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 King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like 
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
Want a good read? ... -link-dead

DAME777 wrote:
O and are you still working on Prelude and Robot V. Robot?

Not at the moment, I will at some point. I've got a lot on my plate at the moment.

Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:32 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
That was a pretty intelligent and info filled read. On Topic: Are you mostly focused on KAG Geti or you have any tricks up your sleeve?

Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:06 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
At the moment I'm focussed more on study than on game creation to be honest, however I've got a pile of side projects that haven't ever seen the light of day. I'm certainly not only relying on KAG for my bread, but it is a focus for me currently.

Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:24 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
thx for the link!Now my eyes bleed XD Interesting text!
Today i had lots of fun whit some guys who played as a real team!We finished before we even made a vault XD
But also we had problems whit people voting to kick me and one more guy cause we used bombs to destroy green blocks and they have think that we are tryng to destroy their work-_- If only they asked...
There is also one thing that makes me so mad,and it is stealing our bags from one of our guys!Is there a way to limit a player so he cant take it more than,i dont know 30 blocks or less??Maybe to be able to kill him after that,or he respawns back whit that bag or something...Also,i dont see player names from the other team :S and i am sure there was a guy who killed us using arrows whit only one shoot!Hacking?
I will stop making long posts i promise!
Anyone for a teamwork game?

Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:53 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
Geti what about the Side projects(I'm kind of bein nosy but I'm interested) and I would love for you to work on Prelude it's like a diamond in the ground you have to work on it and you get something special.

Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:15 pm
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
DAME777 wrote:
Geti what about the Side projects(I'm kind of bein nosy but I'm interested)
That would be better discussed in the 1BD development thread, not here in the KAG thread, though I'm not really willing to talk about unfinished work at this point :)

HA1TER wrote:
i am sure there was a guy who killed us using arrows whit only one shoot!Hacking?
This happens when such a player gets a "headshot", but in laggy situations that is more or less luck of the draw, not skill, so we're thinking of removing it...

Tue Jun 14, 2011 2:10 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
Are you going to add cannon's? If so you could have an upgrade for the Archer called the Marksman.

The Marksman could use a musket that use's related parts to a cannon it would be a pretty neat class.
The Marksman is like a lethal sniper slow reload high damage and as strong as an Archer(health wise).

Like this Idea?

Tue Jun 14, 2011 3:05 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
We're going to keep it medieval, not colonial -> no muskets. Cannons might happen very late game in the RTS-ish version.

People seem to get confused about the time period...

Tue Jun 14, 2011 3:13 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
Cannons and muskets were invented in the 1260A.D in the medieval times.

Tue Jun 14, 2011 3:46 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
Wrong. According to wikipedia, that's when hand cannons are first recorded to be in use in asia.
Firearms in general didn't enter 'standard' use until the late 16th century. Sure, a few battles involving firearms happened in the late 1400s but they weren't standard by anyone's measurement.

Besides, it's more fun to have a maximum advancement to arrows and leave the heavier stuff to constructions - I don't think KAG lends itself to true sniping very well, and I kind of like that.

Tue Jun 14, 2011 3:58 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
That's a derp on me I misread it because I looked at muskets and it brought up hand cannons which are totally different.

Could there be a crossbow same more damage slower reload more range and call the upgrade the Marksman since he still applies for a sniper.

It would be a good change basically you have the CQC(knight),Engineer(builder),assault(archer),and sniper(Marksman) I think it would add a new taste to the combat a more sweeter one.

Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:04 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
We aren't sure whether we're going to add peripheral classes (like clerics etc) but if crossbows make it in they'll be an upgrade to the archer, not a separate class.

We're looking into ways of dealing with all of that now. I cant say much about it because nothing's concrete and I can just see words getting taken out of context or taken as "THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN IN GAME", however just wait and see where the game goes. Next build is due in a few days.

Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:40 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
Geti wrote:
Next build is due in a few days.

You know i love you right? :machine:

Tue Jun 14, 2011 9:56 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
I mean within the hour.

Night chaps (and dames), here's hoping mike's fixed up the netcode a little.

Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:15 pm
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
Well,what to say...AWSOOOMMMEEEE :D
I just love how i am blown into pieces!!!But also when i destroy an enemy,no extra bombs :/
The new "aura" thing around player is cool.Now i can find gold much easier.
No more stealing of bags :O,i am so happy i could die!
Negative thing is when 3 guys goes to hell whit bombs it lags that second.Did not try it home whit my PC doh.
Well,my guess is if you continue to add stuff that we all want we will start to complain about lag etc. :roll:
Ok,2 much to write,and i said no more big posts XD
Great great job!I love it more and more!If only every dev could be like you and make so much of great job in so little time...In update list i can see that you have done at least 10 things that people asked!WOW
Oh one more thing,can u fix that bug when people start to act like F**S?That would be so cool!I would give you 20$ for that :-P
EDIT:Small thing about the bag now,sry,didnt see it till now!When you reach the limit where you can take the sack there is no way to return it in vault XD I tried to pick it up and to push it whit knight but didnt help...I mean,nothing too bad,just need to be more careful when dropping it!

Tue Jun 14, 2011 6:03 pm
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