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 RtD: Illusia - (Roll #132) 
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
Oh, by the way, this video - Portal 2's "Want you Gone" is pure awesome:

I'm debating in my head whether this song is better than the orginal - "Still Alive."
I don't know....

Wed May 04, 2011 1:40 am

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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
Y u no roll yet >:(

Wed May 04, 2011 1:46 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
>Go back outside and practice using the chain i got

Wed May 04, 2011 3:07 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
Tokochiro wrote:
Y u no roll yet >:(

Give me that angry face again and I will wipe it off... forcefully. I post when I can. My RtD game.
On a more cheerful note... I can post now! (For all of you impatient... *aHEM*... people.)

cakedaemon (4 + 1 = 5)

You walk upstairs.
"I'll leave in a minute. You said you had a forge down here?"
"Aye. 'Tis right 'round that there corner."
You direct yourself to the forge, put the hunk of rock in, and start melting it down. Hork's forge is very advanced. The heating system is controlled by a box of levers, switches and toggles on the side, and there is a window showing the inside. You wonder how the glass isn't destroyed by the high temperatures, and tentatively touch it with the back of your hand.
It's as cool as stone. Amazing.

While you're caught up in the control system, you fail to notice that your hunk of rock is rapidly melting into nothingness. With a gasp, you realized you've let it go too long. You quickly pull the lever that says, "Catch."

You're pretty sure this is the right one. And it is. A sheet of black metal pops up inside the forge, catching the remaining metal, which is actually MELTING, and then heat starts releasing from the inside through some sort of air vent. From there, two automated metal panels pop out on the inside of the oven and shape the melted metal into a block. The door then swings open, and the red-hot metal hunk is deposited on a large anvil next to where you're standing. Wow. This furnace is almost fully automated.

You take a look at the metal that you have. It's not much. You obviously overheated it and the rest was dumped with the melted stone around the rock. The block you have in front of you is only enough to make a small weapon.

Inv. [6]
-Small Hammer [2]
-Enhanced Large Hammer [4]*
-Metal Worker (+1 to metalcraft)
-Minor Mental Forge

Torrent (-) (No need for a looting roll. Items are guaranteed.)

"Caek, could you make me another dagger while you're forging things?"
You're surprised you called Anderson by that name. It was just instinct. But he seems to respond to it.
"Sure." He says as he walks up the stairs. "If there is enough metal."
Well, that's settled. Now... to looting.
You don't know what to pick. Almost every rat was armed. There is a hammer, two maces, two small swords, a flail, that black rat's rapier, and... hey! A dagger! What luck!
(Pick what you want next round.)

Inv. [4]
-Hip Flask [2]
-Dagger [2]*
-Sleight of Hand (+1 to dexterity)
-Minor Force Imbuement
-Minor Healing Touch
-Power-Drunk (-1 to dodge rolls, wears off in 1 round)
-Left Upper Arm - Clawed (Clotting)

Tokochiro (-)

EVeryone is walking upstairs. You can't walk. Uh...
You need help. Lots of help.
"Uhmm, guys, could one of you carry me? I can't move my legs."
Raphael walks over.
"Fine. Hold still."
He picks you up with a grunt and carries you upstairs. You begin to worry about getting damaged legs again.
"Uhh, Anderson, could you make me some greaves?"
Nikolai answers your question instead.
"Oy weel meyk the grieves, he can heyndle the weypons foar nau."
Well, that's a relief. You're being well taken care of by your fellow party members. Hopefully you'll be of some use once you heal.
Raphael deposits you on a chair and goes about his business. Hm... There isn't a whole lot you can do with legs that won't function.

Inv. [4]
-Bandage (1) [1] (wrapped around leg - unusable)
-Nunchuck Cane [3] (wrapped around leg - unusable)
-Helping Hand (+1 to assisting friends)
-Taekwondo (Chance to block oncoming punches or kicks (2nd dodge roll))
-Minor Regeneration
-Minor Plant Control
-Back - Smashed (Immobile) (Regenerating.... 10 turns left...)
-Pain (-1 to rolls)

CaveCricket (-)

Johni complains about his legs not working, so you pick him up and carry him upstairs. With a bit of work, you manage to situate him in a chair. He'll be okay there.

Inv. [13]
-Shortsword [3]
-Dan's Black Powder Rifle (Unloaded) [4]
-Dagger [2]
-Nikolai's Longsword [4]*
-Stealthy (+1 to sneak)
-Minor Telepathy

Ociamarru (-)

Johni wants some greaves, apparently. You decide that you should help him. But... wait a second. Where will you get the metal? Anderson seems to be heating up his rock at the moment.
There's not anything you can do right now.

Inv. [7]
-Hammer [3]
-Badass Wolf Gear w/ claws [4] (+1 to all dodge rolls, and Primal Beast Senses)*
-Expert Craftmanship (+1 to metalwork)
-Strong Arms (+1 to strength rolls)
-Back - Heavily Bruised (Almost Healed...)

Adam (10 - 1 = 9)

You walk up the stairs and outside. It's time to practice with that stupid chain.
You swing it around experimentally a few times, and find that it is very weighted at its sharp end. The spearlike point is very heavy. The rest of the chain is light and rather easy to swing. You've just gotta be careful not to go crazy with it.

Swining it around, you get the feeling that it wasn't really made for such wide attacks. With a spearlike projection, it seems more fit for penetrating armor.
You thrust it forward, letting the chain slip from your hands until it reaches the end, where you catch it.

There is a moment where the spear tip and your weight are in perfect equilibrium, as if the chain is holding itself in the air. Then it falls to the ground.
You pull it back in a quick motion and let it wrap around your arm, spinning it about as if invisible foes were surrounding you. It finally comes to a stop, wrapping fully around your shoulder and upper arm.

This weapon is pretty sick. (Ineptitude - 1. Yay!)

Inv. [9]
-Broken Handle [1]
-Odd Chain-Whip [4]*
-Chainmail [4]*
-Fist Fighter (+1 hand to hand combat)
-Right Arm - Whipped (Pain, heals in 3)
-Right Cheek - Whipped (Pain, heals in 3)
-Pain (-1 to actions)


First of all, I have no idea how forging metal works. I made all that stuff up on the spot. I hope you thought it was okay.
Caek, you don't have much metal. This means that there won't be enough for O.C. to make Toko's greaves.

Where are you going to get all that metal, eh? Think, and the answer will be obvious.

As for you, Toko. I suggest you find some way to make yourself useful to the party, even being a temporary cripple.

Everyone else, just keep doing what you're doing. You'll be fine.

Oh, and if you stay in Hork's house for too long (I won't say how long) there will be consequences. You can't hang out in one place forever. The story must go on.

Thu May 05, 2011 1:36 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
"We should probably get a move on guys."
> Take out Dan's Black Powder Rifle and make sure it's in good condition. If there isn't any damage, load the thing to have it ready.

Last edited by CaveCricket48 on Thu May 05, 2011 4:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu May 05, 2011 1:44 am

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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
"Hey bro could you take the bandage and my nun-cane."
"Could i have these swords?"

Thu May 05, 2011 1:51 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
> Grab Dagger, walk upstairs, heal Toko's back.
"Nevermind about making me a dagger, one of the rat bastards had one!"

Thu May 05, 2011 1:52 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
>Find a woodland creature to befriend, being careful not to wander too far

Thu May 05, 2011 11:42 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
Nighthawk wrote:

First of all, I have no idea how forging metal works. I made all that stuff up on the spot. I hope you thought it was okay.
Caek, you don't have much metal. This means that there won't be enough for O.C. to make Toko's greaves.

Where are you going to get all that metal, eh? Think, and the answer will be obvious.

I had a quick google, and you was not quite far off on the ore to ingot process. The ore is not meant to be melted, its meant to be removed from the boulder, then heat the ore to soften it into the desired shape. Adding carbon via coal is to make steel, and dumping it in to water while hot hardens it.

Not quite sure where to get all that metal, but I have a idea or two...
Loot the fallen rats for metal equipment, then melt that.

Thu May 05, 2011 4:28 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
CaveCricket48 wrote:
"We should probably get a move on guys."
> Take out Dan's Black Powder Rifle and make sure it's in good condition. If there isn't any damage, load the thing to have it ready.

Eh... there's something about Dan's gun that you don't know...
He had a powder horn, too. You need that in order to load the rifle.

I was wondering if you were going to pick that up when you looted his body, but... apparently not.
Yeah. You'll need powder to load that thing.

Thu May 05, 2011 9:06 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia

Thu May 05, 2011 9:15 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia

"Anyone want a gun?"
> Give gun to someone who wants it, else just leave it on a table or something. Go grab a rapier off one of the rat's bodies.

Fri May 06, 2011 1:26 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
We are waiting on O.C. (Ociamarru)

I'll PM him real quick and hope he sees.

Fri May 06, 2011 8:28 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
"I'l take that gun, its made out of metal "

Fri May 06, 2011 8:29 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
"You all could melt the rat weapons and do something useful for me then because you know,broken spine."

Last edited by Tokochiro on Fri May 06, 2011 11:42 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Fri May 06, 2011 9:40 pm
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