Plot me, you classy women.
Creating my own text adventure.
Just getting the basic framework up, for funs and practice.
However, the entirety of the plot, and the areas, will be non-hardcoded.
So, what I am asking you, DRL, for, is ideas for plot points and areas.
The movement commands will be a bit odd: The description of the room you are moving into depends on the room you are moving from.
So, plot me!
For each command, I need:
Area it is performed in, description on success, description on failure, item needed to do the action, plot point needed to do the action, item removed on action, item gained on action and plot change.
For movement commands, I also need the area that the action takes you to.
Here is what it looks like:
An example action is opening a chest. Requires no plot, and requires a key. The key is not removed, because losing a key is stupid. Inside the chest is a note saying how to open the dragon's door, so Dragon's Door Code Known is now true.
Another example is buying a sword from a trader. It requires 50 gold, which is removed. Plot is not required, and does not change. You gain a sword from this interaction.