Re: RtD - Blue: On the Day of an Angel
Rolling like some sort of boss.
Tomaster [2]: "Huh..."You get back up and walk down the path towards where Barnox went, much too cool to let falling bother you.
Oddly, you're getting deja vu from this place.
GlowstickNinja (Jackson Winters) [2]: "Bloody ground attacking our ankles..."Alright, you sound crazy! Yay!
Suddenly, you see Barnox fall. You leap forward, and barely manage to grab him and pull him back to safety in time.
CaveCricket48 (Kurt D. Hopkins) [3]: You head down the path towards the end.
FoiL [2]: You go down the path without problems.
Barnox [1]: You decide to wait for the others, and mill around a bit on the platform. Then, as you walk around it, a weak spot breaks, and you suddenly find yourself sliding down the side. Thankfully for you, someone grabs your wrist as you begin to fall and pulls you back. It was that Jackson fellow.
"THANK YOU GOOD SIR."Amazigh [2]: You leap across the platforms with boundless bravery, ignoring Barnox almost falling, and make it over to the end without falling down at all! Wow, this hut has seen better days... There are several missing planks in the walls, chunks of roof are missing, you're not even sure if the door is latched.
dhart5000 [1]: On the ground, you attempt to get up, but a patch of especially slippery algae causes you to slide rather than stand. You slip again, and fall of the edge of the platform into the water below.
Game Events: Everyone except dhart is at the last platform.
dhart5000 is in the water near the first platform.