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 King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like 
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
I really hope you get alot of builds in a short time period your doin a nice job. :D

Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:10 pm
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
So yeah for those that haven't seen yet: ... 7-released

Changes 51-57:

- fixed local player globally banned when bot banned
- my player is highlited in players list
- dead player collision radius is smaller
- build block cursor blink red if not enough material
- bomb now gibs people
- new death fall frame
- fixed ping kick not kicking
- bedrock layer lays on the bottom of each map
- modified bedrock look and amount
- bedrock bomb destroying leaves rocks
- bubble emote shows for 2 seconds after pressing key
- added mandatory vote kick typed reason
- vote caster displayed in vote box
- number of votes displayed
- vote dissapears if passes
- added radius of sight into earth
- fixed network errors and previous release lag
- added dirt block [experimental]
- added new config variable m_generator; specifies the map generator config file (default: “Scripts/generator.cfg”)
- knight destruction is 50% slower
- thick rock has its own destruction animation and takes longer to harvest
- thick rock takes 6 hits
- rock digging takes 5 hits
- ground digging takes 3 hits
- door needs 5 wood and 3 stone
- ladder needs 4 wood (10 in tree block)
- destroyed door gives 1 wood and 1 stone less
- trees are higher (more wood)
- sacks cannot go behind team tent
- cannot carry own team’s sack on to the enemy side of the map
- health is synced over network
- fixed sack team changed on client when picked up
- changed chat font
- increased small font size
- fixed mouse cursor stuck in menu
- if hit someone map isn’t hit

Cool stuff like this happens:


Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:24 pm
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
As for crossbows being an upgrade to the archer: I'd have to say that's a tad unrealistic. Longbows are superior to crossbows; they have higher range, power, accuracy, and reload faster. A crossbow's only advantage is the fact that you can cock a bolt and then run around with it- it's more like a close-to-medium range weapon. Maybe they should start with crossbows and upgrade to longbows?

Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:50 pm
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
I don't know about IRL but gameplay wise a crossbow would be great for flavour. Could have less drop off, bolts could move faster or do more damage, and (I'm assuming) you will be able to run around full speed with the crossbow cocked. A humongous advantage over the bow which inflicts a huge movement penalty if you want to keep an arrow charged up.

A huge part of my archery game is mobility. I like to move right up to the enemy at times, and retreat at others. A crossbow (if they will perform as I theorize) would allow you to dance around knights with a fully charged bolt. Not really important to killing knights but again a big part of my game is taking out archers a screen away who think I'm distracted by the knight two tiles from me. It would allow you to retreat at full speed while retaining the threat of a swift long range shot. I'm all for crossbows if its something the dev team is considering.


I FINALLY beat dragonxp's score of 40+ and 2. ♥♥♥♥ yeah, now I can go back to building. Stupid dxp. -_- I didn't need to die those deaths though. First death was from kungfuing over a knight and getting slapped. Second time was a worker surprise jumping up to me and zapping me dead. I forgot those two guys had like 33 ping while I had 166. Though I will admit I got lucky, the few archers they sent weren't very good, and their failures discouraged subsequent archer play. They also didn't think to build a roof, which allowed me to get quite a few "shoot straight up" shots. I also had a few very narrows scrapes with catapult shots.

Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:18 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
Well,i think that longbows should fire much slower...When i climb ladders and archer is above me he fires 20 arrows in 5 seconds...If you go whit that IRL than you need to take out the arrow put it,stretch and fire...It could be half of that time,for games sake,but everything faster is just like shooting whit automatic sniper rifle...Some segments in this game are way to easy,and some too hard!
I believe that you will find the right balance one day but also there will always be someone who will not like it :roll:

Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:41 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
HA1TER wrote:
Well,i think that longbows should fire much slower...When i climb ladders and archer is above me he fires 20 arrows in 5 seconds...If you go whit that IRL than you need to take out the arrow put it,stretch and fire...It could be half of that time,for games sake,but everything faster is just like shooting whit automatic sniper rifle...Some segments in this game are way to easy,and some too hard!
I believe that you will find the right balance one day but also there will always be someone who will not like it :roll:

If longbows need a slower shooting speed than crossbows would shoot at least 4 times slower.

Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:19 pm
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
Ragdollmaster wrote:
Longbows are superior to crossbows; they have higher range, power, accuracy, and reload faster.

Crossbows are more powerful than longbows at short range and are comparable in power at long range, they also have a longer range, crossbows are more accurate at short range but less accurate at long range, the main disadvantage they face is lower fire rate, but they also have much faster shots than Longbows.
Imo crossbows could be done so you have to charge the shot while stationary, but can then move with a charged shot.

Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:21 pm
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
No, not at all. Medieval crossbows had comparable power at short range, but at long range, the longbow was much more powerful. It was also more accurate at longer ranges; despite the "longer" range of the crossbow, it's really meant to be close-quarters weapon. I wouldn't trust its accuracy past 100 feet. Their bolts are not that much faster than longbow arrows, and they also decelerate at a higher rate. Longbows fired significantly faster than crossbows- a skilled longbow archer could put out 8 to 10 arrows per minute, while a skilled crossbow archer would be lucky to put out 1 bolt per minute. Crossbows were mainly adapted because they were more mobile, cheaper to make, and required little to no training, whereas longbow archers required years of training to become really effective.

Crossbows would be like the shotgun of this game- great at close range, but slow-firing and inaccurate at long range.

Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:43 pm
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
dragonxp wrote:
If longbows need a slower shooting speed than crossbows would shoot at least 4 times slower.

Where is the problem? :P longbow could be 1 arrow every 3 seconds,crossbow every 5?
And imagine this,you shoot an arrow in enemy,it gets stuck and stay at that point where you hit him.Teammate comes and take that arrow out and heals him XD imagination :roll:

Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:00 pm
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
1 arrow per 3 seconds is only about twice as fast as a real-life longbow. 1 arrow per 5 seconds is about twelve times as fast as a real-life crossbow.

Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:06 pm
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
Ragdollmaster wrote:
1 arrow per 3 seconds is only about twice as fast as a real-life longbow. 1 arrow per 5 seconds is about twelve times as fast as a real-life crossbow.

Well,also IRL you cant jump 2 meters high XD Game needs to be a game,but to throw in a part of RL is not bad...
Than Longbow 3 seconds,hard to aim at close range,big arrows(Faster shooting cause it is hard to hit moving targets at long range).Crossbow 6 seconds(everything above is just too much),instakill whitout a shield at close range,medium at medium range,weak at high range...(one good shoot at close range and you are done)And yea i know,they are not to different tralalala.Also,why are we commenting something no one clearly sayd that it will be done? :???:

Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:59 pm
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
Yeah I have a feeling that extensive realism isn't something that they're going for in this game
Fun is always vastly more important than whether it's accurate to what actually would happen

Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:08 pm
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like ... e-the-flag

I'd post the image here but hotlinking from tumblr is problematic.

Feedback would be excellent.

Fri Jun 17, 2011 12:53 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
Huh it's not letting me post there. Looks really great. Will armouries be where we get fancy swag for gold? And what about those decorations you were talking about? :P

Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:01 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
Sadly decorations have been put on hold, as the rooms (quarters, armoury, possibly stockpiling rooms) will provide some form of interior decoration. I have some chairs and tables and whatnot pixelled and they'll find their way into the game somehow but not until the RTS version with halls and barracks etc.

The armoury will be where you can make bombs from gold or cheaper arrows, essentially a military supplies room. It might be able to make fire arrows once we've got fire in-game (which looks to be a while off). Either in this mode or the RTS one there'll also be a trading post that you can exchange gold for more stuff as well.

We want gold to be as useful as we can make it without mitigating uses for the other resources.

Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:33 am
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