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 RtD: Illusia - (Roll #132) 
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #38)
Well, here we are at the bar!

You know what... that rhymes. I feel a poem coming on!

Here we are
At the bar
Everybody's singing!
Here we are
At the bar
Now my ears are ringing!

People yell so loud!
Musicians play out proud!
Everywhere the sound abounds...
I don't think that I'll stick arouuuunnnndddddd----

Here we are
At the bar
People're pretty ditzy.
Here we are
At the bar
I'm feeling kinda tipsy!

Hope you guys liked that one. On to glorious! ... questing.

Tokochiro (10)

You sit back and regenerate while the other go about the festivities.
Someone leaves without drinking their bottle. It doesn't look like alcohol. You decide that it can't hurt to try the drink. You take a sip, and quickly find yourself guzzling it down. The bottle is empty in seconds.
Surprisingly, you don't feel at all bad. If anything, you feel superactive! You have so much energy! Oh gosh you feel like runnningaroundanddancingandsingingandwowSOMUCHENERGYHAPPYNESS.

(Everyone knows all that energy has to go somewhere. In your case - regeneration.)

caekdaemon (6)

You walk around, offering to enhance people's tools and such, but not a single person listens to you. They're all too drunk and happy to think about things like enhancing gear and tools.
Gillian seems to be having a whole lot more luck.

Torrent (9 + 1 = 10)

You perform FEATS OF INCREDIBLE DARING. They're so daring, in fact, that you have the attention of the entire room as you throw your daggers about in the air, catching them on your index fingers, only to throw them up again and catch them this time on your nose and chin! Everyone cheers as you perform these amazing tricks, and by the end of your little show, people are throwing money at you like crazy. You scoop up the shiny currency and count it.

63 L. (L. standing for Luz (Pronounced "Loose"), the currency of the game.) This is enough money to buy four rounds of drinks for you and your friends!

Ociamarru (1)

You walk around asking if people know what your talisman does. They don't pay any mind to your questions, simply pushing you away and continuing their drunken talk and horrible singing.
You smell beer. Lots of it. The air is thick with its scent. It tickles your nose and inhaling too deeply makes you dizzy. Urg. This place can't be healthy...

Adam (11)

You glance back at your squirrel.
"I'll name you Cercatore."
The squirrel climbs once more around your neck onto your other shoulder. If a mechanical squirrel could look happy, then this one would be.
"Cerc, see if you can't find something useful around here." The little beast leaps to the ground and starts hopping about the place looking for objects. In the meantime, you walk up the the bartender, who seems nearly as drunk as everyone else in the room. Nearly.
"Hey Bartender, know anything out of the ordinary that you can use fire for? Just wondering." The bartender's eyes light up.
"Oh, here's somethin' you can do with fire!"
He pops the cap off of a bottle and takes a lighter to it as he throws it into the air. Above you the air is filled with light and heat. You hold your arms above your face protectively, but the liquid seems to evaporate just before it hits you, leaving a strong scent of alcohol and burnt wood around your person. The bartender walks off, laughing. What an odd man.

Cerc returns to you empty-handed. You suspected as much. What could you find in a bar, anyway?
Cerc clamps onto your shoulder very hard suddenly, and you realize that the squirrel is no longer moving. What is this?
"Cerc?" He moves his little head in your direction and shakes it, as if saying "No."

Then he freezes up again.

It takes you a second, but then you understand. He's recharging.

CaveCricket (5)

You look around you for shady characters, but find none.
The others seem to be busying themselves.

Nikolai begins getting frustrated with the townspeople, and slams his hand down on a table. Immediately, his palm fills with light, and his hand is blasted back with enough force to knock him off balance. When he recovers, he looks back at the table. It's split into two pieces. The people who were drinking there stare. Nikolai walks away, and they continue their conversation as if nothing had happened.

Gabriel calls everyone into meeting.
"We're not going to get anything out of these townspeople if we don't act like them. Right now we're non-drunk outsiders who are asking a bunch of strange questions. We need to fit in."
"You want us to get drunk?" Anderson says, surprised.
"No!" Gabriel immediately cries.

Then he thinks about it, and the mischevious old smile plays upon his face again.

"Well, yes. Yes, actually."

Last edited by Nighthawk on Mon May 16, 2011 10:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon May 16, 2011 9:52 pm

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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #39)

Last edited by Tokochiro on Mon May 16, 2011 10:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon May 16, 2011 9:59 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #39)
"We need booze? I got this covered.
Bartender! A round for my six friends here!"
> Don't actually drink any myself.

Mon May 16, 2011 10:10 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #39)
> Act drunk and pretend to drink from an empty bottle, but don't actually drink. Find a random citizen:

"Hey Hey! Whus goin' on!"

See if I can wring any information out of the person.

Mon May 16, 2011 10:11 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #39)
Shocked and elated at my new Tony Stark powers, and after hearing Gabriel, go on over to the bartender. But none of this weak beer, I'll need something a fair bit stronger. Then challenge someone to a drinking contest.
"Oy em shoar that Oy wiel regreyt theece, baht...geeve me a glahss ahff the straungeest stahff yew heyv. Dreenking caunteyst, anywaun?"

Once I'm drunk, I can loosen up and start breakin' ♥♥♥♥ (and hopefully start a bar fight)!

Last edited by Ociamarru on Tue May 17, 2011 2:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon May 16, 2011 10:12 pm

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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #39)


Mon May 16, 2011 10:14 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #39)
You forgot to update my gear cool.
Get drunk.
"Why thank you very much Gillian!"

I can just imagine Ocia getting in a drinking competition and drinking himself under the table.

Mon May 16, 2011 10:27 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #39)
caekdaemon wrote:
You forgot to update my gear cool.


Thank you for helping me help you (help us all).

And if you guys are wondering why I've forced this upon you...
You've got to understand. I would never, EVER pass up a chance to make all my players look like drunken fools.

Ah, the fun it will be...

Mon May 16, 2011 10:53 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #39)
I'm Russian, I get +3 to drinking rolls.

Mon May 16, 2011 10:59 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #39)
Ociamarru wrote:
I'm Russian, I get +3 to drinking rolls.


Have a few drinking contests, bet that you can beat anyone in a drinking contest.

Mon May 16, 2011 11:17 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #39)
>:) >Drink 1/4 of the beer, and stow away the other 3/4. It could come in use. Then act drunk and make conversation with the townsfolk
"How is NO! How'ryou dooon brotha-man??"

Tue May 17, 2011 2:55 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #39)
This is going to be a blast.

Tokochiro (5)

You sit there and regenerate, smiling at everyone who passes by.

Torrent (1)

"We need booze? I got this covered.
Bartender! A round for my six friends here!"

Very soon there is beer on the table. Gabriel picks his bottle up, allows his logical side to give a remark.
"This is incredibly stupid."
He drinks the entire bottle in one breath.
"Woah... I think I'd better not have any more."

You sit by, smiling at his antics. It would be pretty dumb to get drunk right now, but hey... what harm can it do?
You pick up your bottle and start drinking. By the time you're finished, you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It's a... good? feeling? Yeah. You decide it is. It's like... wait a sec. Who are these people? You don't know them, but you feel strongly attached to these four... no... seven people. Yeahhh, it's seven. Definitely. Words begin spilling out from your lips.
"Isn' the booze great??"

For a split second, you feel as if you've done something horrible.

Then you lean back in your chair and smile stupidly. You feel awesome.

CaveCricket (2 for not drinking, 10 for wringing infromation)

You don't feel like drinking, but then a little voice in your head tells you that it's okay. You believe the little voice, and drink half of the bottle. Then, before the drunkenness sets in, you remember to walk over to another table and get some information. The drunkenness sets in really fast.

"Heyey! Whas goin' on?!"
You remember that you need information.
"I'm kin'a new to this place... you guys know any cool... stuff?"

Thankfully, these two guys seem to be very, very drunk.
"Are you kiddin'? We too 'ere are the mastermaainnds of the... the... world! We know eeeverrytheng!" Ain't that right *HIC* Bill?"
"Shore is. Fer insense... I cun tell yah that this plaice... is 'eaven. And we... are supposed to be findin' sum gai whose reads... reddles. Yeh. Reddles."
Riddles? That's interesting. You feel slightly more awake at this.
Bill burps loudly and takes another swig of beer. Perhaps you should inquire more before he dies.

Ociamarru (12)

You walk up to the bartender.
"Oy em shoar that Oy wiel regreyt theece, baht...geeve me a glahss ahff the straungeest stahff yew heyv. Dreenking caunteyst, anywaun?"

"Did I hear somethin' about a drinkin' contest?"

The room goes silent.

A man clad in black walks up from the corner of the room.
"Yer on," he says.

Someone in another table mutter something about a "Drunken Jack." Most likely the man you're up against.
"Now," he continues. "Do you know the rules fer a real drinkin' contest round here?"
You swiftly shake your head.
"You drink..." here he grabs a bottle of wine from the bartender, and pours it into two small cups. "Until you drop. Got it?"

caekdaemon (12) (WOO! Two 12s in a row!)

Gillian calls over a round of drinks for everyone.
"Why thank you very much Gillian!"

You happily down your bottle, then Nikolai's since he's wandered off, and then the rest of Raphael's since he only drinks half.
By this time, you're thinking of getting another one, but when you try to walk up to the counter, you fall onto the ground. It seems your limbs are not functioning correctly.

Adam (6 for drinking, 4 for information-getting)

You drink a little more of the beer than you intend. It's not enough to make you feel more than a little warm inside, but it does the trick. You tuck the rest away and walk up to another table.
"How is NO! How'ryou dooon brotha-man??"

The people don't seem to understand what you're saying at all. Maybe drunks don't really act this erratic. You try a different approach.

"This is a nice chair," you say, putting a hand on the empty chair. "You know, I have this chair..." you stop. They're not listening at all anymore. Rats.

Gabriel isn't doing a whole lot. He's sitting in his chair, humming quietly to himself, taking a sip of beer every once in a while.
He sure behaves oddly when drunk.

Wed May 18, 2011 9:53 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #40)
It's funny how you totally forgot mine...

Wed May 18, 2011 9:59 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #40)
"Ya know what, this has gave me a idea..."
Get a metal cup, fill it with booze and use the Mental Forge ability on the cup.

Beer mist anyone?

Wed May 18, 2011 10:17 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #40)
your roll is inside mine

Wed May 18, 2011 10:42 pm
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