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 Roll To Die - ENDED 
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Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Roll To Die
6 7 4 2 2 [Robots]

Clone #25942 [8] "Hey number 3! I need you to reload my gun!" > Hand the grenade launcher to clone #25943, and pull out my assault rifle. Fire at the closest robot.
You pass your Grenade Launcher over to #25943 and he fumbles with it for a bit before putting it on the ground. You take aim and fire at the closest Robot, several rounds strike it's head and chunks of metal are sent flying into the back wall.
-Weak Telekinesis
-Assault Rifle [18/30]
-Combat Knife
-Burn Scars [-1 to some rolls]
-Grazed Leg [-1 to rolls involving fast Movement]

Clone #25943 [6] >Hit Reload on the grenade launcher, drop it, open fire on robots.
After taking the Grenade Launcher you try and fail to find a reload button, you come to the realisation that a single shot weapon probably wouldn't need a manual override reload button. After dropping it you open Fire on the Robots and manage to Damage three of them, Destroying ones eye, destroying anothers chest plating and somehow detonating the magazine on the thirds weapon, a replacement is quickly brought out from it's back, it'd seem that these Robots don't have auto-loaders.
-Weak Telekinesis
-Moderate Physical Barrier
--Barrier [|||---] [3 turns]
-Assault Rifle [18/30]
-Grenade Launcher [#25942's] [0/1] [|||||---] [RELOAD SLOWED]
-Scarred Right Leg [Movement Speed Reduction]
-Scarred Stomach [Slightly Lower Damage Resistance]

Clone #25944 [1] >Continue firing electrobolts at as many robots as possible while trying to remain semi covered by the barrier infront of me.
You fling several more Bolts at the Robots but you only manage to hit the one that #25942 just Disabled Permanently. Sadly you aren't covered by the barrier as well as you would like to be and take a bullet to your left arm.
-Weak Psychic Barrier
-Bladed Right Hand
-Burn Scars [-1 to some Rolls]
-Bullet Wound [-1 to some Rolls]

Clone #25945 [7-1=6] >Get up and run behind the barrier.
You get up and Run behind the barrier making sure to be well behind it, Thankfully your Projector manages to catch the few bullets that would of hit you in your mad dash.
-Machinegun [16/50]
-Basic Targeting System
-Medium Static Field Projector [64%]
-Extensive Bullet Wounds [-1 to most actions]
-Bleeding [-1 to some actions]

Clone #25946 [4] Get back and keep shooting, if safe, address my ear.
You fire off four more Beams but fail to hit anything, the Robots thankfully fail to hit you for now most having limbs that are damaged in some way seemingly making aiming harder. you don't feel safe enough to deal with your ear at the moment but maybe when there are only a few Robots left you might be able to do so safely.
-Pulse Laser [53%]
-Scarred Chest [Slightly Lower Damage Resistance]
-Bleeding [-1 to some actions]
-Missing Left Ear [-1 to hearing]

Clone #25958 [7] Fire the last shot, reload, then cover what little of me is visible and fire some more.
You aim, pull the trigger, and are met with a Distinctly unsatisfying Click, Uhh maybe the internal Magazines contents are unusable while reloading? After you spend a few seconds pondering that you realise that the gun is finished reloading and fire on the closest Robot, Your Round Punches through it's Chest Smashing several Components out it's back, That ♥♥♥♥ isn't going to cause you any more trouble. You would try to take Cover but there isn't really much you can take cover behind in this room, given how the floors are Smooth Concrete and all.
-Rifle [7/8]
-Slightly Stronger Limbs
-Minimal Plating
-Scarred Throat [Cannot Talk]
-Extensive Bullet Wounds [-1 to most actions]
-Bleeding [-1 to some actions]
-Shattered Ribs [-1 to rolls involving movement]

Game Events:
The Robots keep up the storm of Lead, thankfully they mostly miss the Clones with #25942's Barrier taking most of the Shots that would of hit anyone, not that #25944 would be noticing this stroke of luck given his newly acquired bullet wound.
The Robots with Limb damage seem to be having some difficulty aiming, and the now Blinded Robot is completely lacking in accuracy but is still putting out bullets in the Clones general direction.


Sun May 22, 2011 12:23 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
Continue firing at the nearest bots in a desperate bid for survival.

Last edited by Ociamarru on Sun May 22, 2011 5:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun May 22, 2011 1:12 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>Strengthen barrier, and attempt to make a similar one up by #6 and #8.

Sun May 22, 2011 1:42 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
> Use cover to stay safe, fire at the closest robot.

Sun May 22, 2011 1:44 am
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>Keep behind the barrier and start spraying rounds at the robots.

Sun May 22, 2011 9:51 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>Get covered by the barrier THEN fire electrobolts.

Sun May 22, 2011 5:34 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
I'd move to the barrier, but I don't feel like getting a -1 to my action for it.

Sun May 22, 2011 5:51 pm
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Roll To Die
7 4 8 7 [Robots]

Clone #25942 [4] > Use cover to stay safe, fire at the closest robot.
You keep behind the Cover and Fire at the Robots, the Fire they are Putting out prevents you from getting much accuracy and your shots miss or bounce off of armour plates.
-Weak Telekinesis
-Assault Rifle [12/30]
-Combat Knife
-Burn Scars [-1 to some rolls]
-Grazed Leg [-1 to rolls involving fast Movement]

Clone #25943 [8] >Strengthen barrier, and attempt to make a similar one up by #6 and #8.
You strengthen the Barrier just as the Robots land several more hits on it, the Barrier would be awfully close to failing without that strengthening, seeing #25946 rushing back you put up another Barrier at the limits of you abilities range, thankfully he manages to dive behind it just as the Robots open up with their weapons.
-Weak Telekinesis
-Moderate Physical Barrier
--Barrier [|||||-] [Large] [4 turns]
--Barrier [|||---] [Small] [4 turns]
-Assault Rifle [18/30]
-Grenade Launcher [#25942's] [0/1] [||||||--] [RELOAD SLOWED]
-Scarred Right Leg [Movement Speed Reduction]
-Scarred Stomach [Slightly Lower Damage Resistance]

Clone #25944 [3] >Get covered by the barrier THEN fire electrobolts.
You move up behind the Barrier and Fling out a few Bolts, not that aiming is too easy with the Bullets flying overhead. Put simply you fail to hit anything.
-Weak Psychic Barrier
-Bladed Right Hand
-Burn Scars [-1 to some Rolls]
-Bullet Wound [-1 to some Rolls]

Clone #25945 [4] >Keep behind the barrier and start spraying rounds at the robots.
You Fire a spray of lead at the Robots with several rounds pinging off of Plating but with little real damage happening, it'd seem your Projector can't stop things through a Barrier, that's useful to know.
-Machinegun [6/50]
-Basic Targeting System
-Medium Static Field Projector [69%]
-Extensive Bullet Wounds [-1 to most actions]
-Bleeding [-1 to some actions]

Clone #25946 [7] Get to the back of the room and lay down.
You make a mad dash for the back of the room and seeing the Barrier form in front of you dive behind it just as a round whizzes past your good ear, damn that was awfully close.
-Pulse Laser [53%]
-Scarred Chest [Slightly Lower Damage Resistance]
-Bleeding [-1 to some actions]
-Missing Left Ear [-1 to hearing]

Clone #25958 [8-1=7] Continue firing at the nearest bots in a desperate bid for survival.
You twist your body to Fire on the other Robots and feel a stab of pain but manage to keep up enough concentration to Blow two away that had just started firing on you before they can score any meaningful hits.
-Rifle [5/8]
-Slightly Stronger Limbs
-Minimal Plating
-Scarred Throat [Cannot Talk]
-Extensive Bullet Wounds [-1 to most actions]
-Bleeding [-1 to some actions]
-Shattered Ribs [-1 to rolls involving movement]

Game Events:
The Robots are now concentrating Fire on the Barrier, with several Rounds flying over the top making exposing yourselves rather risky.


Sun May 22, 2011 10:53 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>Strengthen barriers. TK spent projectiles back at the Robots.

Sun May 22, 2011 11:57 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
Can I fire through the barrier due to it being 'physical'? if so : >Fire three bolts through barrier at the three robots in the middle.

Mon May 23, 2011 12:31 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
You're ♥♥♥♥ kidding me!

Shoot some more, I guess - not much else I can do, considering if I move I get -3 and die. Shame the barrier's a good eight meters away...

Mon May 23, 2011 12:38 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
> Grab the grenade launcher and fire it in the middle of the group of robots.

Mon May 23, 2011 12:47 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
"#4, why not toss your Static Projector to the prone guy? I got us all covered."

Mon May 23, 2011 12:59 am
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Roll To Die
GlowstickNinja wrote:
Can I fire through the barrier due to it being 'physical'?

Yup, that you can do

Ociamarru wrote:
if I move I get -3 and die. Shame the barrier's a good eight meters away...

Two things, One: I'd only kill you if you're getting attacked by something, and nothing is attacking you, For Now and you're bleeding isn't at a directly lethal level Yet.
And Two: The closest point on the closer Barrier is ~10.5M away, the map is at scale of roughly 5px~1M. [Players have a speed or about 12M per turn]

Mon May 23, 2011 2:38 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
Amazigh, if it's not too much, could you pop a line on each map saying the distance a player can run in one turn?

Mon May 23, 2011 10:01 am
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