Re: RtD - Blue: On the Day of an Angel
Tomaster [3]: The door is already ajar... You just push it open and enter with the others.
GlowstickNinja (Jackson Winters) [4]: You continue to the hut, and enter it with the others.
CaveCricket48 (Kurt D. Hopkins) [5]: You enter the hut like a badass. The ground quakes and the timbers shudder at the magnitude of your majesty. Good god, you're giving yourself goosebumps.
FoiL [2]: You are already at the end of the path, so you enter the hut.
Barnox [6]: The others can handle things inside. You decide to search a bit. The platforms on the way to this one were barren, that much is easy to tell, but this one has something in the way... You head around back and sure enough, there's something on the ground. A little mound of dirt lies there innocently, packed hard so it looks like something was buried beneath it. Sure enough, when you dig a little bit, you find... Something.
It's an orb. About the size of a softball, glassy and completely smooth, and colored a purple that borders on black. You pick it up, almost expecting something to happen. Nothing does.
Amazigh [6]: You enter the hut, trip over Kurt's majesty, and fall flat on your face.
dhart5000 [2]: "Oh god help me!"You hear something off in the distance. It sounded a bit like... a scream?
"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, SAVE ME!"Game Events: Inside the hut is a mess. Boards from the roof hang loose, rotting away from their nails. The few pieces of furniture are broken and weather worn. The whole thing looks as though it could fall over if given a good shove. But it protects from the elements outside, regardless that it's actually quite mild.
One good thing about the hut is that it's bigger inside than it looks outside. Not to say that it's big though, because it was never designed to fit 6 people at once. Yes, six. Aside from the 5 Rollers that just entered, there's someone lying under a thick wool blanket on the floor of the hut, opposite the door. Since there's little else of interest or intact in the hut, everyone looks to the figure. Eventually, Kurt works up the courage to creep up and touch it.
"Mmm..."It's alive!
The figure sits up, revealing a women with sharp features, a natural scowl built into her face, and a bright mane of iridescent orange hair. The blanket also slides off, revealing that the woman is, er, slightly less than clothed. It takes her a few moments longer than audience to realize this.
"Mmm... Hmm? Huh? AH!"Blushing furiously, she brings the blanket up to hide herself.
Everyone except dhart is in the hut.
dhart5000 is in the water near the first platform.