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 RtD: Illusia - (Roll #132) 
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
I fixed my post

Tue Apr 05, 2011 7:16 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
I return with another poem about RtD!

I laugh in spite of thee
Who rolls in spite of me.
Who always gets a five
He who is still alive.

But I swore not to cheat
The fates of those I meet
So I would roll once more
And fives would hit the floor.

Then, finally, it cracked -
His luck, his twisted knack
To land on numbers good
It ended, as it should.

And so, that very roll
When ones would take their toll,
He rolled the worst he could
And burned, like flame on wood.

His life, extinguished there,
Just one more casualty
To Players who would dare
Give their lives to a die for me.

... Rolls, incoming!

Tokochiro (-)

There is no way to close off the hall, just an open doorway, so you just run back to the group like your life depends upon it. (It does.)

You arrive, and the battle is still in full swing.
"If they have a Glyph, can I have it? The bomb I threw kill most of them."
Then you see that there is no Glyph. They only appear for greater enemies.
"Ah... never mind." No one seems to be paying attention to you, anyway.

Inv. [4]
-Bandage (1) [1]
-Nunchuck Cane [3]
-Helping Hand (+1 to assisting friends)
-Fast Regeneration

Caekdaemon (3)

You stick close to the group, and throw a quick question in the direction of one of the party members.
"What's going on?!"
He seems rather unnocupied by the fact that he is getting crushed by a snake, and turns his head to answer your question.
"Well, newcomer, we are headed northeast of these mountains to a place called Auid. We are searching for a note, which will lead us to the next note, and so on. When we find them all, we save the world. Currently, though, we are killing snakes. What is your name?"
You answer, "Anderson."
He nods, then you exchange looks of confusion.
"I'm Adam, and... can you help me out here?" He finally notices that he's in a tricky situation.
"Sure." You take out your big hammer and whack at the tail. (3 v. 2) The snake screams aloud in pain and yanks Adam backwards to the ground.

Are these people always in situations like this?

-Small Hammer (2)
-Large Hammer (4)
-Metal Worker (+1 to metalcraft)

Adam (1)

The snake seems to be trying to whip you again. You take a slice at its tail, but miss horribly. You are surprised when the impact of the tail never comes.
You look down and see that its tail is wrapped around your lower body and it is now trying to crush you to a pulp. That is bad thing.
Meanwhile, you take the time to answer the new guy's question.
"Well, newcomer, we are headed northeast of these mountains to a place called Auid. We are searching for a note, which will lead us to the next note, and so on. When we find them all, we save the world. Currently, though, we are killing snakes. What is your name?"
"I'm Adam, and... can you help me out here?"
Anderson takes a swing of his larger hammer at the tail encircling you, causing the snake to reel in pain and pull you to the ground. At least its grip has loosened.

Inv. [6]
-Knife w/ Knuckled Handguard [2]
-Chainmail [4]
-Fist Fighter (+1 hand to hand combat)
-Burning Touch
-Bound (No use of left arm, unable to flee)

CaveCricket (3)

You ready your longsword and wait for one of the snakes to be distracted. Not gonna happen. You guys are in a medium-sized hall - snakes on one side, you on the other. They'd easily see you sneak around. Instead, you try to aid Gillian, because the snake that bit him is coming back for more.
You leap between him and the reptile, and slash at its legs. (By the way, it only has TWO legs, which are used for walking.) (3 v. 5) It leaps backwards once more, avoiding your attack. You bought your injured comrade some time, if nothing else.

Inv. [13]
-Shortsword [3]
-Dan's Black Powder Rifle (Unloaded) [4]
-Dagger [2]
-Nikolai's Longsword [4]
-Stealthy (+1 to sneak)

Torrent (-)

Oh, damn. You're starting to feel dizzy.
"Little ♥♥♥♥! Someone, anyone, medic, help!"

You call out for help, and Nikolai comes rushing to your aid. He attempts to suck the poison out of the wound. He seems to do pretty well, judging from the disgusted look on his face after he spits it to the ground. Must've tasted pretty bad.

Inv. [4]
-Hip Flask [2]
-Dagger [2]
-Sleight of Hand (+1 to dexterity)
-Force Imbuement
-Lower Torso - Shot (Bandaged)
-Neck - Snake Bite (-1 to next roll)

Ociamarru (4)

You rush over to help Gillian.
You put your mouth to the wound on his neck and try to suck out the poison. You taste metallic blood, and something very nasty, but you manage to keep it up for a while. You then spit out what is in your mouth. Hopefully, that helped.

Inv. [7]
-Hammer [3]
-Badass Wolf Gear w/ claws (Primal Beast Power) [4]
-Expert Craftmanship (+1 to metalwork)

The two snakes are still alive, and so is Gillian, thankfully.

Wed Apr 06, 2011 2:35 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
Claw the head of the snake that's wrapped around our friend.

Wed Apr 06, 2011 2:44 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
> Keep the creatures at bay with the longsword until my buddies are safe. Prepare to strike a deadly blow should one of the creatures try to attack.

Wed Apr 06, 2011 2:46 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
"Thank ye."
> Do my best not to reopen any wounds while the others handle the remaining snakes.


Wed Apr 06, 2011 2:47 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
" proableym.

Wed Apr 06, 2011 2:49 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
It seems that no one likes my poetry enough to comment on it.


You guys will all DIE

Wed Apr 06, 2011 4:50 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia

HighEndNoob was apparently detained for a while, and seems to want his character back.
HEN, If you are going to be missing for a while, you must contact me via PM or post to inform me. That way I will not kick you out.
As it is, I cannot simply take people out of the game. You will be first on the waiting list and will take the position of the next dead Player.
When that happens, your character will be returned to you as it was before you were replaced.

Also, HEN is now named Phd.

Case closed!

Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:04 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
Oh yeah, I did forget to mention that, didn't I.
HEN lost his password, Commodore11 contacted me about it. If you've already given him the boot from a game, then you're under no obligation to return him, but just remember that PhD and HEN are the same person.

Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:09 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
K, I'm happy with that. Thanks NightHawk.

Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:50 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
Almost forgot this :shock: .
Fight along side my new found comrades.

Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:18 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
Waiting on Toko and Adam.

Edit - I have sent PMs to both of them, hopefully they'll see.

Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:00 pm

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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
avoid the snakes

Fri Apr 08, 2011 5:52 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
Tokochiro wrote:
avoid the snakes

...Okay, then. Did you put any thought into that move at all?
Maybe it's not my place to tell you to do otherwise, as it is YOUR move, but REALLY? You have regeneration, which allows you to quickly heal yourself, and you're not even going to help your treammates? If anything, you should be the one fighting off those enemies! And you're just sitting back avoiding combat?

As I said, maybe it isn't my place, but I won't stand for my Players using as much thought as a goldfish can muster when they come up with their actions!

Edit - This was partially influenced by the fact that your action consists of two words, partially because the action is cowardly, and partially because of your grammar. (Seriously. No capitalization, no punctuation... sheesh.)
I do not, however, apologize, because I mean what I say. You can't just do whatever the hell you want in my game.

Last edited by Nighthawk on Sat Apr 09, 2011 3:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Apr 08, 2011 6:36 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia
>Carefully slice in half the snake's body where it is wrapped around me
Haha Phd flopper! i love that perk.

Sat Apr 09, 2011 3:08 am
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