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Re: Roll to Dodge - Mecha Mission 1
(Vladimír Shurla) [3]: "Hey, someone get me back into a standing position. I don't need to move to shoot."Nobody responds. Of course not, that would be too useful and logical.
- Field Medical Kit
- Field Repair Kit
- 9mm Glock
MechaRoast Veg
(Aark-han) [1-1=1]: You turn around to leave, having heard Thomas give the order to kill something.
You smack into a glass door in the front of the hospital. Even worse, you were holding your bottle of painkillers when you did, and they went spilling across the floor. There's no way you're finding them in all the debris around here.
Well, you still have the one you poured out into your hand at least...
- Field Medical Kit
- Field Repair Kit
- 9mm Glock
- Rough Map of the Exoneration
- 1 Painkiller
- Broken Nose (Splinted)
- Missing Tooth (-1 to rolls)
("Amazigh") [3]: "Target Spotted, Bearing E30°S, Distance 2500M and closing, Engaging."You take aim and fire your autocannons, and the shots fly off into the distance, towards the blur. The shot fly true, but only 1 hits the blur. It's closer than you thought...and bigger...and tougher, since the FAPDS round didn't even slow it down.
- Cyborg Enhancements
- Field Medical Kit
-- No "Bleeding Stopper"
- Field Repair Kit
- 9mm Glock
(James Argus) [10]:"So you would rather have me locked in a little room instead of helping. I can understand that. Who's taking my place while i sit here rotting?"
"Nobody since you decided to go crazy on such short notice. Hmm?"A communicator on Nairle's wrist goes off. She answers it.
"I'm busy right now, call me back later.
I told you, I'm bu-
I'll be right there. And have the pilots fire at will."She beeps off the communicator.
"We'll finish this talk later."Nairle gets up, opens the door to the room, and leaves, slamming the door shut behind her.
- Sniper expert (+1 when shooting from long range)
- Panic (-1 to actions when in close combat)
- Broken Legs (Anesthetized and splinted, cannot walk)
(John Kosloswa) [10-3=7]:You grope around on the various counters for a medkit, keeping a firm grasp on a steady handhold this time. You find one, and fish out an alchohol wipe. It burns like hell to clean your wound with it, but that just means it's working!
You take a peek back out in the hallway, but see nothing resembling a living organism.
- Field Medical Kit
- Field Repair Kit
- 9mm Glock
-8/18 Rounds
- Sports Watch
- Visitor's Map
- Rat Bite on Right Ankle (-1 to rolls)
- Concussion (-2 to rolls for 1 turn, -1 to rolls for 2 turns after)
(Kaime Freins) [4]: To make sure JUSTICE is properly dispensed, you set your foot down on the roof of the store where you THINK that the lizard nest was. Maybe. Well, if it wasn't then ah well. It kinda ruins the purpose of scouting out a building if you wreck it though.
- Field Medical Kit
-- No "Bleeding Stopper"
-- No Bandages
- Field Repair Kit
- Roll of Bandages
- Missing Left Leg (Cannot Walk)
- Bandaged Hand (-1 to actions with right hand)
MechaGame Events: ♥♥♥♥ that thing's fast!AREA MAP UPLOADED.