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Post Re: Thinkin' about buying some Warhammer 40k models
The heavy bolter for the space marines just makes me go :3

I've been invited for a tournament this fall, where the early stages are a minimum 1500 points with 500 points increments in the following rounds. All the miniatures must be painted and based. Jesus christ, I have a lot hove assembling and painting to do.

Sat Mar 26, 2011 2:10 am
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Post Re: Thinkin' about buying some Warhammer 40k models
Any idea what kind of army you'll be playing? A lot of marines or more elite heavy? I suggest a fast army with 2-3 marine squad, scout bikes and Close combat terminators with thunder hammers. A rhino to transport the marines to objectives and you're good to go. Fill in the HQ and remaining point yourself.

Sat Mar 26, 2011 11:27 am
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Another rule they're considering is only having either two unnamed HQ's or just one that is named.

I've haven't really decided yet. Having a couple of rhinos for transport is a given, and while I do like the look of a vindicator charging though enemy lines and blowing stuff right off the table I do appreciate that in reality it wouldn't work that well. I also have to get my hands on some terminators equipped with storm shields and thunder hammers (maybe get some cheap AOBR ones off ebay and some bits from the store you mentioned).

And a landspeeder. Those things can be pretty useful.

Sat Mar 26, 2011 2:58 pm
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Post Re: Thinkin' about buying some Warhammer 40k models
One time I played 40K. My friend punched my tank and it exploded, killing the squad inside.

Sat Mar 26, 2011 8:27 pm
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Post Re: Thinkin' about buying some Warhammer 40k models
I just had a pretty awesome idea. How about a squad of termies with dual-power fists and cylone missile launchers?

Sure, they'd cost about 70 points per model. But when you see that they'd be able to ♥♥♥♥ up monstrous creatures at close combat and bombard crap from across the table they start making a lot of sense.

Sun Apr 03, 2011 10:10 pm
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Totally useless, if not illegal, because the second powerfist adds only 2 strength points but removes their ability to thin down their targets with bolter fire.
The cyclones might work, MIGHT. But as far as I know you can only have 1 special weapon on termi's and not swap their storm bolter for a powerfist.

Mon Apr 04, 2011 6:38 am
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Post Re: Thinkin' about buying some Warhammer 40k models
Well, that's a bit dumb. Why can we have two lightning-claws and not two power fists? That, unless you take marneus out.

On a completely unrelated note I got some of this for 10 quid. It's supposed to work just like that new instant mold stuff, so duplicating some bits, like purity seals and shoulder pads should work rather well.

Mon Apr 04, 2011 7:42 pm
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Post Re: Thinkin' about buying some Warhammer 40k models
On a pesonal note, I started playing space marines (ages ago, don't ask what i had), then went to tau (6 full Fire warriour squads(72), 2 devil fish, 2 hammer heads (rail guns ftw) 3 pirranas, 4 battle suits, battle suit commander, ethereal (with full honer guard(a2)) 2 kroot squads (full) and 5 full drone squads (40 drones) and finally 2 full stealth suit squads(12 stealth suits, 36 shots) Yes i did manage to use them all at once in an apocalypse battle, yes we won and yes, i did overwhelm a smaller tyranid army in close combat (true story). after i realized that the only thing left for me to buy is a manta I decided to buy a couple more armys, so i bought some tyrinids and re-bought some space marines.

Atm im focusing on a howling griffions terminator army, it now numbers 20 terminators, a chapter master (Alvaro) a landraider crusaider, a bike command squad (ftw*2) and 2 half strength space marine squads.

Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:28 am
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Post Re: Thinkin' about buying some Warhammer 40k models
Jesus christ, that's an expensive model. You could try something new, like chaos, or even some orks. The kit bashing involved with either of them looks like a hell of a lot of fun.

On a completely unrelated note, random terrain time:



Could use some finer flocking, but I lack the resources and the will to buy them. Nyeh.

Thu Apr 07, 2011 12:21 pm
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Post Re: Thinkin' about buying some Warhammer 40k models
Nice wall man, and the flockings good, although you could PVA some really fine sand, drybrush with dark angels green or the like, then some varnish, make it look mossy.
On the cyclones, you can only have one per squad as far as im aware, but even then they do get two shots, and two frag templates can seriously mess up basic infantry. If any body is interested in starting an army purely to win battles, i'd recomend Necrons, christ those things are scary to fight, and the Nightbringer (in my opinion) is the second strongest special character in the game. However, all their colour schemes consist of drybrushing boltgun metal and grey everywhere, not very creative :P

Thu Apr 07, 2011 12:47 pm
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About the necrons, they are a very strong starter army and can certainly be a massive pain in the ass. But they aren't as flexible as other armies and if the enemy is even remotly aware of the fact that most of his enemies will have a 3+ save you will be ♥♥♥♥. Necrons are really expensive if they get hit by a high power weapon.(That's 18 points PP.) The high power weapon ensures a kill.
The trick when playing against necrons is to get them to split up and then use your numbers to overwhelm them or superior firepower, Demolisher cannons FTW.

There have been different colorschemes though, my friend plays metallic with orange should pads.(Really awesome) And I've seen some great desert and ice themed armies before.

@ Foil, looks good, way better then my first wall. What did you use to build that? The paint on the flamer looks a bit thick though(on the barrel.)

On a side note, the other day I calculated the price of one of my senti-kans if you had to buy all the kits(including the base): 160 euros EACH. However, the price on the second one would be 35.
35 Killakans------------------------------Main body and legs(requires 4 legs)
50 Land raider crusader(The flamer one)---Flamer and Fuel
20 Catachans----------------------------Pilot body(could be cadian if you want.)
20 Cadians-------------------------------Rest of the pilot(Not sure how many radio heads a box contains.)
30 Chimaera------------------------------The tracks and other bits on the base.
09 Greenstuff-----------------------------You've got to blind to not see this.
06 Plastic--------------------------------- ^^

As a variation you could give it a autocannon, a souped up rocketlauncher or a more obvious CC weapon.

Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:24 pm
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Post Re: Thinkin' about buying some Warhammer 40k models
Some expanded polystyrene for the blocks and cardboard for the base. 3 or so coats of a 50/50 mix between white glue and water, while leaving quite a bit of glue on the circular holes of the polystyrene. Then some kitty litter for the bigger rocks, and little tiny bits of cork as the smaller ones. Another complete coat of the white-glue/water mix and finally a black undercoat with some random watered down paint. Then I proceeded with a 3 step dry-brush, namely a dark gray, a medium gray and finally regular skull white. The random grass was made with some random architectural green flock.
This took me a whole week, mainly due to laziness and all that jazz.

Lessons learned:

Use roof-mate. It's a lot more expensive than polystyrene, but it's also a lot more durable, doesn't have any holes to fill and doesn't need a ton of pva glue in order to become rigid.
Don't use cardboard for the bases. When the glue dried the base got wobbly and deformed.
Get some random acrylic paints from the dollar store for terrain. Using your good paints for something large is way too much of a waste,
^Same applies for the brushes.

About the barrel. Well, that was a mess-up due to way too much water in my paint. I had to go with 3 or 4 coats in order to completely cover the black, so it got too shabby.

Changing the subject to the senti-kans. Well, sure they get expensive, but weren't they entertaining to make? I've actually considered getting some bits in order to make some random stuff for my brother-in-law's ork army.

Thu Apr 07, 2011 7:24 pm
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Post Re: Thinkin' about buying some Warhammer 40k models

Well, that went to ♥♥♥♥ rather quickly.

Sat Apr 09, 2011 2:10 am
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Post Re: Thinkin' about buying some Warhammer 40k models
Aw, it ain't looking as bad as you think. Sure, there are some pretty apparent mold lines, but the details are really well painted, and the textures are spot-on.

Also, please be a sport and use something other than IS for your images. Aside from taking ages to load, it floods me with ads every single time. :roll:

Sat Apr 09, 2011 4:03 pm
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Post Re: Thinkin' about buying some Warhammer 40k models
Thanks for the love, man. The mold lines really were a stupid mistake which isn't that noticeable, unless you take a macro picture (doh).

Also, I'll try to get my ftp space online once again.

"model is finish, thank you for watching". Jesus, he may not be able to speak english that well, but he's a hell of a painter. Even with a pretty meh model.

Wed Apr 13, 2011 3:42 am
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