generator_ctf.cfg”);
  * LoadMap(“”); - loads m_generator variable
  * LoadMap(“Scripts/foobar.cfg”); - loads random generator map from config
  * LoadMap(“Maps/foobar.png”); - loads map from png image
 - generator changes:
   * caves don’t appear under respawn
   * materials appear in larger concentrations behind respawn
- improved gib graphics
- added spikes trap
- fixed sacks/flag collisions near tent
- fixed sack/flag throw velocity lag on throw
- fixed tents not being saved on client (with /savemap cmd)
- stuck player gibs
- fixed and optimized collisions
- removed bugged map name from servers list
- fixed tutorial text background
- trees regrow faster
- materials and construction blocks appear as icons + count on HUD
- sound listener center moved to player instead of center of screen
- fixed player label appearing twice on u_shownames set
- fixed crash when wrong generator file specified
- background castle block costs 3 stone
- added and fixed chat console transparency
- fixed ladder and castle back giving wrong resource number on destroy
- fixed chat bubble staying longer after Enter pressed
- builder doesn’t animate if can’t build at position
- fixed invisible body looting
- added “Looted” text for empty bodies
- team members can loot bombs again
- fixed HUD images stretching
- can’t join again own team
- fixed team menu disappearing when [BACKSPACE] pressed first time
- added floating amount of materials added or removed (on mine, loot or give)
- vote kicks can be casted only against one’s team members
- added “readme” information in vote menu
- rcon players are marked with x in players list
- added unlockable map editor
- own player label dissapears when mouse cursor close
- HUD dissapears on death
- trees drop faster
- fixed door issue being placed on tree stump
- fixed spawning removing background behind tent
- map resets after last player left
- slow arrors give half damage

Sat Jun 25, 2011 1:14 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
Changes build 67-70:

- fixed memory leaks on map creation/restart
- can’t vote on self
- player being voted on is marked with red circle
- added message to inform about banning during vote
- all votes are sent to rcon admin
- increased game start to 2 players on team
- added “restartmap_onlastplayer_disconnect” option to game rules (gamemode.cfg)
- decreased max player name characters to 27
- fixed player names having leading or trailing whitespaces
- fixed spikes not removing stone if placed on background
- fixed broken outpost working
- auto-balancing: if teams differ by 2 players can’t switch teams freely
- /kickid cmd is done by player id instead of index (/players views id’s)
- added Admin menu to main menu (for rcon logged players to easily kick, restart map)
- lowered default “nearspawn_multiplier” to 2.2
- bomb range is shorter
- maximum 1 bomb can be carried by Knight
- bomb always kills (unshielded) in close proximity
- gold is always buried at least 5 blocks underground

Changes build 70-71:

- added new give/loot key [C]
- picking arrows or rocks is done with harvest key [RMB] (right mouse)
- only archer can pickup arrows; only builder can pickup rocks
- added Mark Griefer option on scoreboard [TAB]
  * available after 10 mins of game time
  * if enough players mark a player he gets kicked
 - outposts are capturable (stand on it; the more players the faster capture)
 - outposts are 25% stronger (2 bombs)
- fixed network memory leak
- dead bodies don’t block digging
- fixed picking class in destroyed tent
- less hits to gib
- if [TAB] pressed scroeboard stays
- unbalanced team with more players spawns longer
- fixed admin menu kicking
- most bottom row of map cannot be digged/destroyed
- decreased player name length to 20 characters
- fixed block menu not appearing on tent
- console doesn’t scroll if text entered in prompt
- fixed vote server crash
- fixed giving materials not working sometimes
- fixed rcon player ping kick console spam
- fixed 0 time ban from admin

Hotfixes galore!

Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:29 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
I finally get to play KAG :D .Thanks for build 71 Geti.

Tue Jul 05, 2011 1:30 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
Not a problem :) I'm currently overseas and not able to do as much as I'd like towards the game but it's a good time for Michal to tackle fixing what needs ficing, which is what he's working on alongside stockpiles.

Tue Jul 05, 2011 12:50 pm
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