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 Roll To Die - ENDED 
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>Fire multiple bolts at any exposed/weakened section of core of the final golem.

Tue May 03, 2011 5:48 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>Throw Ice down towards the ground/hold him down.

Tue May 03, 2011 6:29 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
8 [Ice]

Clone #25941 [1-2=1] Try to live?
Your thoughts are scattered and thinking is hard, but one thing keeps coming back, That Voice, And what did it mean when it called you a mUT҉a̡N͏T͝ anyway? you don't get long to think on that though, as your Thoughts fade away. Time to Die.
-Clawed Right Arm
-Scarred Left Palm [Slighly Weaker than Usual Grip]
-Punctured Left Shoulder [Left Arm is Unusable]
-Severe Bleeding [-1 to most Rolls]
-Severe Bloodloss [-1 to all Rolls]

Clone #25942 [4] > Get within a safe distance of the ice golem and open fire.
You move closer to the Ice Golem and fire several rounds, but it's movement causes the shots to miss.
-Weak Telekinesis
-Assault Rifle [15/30]
-Combat Knife
-1 Point [Not a physical item]
-Burned Stomach [-1 to some rolls]
-Burned Left Arm [-1 to rolls that use this arm]

Clone #25943 [4] >Throw Ice down towards the ground/hold him down.
You try to throw Ice to the ground but it moves closer to you and moving around your Shield Slashes across your stomach.
-Weak Telekinesis
-Medium Shield
--Large Gash
-Scarred Right Leg [Slight Movement Speed Reduction]
-Icy Shard in Right Leg [-1 to all rolls using leg]
-Slash across Stomach [-1 to some rolls]
-Bleeding [-1 to some rolls]

Clone #25944 [3] >Fire multiple bolts at any exposed/weakened section of core of the final golem.
You look for weakened or exposed sections on the Golem and and can only see the one damaged area on it's back, but the Golem is facing towards you leaving that area Covered. You get so into looking for weak spots you forget to Fling any Bolts at it.
-Weak Electrokinesis
-Weak Psychic Barrier
-1 Point [Not a physical item]
-Bladed Right Hand
-Electrical Burns [-1 to most Rolls]

Clone #25945 [6]"Well, I haven't experienced getting hit by a damn purple fireball before!" >Get up and move slowly towards the Ice Golem while taking short, controlled bursts.
You Get up and start moving towards the Golem and manage to hit it's Back with several of your shots Shattering the Ice that is covering up the Hole there.
-Assault Rifle [20/30]
-Basic Targeting System
-Medium Static Field Projector [100%]
-Extensive Bruising [-1 to some actions] [5 Turns]

Clone #25946 [6] Recover from attacks.
You stand back up and take a moment to recover from the attacks that you have taken, you get the feeling that those Bolts were rather weak in comparison to the other Golems attacks, you hope that they don't have some sort of secondary effect.
-Rifle [6/8]
-Light Body Armor
-Scarred Chest [Slightly Lower Damage Resistance]

Game Events:
The Ice Golem Moves in and Slashes #25943 across the stomach before the Back of it's core is re-exposed.
#25941 Has Died, On Room clearance the next Clone will be Deployed. [That's you Ociamarru]


Last edited by Amazigh on Tue May 03, 2011 9:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue May 03, 2011 8:43 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
o shi- a one >.>

Tue May 03, 2011 8:44 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
We have gathered here today, to remember that poor roller _____________. Who died in a freak _____________ Accident in the testing chambers after rolling a 1....

Tue May 03, 2011 9:14 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
Alright, I was wondering if I was gonna jump in or wait until the test was over. Goody goody, what's in store for us all after this?

Tue May 03, 2011 9:58 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
Yeah, just leave me to die here Nonseq...
>Push Ice.

Tue May 03, 2011 10:00 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
> Full auto. Ice golem.

Tue May 03, 2011 10:28 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>Electrorape the ice golem.

Wed May 04, 2011 3:48 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
Future reminder to new players: Never get melee weapons only.

edit: Aka, kinesis are easy mode cause somehow weak Telekinesis allows people to push other people over and make golems fall over.

Last edited by dragonxp on Wed May 04, 2011 4:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed May 04, 2011 3:55 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
Get kinesises and we can be awesome elemental 'mages' together :D

Wed May 04, 2011 4:04 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
Well you can't expect melee weapons to even compare to anything ranged - if I wanted to live, I'd pick some armor and a gun, or maybe telekinesis because of its versatility.

Instead though, I want to have fun, and I'll pick what I think seems cool.

Wed May 04, 2011 5:33 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>Kneel and shoot at the Ice bastard.

Wed May 04, 2011 12:13 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
One more on the waiting list.
>Step into the queue.

Wed May 04, 2011 3:29 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
3 [Ice]

Clone #25942 [7-1=6] > Full auto. Ice golem.
You open Fire on the Golem and several of the Rounds strike true into it's Core, After a brief burst spray of Icy mist the Golem Falls to the Floor. You'd guess that this Fading into Whiteness is some sort of measure used to allow safe transit from Room to Room with minimal fuss.
-Weak Telekinesis
-Assault Rifle [9/30]
-Combat Knife
-3 Points [Not a physical item]
-Burned Stomach? [-1 to some rolls?]
-Burned Left Arm? [-1 to rolls that use this arm?]

Clone #25943 [2] >Push Ice.
You go to Push the Ice Golem away but from the way it slumps backwards you can guess that it is now dead. And oh hey everything's fading away again.
-Weak Telekinesis
-Medium Shield
--Large Gash?
-2 Points [Not a physical item]
-Scarred Right Leg [Slight Movement Speed Reduction]
-Icy Shard in Right Leg? [-1 to all rolls using leg?]
-Slash across Stomach? [-1 to some rolls?]
-Bleeding? [-1 to some rolls?]

Clone #25944 [3] >Electrorape the ice golem.
You charge up a Powerful Bolt and Fling it at the Ice Golem, only to hit a lifeless pile of Crystals. You are then greeted by the familiar fading whiteness.
-Weak Electrokinesis
-Weak Psychic Barrier
-3 Points [Not a physical item]
-Bladed Right Hand
-Electrical Burns? [-1 to most Rolls?]

Clone #25945 [6]>Kneel and shoot at the Ice bastard.[/u]
Your Rounds Join #25942's in striking the Golem's Core and assist with it's Destruction. Ahh, the peacful White Returns.
-Assault Rifle [14/30]
-Basic Targeting System
-Medium Static Field Projector [100%]
-2 Points [Not a physical item]
-Extensive Bruising? [-1 to some actions?] [4 Turns?]

Clone #25946 [5] Find a way out.
You look around for a way out of the Room
-Rifle [6/8]
-Light Body Armor
-2 Points [Not a physical item]
-Scarred Chest [Slightly Lower Damage Resistance]

Clone #25958 [-]
You awaken in a White Void with the Upgrade Terminal Floating in front of you.
-6 Points [Not a physical item]
-Scarred Throat [Cannot Talk]

Game Events:
The Ice Golem Moves to further Injure #25943 but is stopped before it can by the concentrated fire of several Clones.
Moments after the Ice Golem Detonates everything Fades to white, and you all feel a strange floating sensation.
Out of the Whiteness you see the Upgrade Terminal fade in.
#25958 Has Been inserted as a replacement for #25941 [No i'm not victimising you with that injury, any new Clones will have random Injuries comparable to those the rest of the group have]
You each now have an additional 2 points, State your purchases.

--Melee - [Can be of Any Size]
---Regular [1 Point]
---Motorised [Eg: Chainsword] [3 Points]
---Energised [Eg: Powersword] [6 Points]
---Assault Rifle [1 Point]
----Machinegun [3 Points]
----Heavy Machinegun [6 Points]
---Shotgun [1 Point]
----Auto Shotgun [4 Points]
----Heavy Shotgun [4 Points]
---Rifle [2 Points]
----Sniper Rifle [4 Points]
---Grenade Launcher [3 Points]
----Auto Grenade Launcher [6 Points]
---Laser Rifle [3 Points]
----Pulse Laser [6 Points]
----Beam Laser [6 Points]
---Plasma Gun [4 Points]
---Rocket Launcher [5 Points]
---Light Body Armor [2 Points]
----Medium Body Armor [4 Points]
---Light Shield [1 Point]
----Medium Shield [2 Points]
----Heavy Shield [4 Points]
----Energised Shield [6 Points]
---Light Force Barrier [2 Points]
----Medium Force Barrier [4 Points]
---Light Static Field Projector [1 Point]
----Medium Static Field Projector [2 Points]
----Heavy Static Field Projector [5 Points]
---Light Nullifier [3 Points]
----Medium Nullifier [6 Points]
--Basic Stealth Generator [3 Points]
---Stealth Generator [6 Points]
--Basic Targeting System [1 Points]
---Advanced Targeting System [3 Points]
---Jump Boots [3 Points]
---Jump Pack [6 Points]

---Weak Telekinesis [1 Point]
----Telekinesis [4 Points]
---Weak Pyrokinesis [1 Point]
----Pyrokinesis [4 Points]
---Weak Cryokinesis [1 Point]
----Cryokinesis [4 Points]
---Weak Electrokinesis [1 Point]
----Electrokinesis [4 Points]
---Weak Psybolt [1 Point]
----Psybolt [4 Points]
----Weak Physical Barrier [1 Point]
-----Moderate Physical Barrier [4 Points]
----Weak Psychic Barrier [1 Point]
-----Moderate Psychic Barrier [3 Points]
---Basic Teleport [6 Points]
---Basic Flight [5 Points]
----Clawed Hand [1 Points]
-----Clawed Forearm [2 Points]
-----Clawed Arm [4 Points]
----Bladed Hand [1 Point]
-----Bladed Forearm [3 Points]
-----Bladed Arm [6 Points]
----Club Hand [2 Points]
-----Club Forearm [4 Points]
----Weak Shock prong [3 Points]
-----Shock prong [6 Points]
----Weak Fire Breath [3 Points]
-----Fire Breath [6 Points]
----Weak Acid Spit [3 Points]
-----Acid Spit [6 Points]
----Small Projectile Spines [3 Points]
-----Medium Projectile Spines [6 Points]
---Minimal Plating [2 Points]
----Moderate Plating [5 Points]
---FireProofing [4 Points]
---ShockProofing [4 Points]
---ColdProofing [4 Points]
---Slightly Stronger limbs [2 Points]
----Stronger limbs [4 Points]
---Small Wings [4 Points]
----Medium Wings [6 Points]

All rules from Previous Upgrade count for this one, Upgrading, Refunding, Etc.


Wed May 04, 2011 8:28 pm
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