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 Roll To Die - ENDED 
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Post Re: Roll To Die
> Telekinesis-push the closest bot from a distance.

Thu Apr 14, 2011 10:08 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
Smash the robots neck and severe it from the torso.

Thu Apr 14, 2011 11:00 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
I have a question about the slightly-stronger limbs. Does it also reinforce them, so that you don't go breaking your hand if you punch or kick something?

Thu Apr 14, 2011 11:09 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>"Gosh Dangit!" Fire bolts carefully at remaining robots..

Fri Apr 15, 2011 4:21 am
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>Just run towards the end of the room. Shooting so near friendlies is quite risky.

Fri Apr 15, 2011 6:23 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>TK-Push the one south of me. Run South-East.

Fri Apr 15, 2011 11:43 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
Slightly Stronger limbs will Reinforce the limbs so you won't break bones from punching things, you still might get some minor bruising if you go around punching hard things though.


Clone #25941 [3] Smash the robots neck and severe it from the torso.
You swing your Right arm out to grab the Robots neck, it manages to side step you clumsy swing and draws back its arm to stab you, luckily #25944 Blasts it before it can bring it's arm forwards, less luckily #25942 takes this as a perfect moment to push the Robot on top of you, leaving you rather Bruised and lying under a smoking pile of junk.
-Clawed Right Forearm
-Cut Left Palm [-1 to actions with Left Hand]
-Bruising [-1 to some actions] [4 turns]

Clone #25942 [1] > Telekinesis-push the closest bot from a distance.
You push the closest Robot just after it gets Blasted, causing it to fall on top of #25941. Oops.
-Weak Telekinesis
-Combat Knife
-Scraped Left Arm [-1 to some actions with Left Arm]

Clone #25943 [7-1=6] >TK-Push the one south of me. Run South-East
You hurriedly push one of the Robots to the side before running away from the other, despite nearly falling over due to your injury you manage to make it a reasonable distance. You turn back to see the Robot you pushed raise itself from the ground slightly unsteadily.
-Weak Telekinesis
-Shotgun [4/6]
-Large Gash on Right Leg [-1 to use of Leg]
-Bleeding [-1 to some Actions]

Clone #25944 [7] >"Gosh Dangit!" Fire bolts carefully at remaining robots..
You take a moment to concentrate before launching a Bolt at the closest Robot saving #25941 from impalement, and then launch a Bolt towards one of the other Robots Destroying it. That was much better.
-Weak Electrokinesis
-Bladed Right Hand

Clone #25945 [8] >Just run towards the end of the room. Shooting so near friendlies is quite risky.
You rush towards the other end of the room, carefully avoiding the fallen Robots.
-Assault Rifle [4/30]
-Basic Targeting System

Clone #25946 [6-1=5] Try to address my wound somehow.
You manage to rip off a portion of your Jumpsuit and bandage your Wound enough to stop the Bleeding, but you lack the materials to do anything more than that.
-Rifle [8/8]
-Deep Chest Wound [-1 to some actions]

Game Events:
One of the Robots remain, it isn't looking all that steady and looks like it might fall over at any moment.


Fri Apr 15, 2011 9:04 pm
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>Investigate the room we're in.

Fri Apr 15, 2011 9:41 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>Shotgun the final 'bot.

Fri Apr 15, 2011 9:51 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
> Avoid the robot.

Fri Apr 15, 2011 11:00 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
Can NPC players die?

Sat Apr 16, 2011 1:21 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>"Nice job guys!"Carefully examine the nearest robot corpse for info/items while maintaing guard if last robot manages to live.

Sat Apr 16, 2011 3:19 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
Try picking up a robot arm again

Sat Apr 16, 2011 5:10 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
While Nonsequitorian is NPC'd i'll be providing his actions, which will be oriented Primarily to keeping him alive, and secondarily keeping others alive, I'm not going to make him invincible, but I will give him a Fair chance to survive.


Clone #25941 [4-1=3] Try picking up a robot arm again
You crawl out from under the Robot and try to pick up the Arm again, but with your Hand covered in blood it is rather difficult to pick the Arm up, not to mention the whole Fading to white business.
-Clawed Right Forearm
-Cut Left Palm? [-1 to actions with Left Hand?]
-Bruising? [-1 to some actions?] [3 turns?]

Clone #25942 [7] > Avoid the robot.
You avoid the Robot like a godamn pro, not that it does much other than get shot and fall to the floor. wait, is everything meant to be Fading away?
-Weak Telekinesis
-Combat Knife
-Scraped Left Arm? [-1 to some actions with Left Arm?]

Clone #25943 [6] >Shotgun the final 'bot.
You take aim and fire at the Robot, blowing a hole in its chest, as soon as it hits the floor everything starts Fading away.
-Weak Telekinesis
-Shotgun [3/6]
-Large Gash on Right Leg? [-1 to use of Leg?]
-Bleeding? [-1 to some Actions?]

Clone #25944 [2] >"Nice job guys!"Carefully examine the nearest robot corpse for info/items while maintaing guard if last robot manages to live.
You take a look at the nearest Robot, unluckily it is one that you blasted and is in no state to be examined, just as you get to a better condition Robot everything starts Fading.
-Weak Electrokinesis
-Bladed Right Hand

Clone #25945 [3] >Investigate the room we're in.
You look around the room and only manage to notice the smoking Robots and the Ceiling lights before everything starts to Fade.
-Assault Rifle [4/30]
-Basic Targeting System

Clone #25946 [2] NPC myself for a week. I wont be here, on vacation in Honduras.
You look up towards the Robot and see it get Destroyed by #25943, and oh hey everything is Fading away.
-Rifle [8/8]
-Deep Chest Wound? [-1 to some actions?]

Game Events:
As soon as the last Robot hits the ground everything Fades to white, and you all feel a strange floating sensation.
Out of the Whiteness you see a display showing a list of Items and Mutations slowly fade in.
You each now have an additional 2 points, State your purchases.

--Melee - [Can be of Any Size]
---Regular [1 Point]
---Motorised [Eg: Chainsword] [3 Points]
---Assault Rifle [1 Point]
----Machinegun [3 Points]
---Shotgun [1 Point]
----Auto Shotgun [4 Points]
----Heavy Shotgun [4 Points]
---Rifle [2 Points]
----Sniper Rifle [4 Points]
---Grenade Launcher [3 Points]
---Laser Rifle [3 Points]
---Plasma Gun [4 Points]
---Light Body Armor [2 Points]
----Medium Body Armor [4 Points]
---Light Shield [1 Point]
----Medium Shield [2 Points]
----Heavy Shield [4 Points]
---Light Force Barrier [2 Points]
----Medium Force Barrier [4 Points]
---Light Static Field Projector [1 Point]
----Medium Static Field Projector [2 Point]
---Light Nullifier [3 Points]
--Basic Stealth Generator [3 Points]
--Basic Targeting System [1 Points]
---Advanced Targeting System [3 Points]
---Jump Boots [3 Points]

---Weak Telekinesis [1 Point]
----Telekinesis [4 Points]
---Weak Pyrokinesis [1 Point]
----Pyrokinesis [4 Points]
---Weak Cryokinesis [1 Point]
----Cryokinesis [4 Points]
---Weak Electrokinesis [1 Point]
----Electrokinesis [4 Points]
---Weak Psybolt [1 Point]
----Psybolt [4 Points]
----Weak Physical Barrier [1 Point]
-----Moderate Physical Barrier [4 Points]
----Weak Psychic Barrier [1 Point]
-----Moderate Psychic Barrier [3 Points]
----Clawed hand [1 Points]
-----Clawed forearm [2 Points]
-----Clawed arm [4 Points]
----Bladed hand [1 Point]
-----Bladed forearm [3 Points]
----Club hand [2 Points]
-----Club forearm [ Points]
----Weak Shock prong [3 Points]
----Weak Fire Breath [3 Points]
----Weak Acid Spit [3 Points]
----Small Projectile Spines [3 Points]
---Minimal Plating [2 Points]
---FireProofing [4 Points]
---ShockProofing [4 Points]
---ColdProofing [4 Points]
---Slightly Stronger limbs [2 Points]
----Stronger limbs [4 Points]
---Small Wings [4 Points]

Helpful Hints:
Tech items may be refunded for their full original cost.
You will not be penalised for looting dead players bodies, but you cannot refund any looted items.
Defenses are going to be Vital to your survival later on.
Organic upgrades are Permanent.
Organic abilities may be upgraded at a reduced cost, eg: if you have Weak Psybolt then you may purchase Psybolt for 3 Points rather than 4.
With Certain Upgrades you will be able to dual wield Most weaponry.
Tech and Organic Upgrades tend to have compatibility problems and it is advisable to stick to one type to prevent potential problems later on, not that it is impossible to have both Tech and Organic Upgrades working together for a cumulative bonus.
Some Upgrades are completely incompatible, eg: Acid Spit and Fire Breath.
Organic Weaponised arms are incapable of holding Weaponry.
Some Upgrades have hidden bonuses that will Only appear when used in conjuntion with other Upgrades.


Sat Apr 16, 2011 8:16 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
Medium Shield (2 Points)
Regular Melee (1 Point): Mace
Refund Shotgun (-1 Point)

And I already had a point in Weak TK.

Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:13 pm
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