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 RtD: Illusia - (Roll #132) 
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
On we go! Roll to Dodge never sleeps! (But I do.)

Tokochiro (1)

You attempt to raise your pain tolerance, but thinking about pain makes it all the worse.
Owww, now it's really bad....

Inv. [4]
-Bandage (1) [1]
-Nunchuck Cane [3]*
-Helping Hand (+1 to assisting friends)
-Taekwondo (Chance to block oncoming punches or kicks (2nd dodge roll))
-Minor Regeneration
-Minor Plant Control
-Right Foot - Broken (-2 to dodge rolls, No use of foot) (Regenerating... 6 turns left...)
-Left Arm - Light Brusing (Slight pain)
-More Pain (-1 to all rolls)

caekdaemon (11)

"Heavy rock."

You look around the room and spot an oven in the corner. It's kinda small, but it looks big enough to fit the rock into.
Nikolai comes over and helps you lift it with his newfound strength.
You're about to heft the rock into the oven, when the dwarf says,
"Ey. What're you doin' wid' the 'cinerator?"
"Aye. That be the 'cinerator. Ain't gonna do nuttin' fer rocks. If you be wantin' to smelt ores, use that there oven." He points to another, larger oven across the room.
"Right. Thank you, Mister..."
"Jus' call me Hork. And be careful 'round them ovens. 'Specially that 'cinerator. It be bein' ornery of late."

Somehow you're glad you didn't activate the 'cinerator.

Inv. [10]
-Small Hammer [2]
-Enhanced Large Hammer [4]*
-Stone of Metal Ore [4]
-Metal Worker (+1 to metalcraft)
-Minor Mental Forge

Torrent (5)

You raise your dagger, ready to stab the beetle, but then someone tackles you from the side, sending it flying out of your hands. As you pick yourself up off of the ground, you see that it was Raphael. Then you turn and see the dwarf holding the beetle with an odd look on his face.

Inv. [4]
-Hip Flask [2]
-Dagger [2]*
-Sleight of Hand (+1 to dexterity)
-Minor Force Imbuement
-Minor Healing Touch

Adam (5 - 2 = 3)

You look around the house and find nothing of interest. It's a nice place. The walls are made of many, many smooth, stone bricks and decorated with etchings. Your pain brings you back to the real world. You try to get the attention of the dwarf.
"Sorry about the (Here you grunt in pain)... doorknob, but can you help me with all this glass?"
"Yeh broke me doorknob? How?"
"I... (*Wince*) ...superheated it."
The dwarf shakes his head as if disappointed.
"Thas' why you be careful round them 'cinerators..."

He doesn't seem too keen on helping you out right now. He appears to be setting the table in the middle of the room.

Inv. [5]
-Broken Handle [1]*
-Chainmail [4]*
-Fist Fighter (+1 hand to hand combat)
-Upper/Lower Body - Pierced by glass splinters (Great pain, -2 to all rolls, Clotting)

Ociamarru (9 + 1 - 1 = 9)

You help Anderson lift his load over to the oven, but then the dwarf guy (Hork) gives you some lecture about a 'cinerator? and you're going to have to move it somewhere else. Hmph.

Inv. [7]
-Hammer [3]
-Badass Wolf Gear w/ claws [4] (+1 to all dodge rolls, and Primal Beast Senses)*
-Expert Craftmanship (+1 to metalwork)
-Strong Arms (+1 to strength rolls)

CaveCricket (12)

You see Gillian getting ready to stab the beetle.
You leap at him without a second thought, knocking him to the ground and sending the beetle flying into the air.
It is caught by Hork, who looks at it with wide eyes, saying,
He pauses as he looks over the beetle.
"Yeh found meh Blade Beetle!"
He lets out a joyous laugh and gives Gillian a crushing hug, seeming to forget that just a second ago he was planning on stabbing the bug.

Inv. [13]
-Shortsword [3]
-Dan's Black Powder Rifle (Unloaded) [4]
-Dagger [2]
-Nikolai's Longsword [4]*
-Stealthy (+1 to sneak)
-Minor Telepathy

Gillian pulls himself away from Hork and speaks up.
"Your beetle?"
"Yeh. His name's Finn."
"He seems kinda... dead," comments Adam.
"He ain't dead jus' yet. He's sleepin' is all."

The whole group stares with blank looks.

"What can ah say? Ee's a evvy sleeper."

.... No one says anything.

Hork continues.
"Would ye like dinn'r?"


Hork proceeds to serve a delicious meal of some strange soup that no one can name the taste of while treating the wounded party members.
He removes Adam's splinters, and gives Johni an odd herb that alleviates him of his pain and leaves him a little dazed.

When the talk dies down, Hork speaks up once more.

"Yeh all seem tah be warriors, do yeh not? I need yer help."
"What's the problem?"
Hork peers at a large vault door behind him, then speaks.
"I've got ah rat problem."

Rats in the basement? (This predicament sounds familiar to many of the party members.)

Hork goes on.
"Yeh see, jus' a week ago, strange things wer' startin' to 'appen. I alwehs had rats in meh basement, but they started gettin' bigger..."
"...An' meaner." He reveals a scar that extends all the way down his forearm.

"I need somone tah take care of deh beasties, else I can't get down to me workshop!"

"Oh, that sounds easy. We'll do it," says Gabriel, leaning back in his chair.


It seems the party is signed up for an extermination.

Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:23 pm

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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
Learn how to unleash ultimate rage.

Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:40 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
"By chance, is that beetle at all mechanical?"
> Talk to the dwarves some more.

Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:57 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
Hey hey hey, since when my regeneration was a minor,if i knew it before i'd have upgraded it >:(

Tue Apr 19, 2011 12:04 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
"Would that workshop assist in the forging of metal items?"

I can't really get a action until that is answered.

Tue Apr 19, 2011 12:04 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
Tokochiro wrote:
Hey hey hey, since when my regeneration was a minor,if i knew it before i'd have upgraded it >:(

Since I explained all that Minorness to you before when you got your second Glyph. Did you read the information about Minor and Major Glyphs? If you had, you would've noticed that I didn't remember to put "Minor" before you power, and complained THEN, while upgrading it.

caekdaemon wrote:
"Would that workshop assist in the forging of metal items?"

Hork responds,
"Yeh. I use it to make all of meh gadgets and such."

Tue Apr 19, 2011 12:57 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
"Alright then."
Place the rock on the floor and follow the rest into the basement.

Tue Apr 19, 2011 1:05 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
>Light a fireball in my hand, then making sure not to touch any metal on the way, walk into the basement and use the light from the fire to look around the basement

Tue Apr 19, 2011 2:29 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
Head off into the basement, alert and sniffin' around.

Tue Apr 19, 2011 2:31 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
> Use telepathy to see if I can sense rats and their position. Broadcast that to other players.

Wed Apr 20, 2011 12:39 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
Crap. Sorry it's taken a little while guys. The weeks are just getting busier. (Damn. It's never been this bad.)
But hey, Easter is coming up, and hopefully that'll mark the end of my busy streak.
In hthe meantime, I now have a chance to post, so I'll do that.

Let's go!

Tokochiro (8)

You try to learn how to unleash ultimate rage, but the DM has absolutely no idea what the hell you want, since you already seem to be trying to unleash ultimate rage, and are spamming a lot of pointless phrases with your character. Therefore you do not gain anything.


Inv. [4]
-Bandage (1) [1]
-Nunchuck Cane [3]*
-Helping Hand (+1 to assisting friends)
-Taekwondo (Chance to block oncoming punches or kicks (2nd dodge roll))
-Minor Regeneration
-Minor Plant Control
-Right Foot - Broken (-2 to dodge rolls, No use of foot) (Regenerating... 5 turns left...)

Torrent (-)

Before heading to the basement after the others, you chance to ask the dwarf one more question.
"By chance, is that beetle at all mechanical?"
"Nay. He be a livin' creature. He 'elps meh cut mah wheat outside wid' dem razers of 'is!"
"So you farm?"
"Aye. Hafta live somehow, eh? Even a dwarf can't go eatin' rocks."

Your questions have been answered, so you take off after the others, who are already heading down the basement.

Inv. [4]
-Hip Flask [2]
-Dagger [2]*
-Sleight of Hand (+1 to dexterity)
-Minor Force Imbuement
-Minor Healing Touch

caekdaemon (-)

"Alright then."
You carefully slide the rock out of your hands and onto the ground. It's not going anywhere. You follow the others into the dimly lit basement.

Inv. [6]
-Small Hammer [2]
-Enhanced Large Hammer [4]*
-Metal Worker (+1 to metalcraft)
-Minor Mental Forge

Adam (4)

You attempt to light a fireball in your hand, but it fizzles and dies out, unresponding. Erk.
Oh, well. It seems the basement is slightly lit with torches anyway. You walk in, looking around, and don't see much in the torchlight.

Inv. [5]
-Broken Handle [1]*
-Chainmail [4]*
-Fist Fighter (+1 hand to hand combat)

Ociamarru (7)

You sniff your way into the basement after Adam, who is unsuccessfully trying to light a flame in the palm of his hand. You smell the thick scent of wet fur, and you feel the vibrations of claws scurrying across the walls in the darkest corners of the vault. There's also the feeling of rage radiating about the room. There's definitely something alive in here. And it ain't happy.

Inv. [7]
-Hammer [3]
-Badass Wolf Gear w/ claws [4] (+1 to all dodge rolls, and Primal Beast Senses)*
-Expert Craftmanship (+1 to metalwork)
-Strong Arms (+1 to strength rolls)

CaveCricket (2)

You try to activate your telepathy in the basement, but the dampness and the cold clog your mind like a cork. You feel claustrophobic in here. And it isn't just that... you have a feeling of dread that you can't quite lay a finger on. This place is definitely dangerous.

Inv. [13]
-Shortsword [3]
-Dan's Black Powder Rifle (Unloaded) [4]
-Dagger [2]
-Nikolai's Longsword [4]*
-Stealthy (+1 to sneak)
-Minor Telepathy


Gabriel steps forward, leading the group. He's walking steadily into the darkness, seemingly unperturbed.
Then he stops.
"Oh, ♥♥♥♥."
Pairs of glowing yellow eyes spring up all over the basement. There must be at least a dozen of them. They're everywhere.
A cackling erupts from the dark, and a huge rat with jet-black fur comes walking towards the group on two legs. Gabriel backs up as the rat steps forward.
"My master has need of you Six.... dead." The rat is talking. Talking. How does it do that, again? It draws a sword - a long rapier, and points it at the group.
Gabriel draws his own weapon - an odd shortsword with a very wide blade. With a flick of his wrist, one of the edges spins about on a hinge, and the weapon becomes one long blade that runs all the way down the length of his forearm, as if it were a part of his body. He holds it up defensively.
"Bring it."

Thu Apr 21, 2011 1:13 am

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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
Mix nunchuck cane with bandages to immobilizate my foot.
If one of these guys comes near me,i'll crush their neck with my bare hands

Thu Apr 21, 2011 1:31 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
Do what wolfs do best - be an apex predator, all over these rats' faces.

Thu Apr 21, 2011 2:20 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
> Combo attack using Force Imbuement and Slight of Hand to rapidly stab enemy using only horizontal arm movement. Name technique "Edge Rain".

Thu Apr 21, 2011 2:31 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
>Heat up my chainmail with flames, and tackle the nearest rat thing
"Huuuuuuuugs anyone?"

Thu Apr 21, 2011 2:33 am
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