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 Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder 
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
>Fire Plasma Caster at the Shark Attacking Shamu.

Wed May 25, 2011 1:35 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder

CaveCricket48 (Raphael) [2-3=1]:
You fall over, drop your Spas, and feebly pull out your MP7.
Then the shark is right above you, and sonofabitch that was your hand and your gun.

Ociamarru (Vadim Ivanov) [8]:
The shark lunges forward towards you, and smacks into a psionic barrier you projected in front of you at the last second. It falls to the floor and grabs its nose with its hand, then screeches in surprise as you fire your Sig Sauer at the shark through a mail-hole sized opening in your wall. Sadly, the small gun doesn't do much unless you hit the shark somewhere delicate.

Tokochiro (Mana) [9]:
You take a running leap at Raphael's shark, delivering a boot to the side of its head. It staggers to the side and turns to face this new threat. Then it receives a 9mm present in each eye. The shark falls to the ground in pain, and you use half the remaining ammo in your clip to put it down.

Amazigh ("Amazigh") [3]:
The shark is on the ground in front of you. Right in front of you. Too low to fire your Plasma Caster at.

Tomaster (Vladimír Shurla) [6]:
"Poor Raphael. If it makes you feel any better, as soon as you start to zombify, I'll blow your head clean off."
You look over, but Mana has it covered pretty nicely. And awesomely.

caekdaemon (VN Warrior) [4]:
There is only one shark left to shoot, so you walk yourself over to where firing at it won't hit Amazigh OR Vadim.

Game Events:
1 Injured One-Armed Shark attacking Ociamarru.

Fri May 27, 2011 2:23 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
Stroll over to Raphael, and apply bandages from my first aid kit to his stumps. See if there's antibiotics in there too. If so, use 'em on the zombie virus.
You look pretty ♥♥♥♥ to me dude.

Fri May 27, 2011 3:06 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
Make psionic guillotine blade above shark head, and hop away immediately after it's there.

Fri May 27, 2011 3:21 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
"I might have to replace my lost limbs with psionic ones. Unless someone wants to remove my parts from the shark's digestive track and stitch them back onto me."

Fri May 27, 2011 3:31 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder

Just remembered I removed my bot's ability to speak.
Fire, machine gun only.

Fri May 27, 2011 4:55 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
>Step back from the shark.

Fri May 27, 2011 5:01 pm

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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
Name: James Argus (I am awful with names)
Age: 32
Physical Description: Tall and thin with a very light colored skin tone. Hair is short and jet black.
Backstory: Worked as a scientist for 6 years in a lesser know branch of the military studying and developing anything considered useful.
Before the end of the world he created a prototype explosive that could easily pierce through even very dense metals with relative ease. However a test showed the explosives to cause a very large amount of stress to general shielding usually severely damaging the shield or totally disabling it. After Armageddon he joined Nova corp and briefly became a weapon designer helping to create the plans for his own mech.


Name: Stinger
Height/Weight: 13 meters and 40 tons
Physical Description: Built around the use of the light rail sniper. Located on the back of the mech in both bipedal and quadruped forms. Mech has the ability to alternate from bipedal to quadruped. Cockpit is in the center of the mech with multiple cameras set up on the outside of the mech. Two jets are set up on the back of the mech for either dashing forward in quadruped form or high jumps in bipedal form. Bipedal form is used mainly for maneuvering and traveling while Quadruped is used for battle and using the rail gun.

Waiting list please.
Classification: Medium
Combat Role: Support
Primary Weapon: Machine gun used for suppression and moderate damage.
Secondary Weapon: Light Rail Sniper used for piercing heavy armor and damaging critical areas of mechs (Used in quadruped form)
Abilities: Sniper expert (+1 when shooting from long range) Panic (-1 to actions when in close combat)
Super Weapon: Energy blast (Fires an extreme amount of energy from the sniper cannon. Destroys the power cell of the mech and disables the sniper cannon.

Fri May 27, 2011 9:15 pm

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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
"Fire at the shark attacking Vadim"

Sat May 28, 2011 6:34 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder

CaveCricket48 (Raphael) [1-4=1]:
You can't talk on account of all the screaming.

Ociamarru (Vadim Ivanov) [8]:
You let your barrier disappear, then hop forward to form a large guillotine blade above the shark's head. You aren't yet skilled enough to move your objects without touching them, but you CAN make them heavy as hell. The blade falls down right on the shark's neck, and with a loud crunch, the head pops right off. Then to punctuate the fact that the shark is dead, the VN Warrior fires a liberal amount of .50 cal rounds through the shark's body.

Tokochiro (Mana) [3]:
You turn to fire at the last shark, and...
Actually, they've got this covered.

Amazigh ("Amazigh") [10]:
You step the hell back, and a hail of bullets fills the space where you were a moment ago. That was a LEETLE bit close.

Tomaster (Vladimír Shurla) [10]:
You consider trying to help Raphael, but then remember that you're small enough to fit in his hand. The most you could help with is a cut on his hand.

caekdaemon (VN Warrior) [4]:
You fire the M1B, letting loose a storm of lead towards the shark. Amazigh steps back just in time to avoid the shots, and Vadim is protected by his giant guillotine blade. The rounds from your gun rip through the shark's corpse, utterly wrecking it. Not that it mattered much, since it was already dead.

Game Events: All 6 sharks are defeated. The corpses of the sharks turn to a dark mist, and fade away. Then, the man in the white coat sitting in the stands stands up and waves his arm once in front of him. Something small and dark falls out of the air and hits the ground next to Raphael's head. It's a die. A ten sided die. One that landed on 9.
Suddenly, Raphael's missing limbs are wrapped in a blinding energy, and most of his body emits a soft glow, as if the same energy were inside him. When it fades, his limbs are back, and he's alive. His gun is on the floor where the shark was, in multiple pieces. Unlike most, this shark seemed to chew what it ate.

Suddenly, the man in the overcoat is down on the arena floor, standing with the 6 Warriors. He speaks.
"You've slain the sharks, good job. Now, what would you like as your reward? Its Tooth, its Fin, or its Bone?

Sun May 29, 2011 1:25 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
"I wants its fin"
Take the MGL and load it with some incendiary grenades.

Last edited by Tokochiro on Sun May 29, 2011 2:41 am, edited 4 times in total.

Sun May 29, 2011 1:53 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
"Eh...what to choose, what to choose. Heads, tooth. Tales, bone." Coin flip! Lands on side! "Oooh....fin?"

Used an RNG to determine the outcome, with best two out of three. Didn't want to choose fin after the first two numbers were 2 (fin), so did it three more times. Kept on getting 2 , so to make the universe shut up I'll pick fin.

Sun May 29, 2011 2:07 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder

I'm guessing bone is armour, basically due it to it being structural.

Sun May 29, 2011 2:11 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
I figured tooth was offensive, bone was defensive and fin was neither, more a utility. Tooth, you might get a gun. Bone, you might find some body armor. Fin, maybe some ENVG or intel on the enemy.

I didn't want fin, but the RNG said so. And hey, maybe it'll turn out to be more useful than I thought!

Sun May 29, 2011 2:19 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
♥♥♥♥ RNG, I want the tooth.
Tooth, por favor.

Sun May 29, 2011 2:30 am
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