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Post Re: Thinkin' about buying some Warhammer 40k models
And I still haven't decided on ultras or blood angels. Damn it.

Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:28 pm
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Post Re: Thinkin' about buying some Warhammer 40k models
i would get ultras or if you have some time wait for the grey knights they have a dreadnought called a dreadknight WITH A FREAKING SWORD anyway ultras because if you get assault on black reach £60 if you bought the models separately it would be like 200+ including the orcs that you could sell

it comes with a dreadnought

some terminators

some normal marines

a crapload of orc stuff that would add up to 150 on their own

sorry if you know all this but assault on black reach is good if you are really really serious about wh40k also all the space marine units are ultramarines sorry for the long post

Tue Mar 15, 2011 7:44 pm
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Post Re: Thinkin' about buying some Warhammer 40k models
I have black reach and I can say that it is ♥♥♥♥. All the models are dumbed down versions of those suplied in the boxes. The dread is terrible, both in looks and in load-out. The ork models on the other hand are a lot better, just rank and file slugga boys and the kopta's are awesome.

Oh and go blood angels just because they are less generic, unless you wanna go tyranid veteran ultra's, then it will be a tie.

Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:14 pm
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Post Re: Thinkin' about buying some Warhammer 40k models
Yeah, I'm actually going to buy it tomorrow. Marines for me, orks for my brother-in-law, so the cost goes down from 60 euros to 30. Which isn't bad at all.

And I thought the ultras looked bad. ... CN0157.JPG ... CN0156.JPG

Jesus, I need to work on my painting skills. And my camera-man abilities.

Last edited by FoiL on Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Wed Mar 16, 2011 12:00 am
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Post Re: Thinkin' about buying some Warhammer 40k models
Come on people, don't leave me posting all by myself.

So, I just got the assault on black reach thing. Here's some notes:

-blokes with guns.
Well, they look pretty decent. Nothing too fancy when we compare them with multi-part marines, but they're still better than those mini-sets, which come absolutely packed with plastic in every single cavity. The mold lines along the shoulder pads will be a bit hard to take care, but the rest of the miniature looks rather good in this department.

They actually look pretty excellent to me. No major mold lines, no imperfections that I can see and the details are everywhere. Detachable legs would be a fine addition to make some proper poses though.

This might just be me, but it looks pretty small when compared to a regular marine. I'd kill to get a proper heavy bolter, but not too shabby anyway.

Good God, the amount of details and lack of mold lines are amazing. A+ material right here.

-Green skins.
I haven't really inspected them, since they aren't really mine, but from what I've seen they look just as good as the regular multi-part orks. I may be saying something sacrilegious, but my eyes really haven't picked anything up.

Considering that I paid 68 euros for this pack (more like 34, since my brother-in-law, paid half) I got a lot more than my money's worth. I'd advise you to buy one, if not only for some odd troops and all the bits and pieces.

Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:25 am
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Post Re: Thinkin' about buying some Warhammer 40k models
FoiL wrote:
This might just be me, but it looks pretty small when compared to a regular marine. I'd kill to get a proper heavy bolter, but not too shabby anyway.

Just checked this, it is a full centimeter shorter then my new venerable dread. Other details include the exausts being completly different.

You are right about the captain, a great model.

Oh and make sure that you make sure the bolters fit on the models before you attach them, some of the models are aiming up, those can't carry the scoped guns.

Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:47 am
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Post Re: Thinkin' about buying some Warhammer 40k models

Games workshop just pulled a gundam on us.

Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:42 pm
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Post Re: Thinkin' about buying some Warhammer 40k models
Dreadknots are walking coffins. They're not supposed to be THAT big, but yes, the model is pretty small.

Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:49 pm
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Post Re: Thinkin' about buying some Warhammer 40k models

Here's my latest guy. Still got a lot of work to do until I get good at this.

I'm also heavily inclined to go with ultramarines, since all of the ones in the AOBR box set come with their insignia. That I find them somewhat easier to paint.

Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:23 pm
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Post Re: Thinkin' about buying some Warhammer 40k models
Shameless double post due to lack of content. Again.

Alright, just had my first game yesterday. One 5 man squad of marines versus 10 boys and a nob, so roughly 80-90 points on each side. It was rather entertaining and mind boggling watching the marines mowing down 10 orks with only a casualty and then one measly ork was able to, singlehandedly, vanquish 3 marines before finaly dieing.

90 points already took about 15 minutes. Can't wait for the fully blown 500 points from the AOBR box set.

Thu Mar 24, 2011 12:02 pm
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Post Re: Thinkin' about buying some Warhammer 40k models
FoiL wrote:
Can't wait for the fully blown 500 points from the AOBR box set.

This just brought back my biggest ever critic on AOBR, the armies aren't balanced, not even close. The marine army isn't even legal because it doesn't contain enough troop choices, opting for 2 elites instead.
The point difference is nearly 100 points(from the top of my head, could be more) in favour of the marines.

Still though, I have to agree with you, 500+ battles are totally worth it, especially when crazy stuff starts happening(the hilarious team killing baneblade story which I'll save for another time.)

Thu Mar 24, 2011 7:55 pm
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Post Re: Thinkin' about buying some Warhammer 40k models
Oh, do tell.

Fri Mar 25, 2011 12:21 am
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Post Re: Thinkin' about buying some Warhammer 40k models
Well okay then....

The last game I played was a 1000 point Apocalypse, yes that's right a thousand. My opponent used a HQ heavy marine army with a fellblade(baneblade with a frag only cannon), I used roughly 800 points of his tau army. 4 turns into the game I had a full squad of fire warriors and a hammerhead left, lesson learned: Never agree to use tau on short tables. He had lost a full squad of vets.
My fire warriors where bravely holding their own agains a marine squad when the fellblade showed up less then 10" away from them.
I advised my opponent to use the demolisher cannon(my favorite) to wipe out the squad.

He did.

It deviated 11" to the left, over itself and straight into the marine squad, killing 8. The fellblade itself suffered a wound.

I wiped out the marine squad in the following turn, before being completly obliterated by a lucky psyker.

Here's a little gift for you:
One of my renegade "senti-kans" cost a fortune to build though, waiting for the bit sites to start restocking those bloody legs.

Fri Mar 25, 2011 5:42 pm
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Post Re: Thinkin' about buying some Warhammer 40k models
The hilarity really scales up when the scatter dies are against us. Or a single miniature just refuses to loose an armor save.

Also, that looks absolutely delicious. It's so orky that that it makes me want to do orks, just for the bit bashing. On that note, and if I may, what are your favorite bits stores? I've seen a few on ebay, but I find ebay a bit shoddy for buying these type of things.

Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:17 am
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Post Re: Thinkin' about buying some Warhammer 40k models
Thanks man.

Bits and Kits is my favourite store, great prices and the customer service is the best. I once got a hand written letter apologizing for the fact that one part was missing because they broke it. I really love their buckets of bits, which are gigantic and filled with more stuff then you can imagine. I advise against the better stocked battlewagon bits, just because their prices are WAAAAAY too high.

Sat Mar 26, 2011 1:32 am
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