Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
I love how everyone unleashes a storm of lead upon the sharks.
CaveCricket48 (Raphael) [5]:
You point your Spas at the charging sharks and fire. Predictably, few of the pellets hit, and those that do are little more than annoyances against the massive sharks' frames. You pump the shotgun to expel the empty shell, and reach into your backpack for a slug round. It takes longer than you thought to locate it, but you do, and load it into the shotgun. You pump once more to prime the weapon.
Ociamarru (Vadim Ivanov) [3]:
There's no cover anywhere nearby, so you just crouch down and fire at the sharks. They're still pretty far away, and you can't tell if you hit or not. But if you did, it didn't even slow them down.
Tokochiro (Mana) [1]:
You fire two rounds from your Glock towards the sharks with your right hand, and hold up your left hand to push the bullets faster. This results in a loss of concentration, meaning you don't notice your gun hand dipping down towards the ground. Your two bullets bury themselves in the hard dirt floor of the arena.
Amazigh ("Amazigh") [4]:
No, you're definitely out of range of those giant sharks for the Plasma Caster, so you instead fire your autocannon at the sharks. The first three rounds fall short, each one by smaller amounts. The last round actually hits a shark, and a bright orange bloom of flame bursts into existence on it. The shark staggers from the explosion and starts screaming again, but aside from falling to the back of the pack, its run is uninterrupted.
Tomaster (Vladimír Shurla) [10+1=10]:
"Oh, hey guys. Did you sign up for the sketchy kidney donations too?"They're too busy shooting to respond, so you join them in the festivities. Both of your cannons fire, sending two shells barreling through the air at one shark on the right. The rounds impact it in the chest, and it is knocked back. You then re-target, and fire on a different shark. It also takes both rounds and staggers back. Both continue running, and you note that one of the sharks is now on fire as it runs towards the group. Now that you look, the two you shot seem to be going a bit slower than the rest of the sharks.
"Tough bastards..."caekdaemon (VN Warrior) [7]:
Your autocannon spins up for a second, then begins firing out shells at a metronome pace. At this range, most are missing, but enough hit to make a difference. The shark you're targeting had already taken a few shots from another mech, and was already limping a bit. You adding your own rounds to the shark downs it. It falls to the ground mid-run, but instead of staying down, it continues to drag itself along the ground, leaving a surprisingly small trail of very dark blood.
Game Events: The sharks continue to charge, uncaring of any attacks. The downed shark continues on, now joining the flaming shark in screaming. The 5 sharks on their feet will reach and attack next turn.
3 Undamaged Sharks.
1 Flaming Shark.
1 Limping Shark.
1 Crawling Shark.
And since I didn't really make it clear before, 1 thing.
All of this is Non-Canon. That means none of this really happened in the Blueniverse. Yolady was getting kinda butthurt about me stressing this.