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 Roll To Dodge: Quarantine (Roll 12: Super Happy Fun Party) 
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Post Roll To Dodge: Quarantine (Roll 12: Super Happy Fun Party)
It's been weeks since we've seen any sign of help from the government.

Their presence was never heavy to start with. Within the first few hours of the outbreak, they made a big show of swarming into the city, specialists on helicopters dropping in and extracting the 'important' people- mainly government officials, military personnel, and their families, but also anyone who was rich enough to persuade any of the former into getting them one of the limited seats on an extraction chopper. The rest of us rushed into our cars, packed all of our belongings, and took off, only to find that the bridge connecting the floating metropolis the mainland was shut down and blockaded by the military. They all urged the citizens to calm down and wait to be cleared for exit, but panic set into the crowd as we watched the growing line progress slower and slower. Some people were crying and screaming, having been separated from their loved ones and fearing the worst. Suddenly, the atmosphere of random chaos changed as a topic of conversation slowly made its way from the back to the front- how fast could they get out, and how fast could the infected get here? Some people were trying to reach friends who had lagged behind or tried to go back into the heart of the city, to get this tool or that item of clothing. In all, there were maybe 20,000 people near the front of the huge bridge alone, and perhaps 100,000 behind them, but this was in a city of one million residents. How many had already fallen victim to the plague? How many in the crowd were going to become victims themselves?

Then it happened. There were specialists in HAZMAT suits at the quarantine boundary who were checking people to make sure they were fit to leave the city. One man had just begun to be checked out when he lurched forward and vomited blood- a dark red with streaks of black mixed in. He looked horrified and then started to back up, raising his hands up as if in a plea. Gunfire broke out as his body was riddled with bullets that tore through him, spilling more blackened fluids to the ground. He fell to his knees and slumped onto the ground, and then a soldier walked up to him and fired a bullet right into his heat for good measure. People shuddered and prepared to move back into their previous line formation, but then the officer overseeing the whole operation appeared on the wall of the boundary, megaphone in hand. "Attention, civilians of Peregrine City! We will no longer be allowing people to pass the quarantine line! The virus has reached the boundary, and until the evacuation zone is sanitized, moving people through the boundary would compromise the integrity of the quarantine. We understand this is an inconvenience-"

That was the last word I heard him speak, because the grumble of the crowd had turned in a roaring wave of fury. People were yelling and threatening the man, who looked nervous at the reaction, but he held his ground. Suddenly, people began to rush the gate of the bridge, pounding at it as though they could force it open with brute strength. Amplified loudspeakers crackled from the platform where the man had been standing- "We are authorized to kill anyone who attempts to compromise the quarantine! Please, for your own safety, back away, calm down, and wait until we are confident that the area is sanitized!" The people kept pounding. The man turned around, spoke briefly into a radio, and then turned back to the crowd, which had lost some of its inertial rage but was still pounding the wall. "This is your final warning! We will open fire if you do not exit the buffer zone between the city and the quarantine line!" As he spoke, the distinct sound of chopper blades became audible as three helicopters flew towards the gate- they'd been hovering off in the distance in case they were needed. The people kept pounding the gate. "You all have 10 seconds to comply!" The choppers drew closer. The people kept pounding. "5 seconds!" As the helicopters pulled close to the gate, they all turned 90 degrees to give their gunners a clear line of sight. The people kept pounding. The man looked stricken, but he had a duty to uphold. He raised the radio once again. I could see his lips form two words- Open fire. Instantly, a storm of metal shrapnel erupted out of the broadside of the choppers, massacring the hundreds of people who had swarmed the quarantine line. Everyone behind them began screaming in horror and fury; some people in the crowd who had brought small arms actually began shooting at the murderous helicopters, but their ineffectual attacks went totally unnoticed. The buffer zone was now overflowing with crippled bodies; most people were mercifully dead, but some of them, moaning and trying to move, were clearly in torturous pain. Nobody dared to go help them.

I was too shocked by the betrayal of the government to really notice it at first; I don't think many people did. God help the few unlucky bastards who saw it coming, because they must have all been up front, with nowhere to run, forced to watch in horror as the massacred bodies turned into beasts. All I remember is hearing renewed screaming as the line folded in on itself and people started running everywhere. Mass panic set in as everyone hightailed it out of there, most of us not even knowing what we were running from. Interestingly enough, the soldiers never opened fire from that point on- the official explanation would be "fear of hitting a civilian".

I went back into the city. It wasn't much better there. People were rioting, looting, mugging, murdering, raping. It was hell on earth. I somehow managed to find my way back to my apartment without getting killed. I locked the door and blocked it off with a bookshelf, then boarded up the windows as best as I could- luckily, I had had the supplies on hand in case of a hurricane. Never imagined I'd be using them for this.

Life never really did go back to normal. The usual bustling noises of city life I was accustomed to hearing were replaced by screams and gunfire for the first few days. Then, those, too, were replaced- by silence. A dreadful, eerie silence. No sounds outside. Rolling blackouts. Batteries for my portable radio were dead, but I was sure the networks had all stopped broadcasting anyways. I was starting to run out of food, and sitting inside all day for a week by myself was taking a serious strain on my mental health. I hadn't slept properly since the incident occurred, and was a jittery mess. I had no choice. If I wanted any chance of survival, I had to go outside. I took nothing but my keys, my flashlight, and my gun, pocketed them all, and then shouldered my bookshelf out of the way. I opened the front door and walked outside into the blinding sunlight, shutting and locking the door behind me. I was expecting something more... dramatic. There were crashed cars here and there, piles of trash, broken windows, and so on, but there weren't heaps of bodies, there weren't any burned buildings, there weren't any rioters smashing up everything they could see. It was all so very strangely quiet- I didn't even hear any birdsong.

There's no going back now. I can't keep looking back on the past. It's time to sort things out, and that starts with finding food, and maybe some people to help me out. I don't know what I plan to do, but I need to be at least steadily surviving somewhere before I even begin to think of plans. No matter what I come up with, though, I need to get the hell out of this quarantine...

Well, if you read through that behemoth of a text wall, good on ya! If not, I can't really blame you. This is the start of my next Roll To Dodge game, RTD: Quarantine. Quarantine is meant to be a survival-horror-mystery game. There won't be any magic, and there won't be any sci-fi Bluniverse-type stuff. It's a game about improvisation and teamwork, and although it'll be pretty straightforward, you may need to get creative every now and then. I'm not going to make it a super-hardcore-survival-you-must-eat-and-drink-and-piss-and-sleep; by survival, I mean "don't die."

Note on weapons: As you're a civilian in a city, you're not likely going to have an M240 hiding under your office desk, unless you're FPSRussia or something. I'm expecting lots of melee stuff- knives, shovels, axes, and so forth- and while I'm more than willing to accept small arms like automatic pistols, revolvers, shotguns, and hunting rifles, ammunition will likely be limited. You can start with only two weapons, so choose wisely- melee weapons are easier to use and never run out of ammo, but ranged weapons will help you if you're fighting a swarm of infected humans. It's probably best to go with one gun and one melee weapon, but feel free to do whatever you feel like.

Character Creation List
Weapons: (2 allowed)
Passive Abilities: (1 allowed)
Inventory: (2 allowed)

Current Players (6/6)
Tomaster: Ronald Olek
TorrentHKU: John Freeman
CaveCricket48: Raphael Mebbit
Asklar: Charlie Cross
GlowstickNinja: Fred Jacobs
Ociamarru: Matthew Middleton

Waiting List
Allstone: Joseph Chuah
spungypirate: Karl Johnson
caekdaemon: Bob Jones
crodude: Roman Tshivokshamot
pseudorastafari: Dan Smith

Dead Players List

Roll History

Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:36 am
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Post Re: Roll To Dodge: Quarantine
Tomaster reporting for duty.
Character sheet inbound.
Name: Ronald Olek
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Appearance: 6'2" and built. Although he's in prime condition for a man approaching his 40's, it's all muscle built from weight lifting, not cardio activity. He's sporting an unkempt neckbeard, and a shaggy mane of brown hair. He's of Polish descent.
- Remington Model 750 (Semi-automatic large game hunting rifle)
- Fire Axe
Passive Abilities:
- Muscular (+1 in melee combat)
- 40 .350 Remington Magnum bullets
- 5 methamphetamine injectors (+1 to rolls for 2 rolls, -1 to rolls afterwards for 1 roll)

Last edited by Tomaster on Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:37 am
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Post Re: Roll To Dodge: Quarantine
Joining. Char sheet in a sec.

Character Creation List
Name: John Freeman
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Appearance: GOATEE
- Crowbar
- Beretta U22 Neos (18/18)
Passive Abilities:
- Cool Under Pressure (+1 during stressful or dangerous situations)
- Bigass Bottle of Vodka
- Roll of Duct Tape

Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:40 am
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Post Re: Roll To Dodge: Quarantine
Joining in a bit as well.

Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:41 am
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Post Re: Roll To Dodge: Quarantine
Name: Raphael Mebbit
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Appearance: Tall and lean, agile but averaged-strength. Black hair, grey eyes and light skin.
Weapons: M1911 pistol, Crowbar
Passive Abilities: Free Runner (+1 movement/navigating terrain)
Inventory: Box of 256 .45 ACP rounds, Silencer for pistol

Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:52 am
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Post Re: Roll To Dodge: Quarantine
Name: Charlie Cross
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Appearance: Tall, thin. Used to be a paramedic.
Weapons: Metal Pipe, .356 Revolver with 18 bullets.
Passive Abilities: First Aid (+1 on healing)
Inventory: Flashlight, Bandages.

Last edited by Asklar on Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:02 am
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Post Re: Roll To Dodge: Quarantine
Joining. Character sheet incoming.

Name: Fred Jacobs
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Appearance: Medium height and build Fred has medium/short Brown hair. Fairly athletic.
Trench Spike
M1 Carbine (1x 25 round magazines)
Passive Abilities:
Blades don't need reloading: +1 to melee attacks on zombies and/or any creature of the classification 'The living dead'
Large backpack
2x Box of .30 Carbine (7.62x33mm) cartridges ( 25 per box)

Last edited by Glowsticks on Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:28 am, edited 4 times in total.

Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:24 am
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Post Re: Roll To Dodge: Quarantine
Name: Matthew Middleton
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Appearance: Short, about 5'8"/172cm tall. Thin, too, weighing a bit over 115lb/52kg. Medium-long, crisp brown hair with dark brown eyes. Pale skin. Lean body, more well-defined than muscular.
Clear, soft skin. Slightly-childlike, though relatively gaunt face. Outfitted in almost-entirely black tennis shoes, dark and faded blue jeans, a plain purple T-shirt, and a dark grey, small-ish hoody with thin, dark diagonal stripes.
Weapons: HK45 w/4x 10 Rd mag
Medium-weight fire axe
Passive Abilities: Adrenaline rush (Heightened reflexes and senses, slower time, greater strength and alertness when confronted with danger [IE: dire combat, mortal injury, perilous terrain] followed by weakened recovery period)
Inventory: 4x .45 ACP ammo (20 Rd/box)
Man-powered LED flashlight

Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:28 am
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Post Re: Roll To Dodge: Quarantine
Name: Joseph Chuah (Waiting list)
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Appearance: Compactly muscular, slightly small build. Little evidence of attention to appearance. Clothes are emblazoned with symbols with meaning to those involved in organised crime and are otherwise unremarkable besides their propensity to be as non-restrictive as possible and to be thick enough to conceal weapons as well as to stand being ground into asphalt. They appear to have had this treatment exacted upon them at some point in the past, which produces similarities with the face of the wearer.
-KM2000 Combat Knife ~0.5kg
--Sharpener in hilt
-PP-2000 ~1.5kg
--Highly recognisably illegal
--Non-integral silencer
--Folding stock
--Loads 9x19mm rounds
--Can accept high pressure rounds
Passive Abilities:
-Experienced Criminal
--Automatically draws hostility from law enforcement and lawful citizens by nature of appearance, speech, manner, attitudes, owned property, etc.
--Will generally draw hostility from most people
--Will be shot on sight by many other criminals
--Experienced with the activities implied by a life sustained by association with criminal organisations, garnering a +1 bonus to these activities
--More likely to own and be familiar with illegal goods
-A supply of 9mm ammunition for the PP-2000 ~2.5kg
--2 20 Round Magazines (PP-2000)
--1 30 Round Magazine (PP-2000)
--300 9x19mm Rounds (Commercial)
--40 7N31 9x19mm Armour Piercing Rounds (Military, Illegal, Damages weapons that are not designed for high pressure ammunition)
-Mafia Symbol Pendant (Black Bears) <0.5kg
--Identifies wearer as criminal, drawing hostility
--Draws extreme hostility from criminals of opposing groups
--Intimidates people who recognise it
--Improves dealings with other members of the Black Bears

Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:13 am
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Post Re: Roll To Dodge: Quarantine
Wow, this filled up pretty quick. Updated the player lists and I'll be rolling sometime today.

Wed Jun 15, 2011 2:49 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Dodge: Quarantine
Before I roll:

I need your starting locations. Feel free to get creative with these, but they can range, as an example, from the following:
  • House
  • Apartment
  • Store
  • Office
  • Library
  • Police Station
  • Hospital

Your location will affect how quickly you meet up with the other survivors. It will also affect what items you will be able to scavenge early on in the game. It will also affect how many infected will be near you when you begin. As a rule of thumb, there are few infected near residential areas (homes, apartments) and more in the "core" of the city, where many of the more desirable start locations are (store, police station, etc) Feel free to have a location different than the ones listed, but it can't be something unbalanced like "ABANDONED MILITARY BASE GUARDED BY AUTOMATED TURRETS" or "UNDERGROUND REINFORCED BUNKER" or "NUCLEAR AIRCRAFT CARRIER".

Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:00 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Dodge: Quarantine
Well, I'm basing my character off of where I see myself several years from now, which will probably be college. Put me in a dorm somewhere, I guess.

Last edited by Ociamarru on Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:03 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Dodge: Quarantine
Fourth floor of an apartment building for me, please.

Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:04 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Dodge: Quarantine
Put me in the top level of an apartment.

Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:24 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Dodge: Quarantine
Second floor of a police station, please.

Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:21 am
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