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 Roll to Roll to Dodge 
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Post Re: Roll to Roll to Dodge
> Lure Amazigh away from Tomaster with cupcakes.

Mon Mar 21, 2011 11:50 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Roll to Dodge
“Life is a party”
>Gnaw on Tomasters arms.

Tue Mar 22, 2011 12:56 am
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Post Re: Roll to Roll to Dodge
>Request maps from Duh. Using Google Meowps Maps, plan a four-lane highway to Ponyville and begin construction
Should this action be successful, it should make any actions involving going to or from Ponyville an instant success

Tue Mar 22, 2011 12:59 am
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Post Re: Roll to Roll to Dodge
Amaz, stop being a douche.
Use my blood as a sacrifice to Thor, and ask him to smite Amaz with lightning.

Tue Mar 22, 2011 1:50 am
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Post Re: Roll to Roll to Dodge
Rolling, if it can be called that anymore.

Bentus [0]: You walk out of your office in time to see Ms. Duh handling a map to Ponyville. You ask her to make you a copy, which she does. You then ask her to pencil in a request for a new highway from Ponyville to Purrolia. After a conversation on the phone with your Chief Construction Manager, she hangs up and turns to you.
"It's all good, and should be finished within 2 years."

- Godly Schrodinger's Cupcake
- Mayor of Purrolia

Amazigh [1]: “Life is a party.”
You lunge through the air, intending to gnaw on Tomaster's delicious meat-cakes, but extremely improbably, a bolt of lightning shoots down from the heavens, smiting you to the ground. You lay there smoldering.
- ALL of the cupcakes, except a few
- Smite'd (Death in 3 turns if not treated)

Tomaster [0]: Your devotion to the Pantheon, along with your involuntary blood sacrifice, causes them to tilt the hand of fate in your favor, and a bolt of lightning strikes Amazigh down before he can gnaw your leg off.
You're starting to feel a bit lightheaded. Maybe you should get this wound looked at...
- Bleeding Head (Death in 4 turns if not treated)

Duh102 [0]: Thankfully, the office just had a cupcake delivery chute installed! You still don't see the purpose of this chute. Or of the Muffin Button.
Regardless of your personal qualms with the cupcake chute, you retrieve a Baker's Dozen from it, and ready yourself for the journey ahead.
- Map to Ponyville
- Baker's Dozen of Cupcakes

Roast Veg [1]: "Hey, Amazigh! Do you want a cup-"

Problem solved.

Game Events:

Tue Mar 22, 2011 2:59 am
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Post Re: Roll to Roll to Dodge
1. Take some of Amaz's nicely crisped skin, and then graft it over the gouge in my head.
2. Apply mental thought powerz to heal it.
3. Create a cupcake gun from nothing.
4. Create napalm cupcakes from nothing.
5. Shoot napalm cupcakes at Amaz.

Last edited by Tomaster on Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:13 am
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Post Re: Roll to Roll to Dodge
"I’m so happy that I’ve got you here. We get to share your last moments together, just you and me.”
>Smother Tomaster in Razorblade cupcakes.

Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:16 am
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Post Re: Roll to Roll to Dodge
Seriously though Amaz, you're starting to become like Tokochiro with his goddamn flowers.
AKA, stop, cause you're being a douchecunt.

Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:24 am
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Post Re: Roll to Roll to Dodge
It comes to my attention that somecats are going to die soon. I can't have that happen, not this early in the game anyway.

>Mandate free public healthcare. Also, check my budget and talk to my advisers to see what needs to be done around here, if there's still enough action left for this to be valid.

Tue Mar 22, 2011 6:03 am
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Post Re: Roll to Roll to Dodge
>Join without any negative impact whatsoever.
>Gain a nice butt
>Become king-god of the Meta-verse

Tue Mar 22, 2011 6:11 am

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Post Re: Roll to Roll to Dodge
Now i am rather annoyed.
Let me in,please.
Change the number a' players to 6

Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:51 am
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Post Re: Roll to Roll to Dodge
> Lock the number of players to 5 + Grif. Use the same criteria as changing the rolling scheme. Tsk annoyedly at all the people trying to break into the universe with no tact whatsoever.

Tue Mar 22, 2011 11:51 am
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Post Re: Roll to Roll to Dodge
> Grow a second head.

Tue Mar 22, 2011 6:16 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Roll to Dodge

Bentus [1]: Ms. Duh is busy meditating at her desk or something, so you phone up the City Budget planner yourself. After a lengthy, and ultimately worrying, conversation, you determine that your city is in the red. Cash Flow is negative, and your recent projects have not improved the situation.
- Godly Schrodinger's Cupcake
- Mayor of Purrolia

Amazigh [1]: "I’m so happy that I’ve got you here. We get to share your last moments together, just you and me.”
Except you're still struck by lightning, and still smoldering painfully, so it comes out as a mumble-grumble.
- ALL of the cupcakes, except a few
- Smite'd (Death in 2 turns if not treated)
- Buried in Napalm Cupcakes (Death in 1 turn)

Tomaster [0]: You ignore the pain in your scalp for a second, and take a nearby clothes hanger from the trash. In an incredibly painful and brutal surgery/buthering, you carve a swathe of skin off Amazigh, and place it onto your head like a hat. Then, through sheer WILLPOWER, the skin fuses onto your head, healing your wound. Then, you decide you want Cupcakes.
Cupcakes appear.
Napalm Cupcakes. So many.
You, Amaz, and Veg are all buried by Napalm Cupcakes. On fire.
- Bleeding Head (Death in 4 turns if not treated)
- Buried in Napalm Cupcakes (Death in 1 turn)

Duh102 [1]: You decide that a bit of pre-journey meditation is called for, so you enter your traditional meditation stance. The fabric of the universe is at your command. Unfortunately for all, you get distracted by the smell of hot, fresh Cupcakes, and make some sort of strange change. You have no idea what.
- Map to Ponyville
- Baker's Dozen of Cupcakes

Roast Veg [1]: Before a thought as silly as growing a second head can enter your mind, an avalanche of Napalm Cupcakes appears out of thin air, flaming, and buries the three of you alive in burning pastry.
- Buried in Napalm Cupcakes (Death in 1 turn)

Game Events:
Bentus is in his Office.
Amazigh is in a Hobo Alley, under a pile of burning Cupcakes.
Tomaster is in a Hobo Alley, under a pile of burning Cupcakes.
Duh102 is meditating outside Bentus's Office, at her desk.
Roast Veg is in a Hobo Alley, under a pile of burning Cupcakes.

Wed Mar 23, 2011 1:19 am
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happy carebear mom
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Post Re: Roll to Roll to Dodge
> Set out on my quest to deliver cupcakes. Utilize the Pony Express if need be.

Wed Mar 23, 2011 1:34 am
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