Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
CaveCricket48 (Raphael) [8]:
You take advantage of the dwarf's confusion, and raise your shotgun up again, aiming carefully for his head. You pull the trigger, and a lead slug fires forward into the dwarf's face, separating the top half of his head from the bottom. The dwarf falls to the ground, dead.
Ociamarru (Vadim Ivanov) [9-1=8]:
"Help would be appreciated, guys!"You form a barrier around yourself to protect you as best as you can. Not sure exactly how well it WILL protect you, but it's better than nothing. Oh look, the bastard is here to test it.
The dwarf charges up, now using his war hammer. He swings the hammer above his head, then brings it down on the shield. The shield ripples for a moment, then shatters like glass as the war hammer crashes through it and buries itself in the dirt in front of you.
"Ah sheet."Tokochiro (Mana) [3-3=1]:
You look around, dazed. Suddenly, you feel a very sharp pain in your chest, and look down. Oh dear. There is an axe in your chest. That's...bad.
The dwarf leaves you for dead to go fight Raphael.
Amazigh ("Amazigh") [1]:
"Let's get Cooking!"You point your Plasma Caster towards the dwarf, and charge a shot to fire. The dwarf sees this, and flicks his arm at you. Suddenly, there is a sword embedded down the length of the plasma caster's barrel. Well, no using IT anymore.
"Aw ♥♥♥♥."Tomaster (Vladimír Shurla) [1]:
Before you can fire on the dwarf again, he's standing up on his god leg. And...he's dropped all his armor? Oh god he's only wearing a loincloth now. Then in a flash, he's gone. You look around for him but come up short, then see something on the radar behind you. You turn to look, but suddenly there's something on your back and Aw ♥♥♥♥ it's axing at your missile pod!
"No you little bastard, I need that!"Somehow, the missiles don't go off inside the pod. Nonvolatile explosives? Whatever.
caekdaemon (VN Warrior) [7]:
You have Gyro fly close to the dwarf and distract him. The dwarf attempts to hit Gyro with his ax, but Gyro keeps just out of range. This provides you with the opportunity to get back to your robot feet.
Game Events:Raphael: Dead Dwarf.
Vadim: Uninjured Dwarf wielding war hammer.
Mana: Uninjured Dwarf wielding shortsword. Lost his ax, switching to Raphael.
Amazigh: Injured Dwarf wielding nothing. Lost his shield, lost his sword, wounded Left Shoulder.
Vladimir: Injured Dwarf wielding ax. Lost his shield and armor, Kneecap shot.
VN Warrior: Uninjured Dwarf wielding ax.