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 Roll to Dodge - Mecha ON HOLD 
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Mecha
>Search everyone else things and look for my stole coffee. Also if i find it write a note to whoever stole it.

Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:41 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Mecha
Roast Veeeeeeeeg.

Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:32 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Mecha
> Crouch down behind Mr. Muscle and cause him to trip over if he takes one step backward.

Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:40 pm
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Mecha
Incoming roll.

Pierre Berguard [3]: You are hungry. The dining hall has food. The answer is obvious.
However, someone managed to knock over a precariously stacked stack of empty drums, right in front of the door out, leaving you trapped in the Mecha Bay for the 15 minutes it takes for people to clear a path through the large metal barrels.
- Field Medical Kit
- Field Repair Kit
- 9mm Glock

Vladimír Shurla [7-1=6]: "Hey, guys, that kid that's about to get the motherloving ♥♥♥♥ beaten out of him is on my team, and I'd rather not be short a pilot on today's mission. Get ready to help out if he needs it."
No sooner do you say that when Aark gets punched in the face by a large angry man.
"Wrong guy, same deal."
You and your friends hop up and go over to the large man before he can stomp on Aark or something, and block your downed comrade from harm.
"Hey, this guy's in my squad. If you wanna mess with him, you're gonna have to deal with me and my friends."
- Field Medical Kit
- Field Repair Kit
- 9mm Glock
- Sleep Deprived (-1 to rolls)

Name: Goliath Mk.V
Class: Heavy
- Two Heavy Cannons
- Hellfire FaF Missile Pod
- 32 Depleted Uranium Heavy Cannon Shells
- 72 Hellfire Missiles
- Heavily Armored (+1 to defense rolls, -1 to dodging attacks)
- Depleted Uranium Slugs (+1 to attacks using the main guns)
- Morale Boost (+1 to all allied rolls at the beginning of the battle, or when the Goliath arrives on the battle scene)
- Ypsilon Strike [SW]
Arms: OK
Legs: OK
Torso: OK
Etc: OK

Roast Veg
Aark-han [2-1=1]: You set your tray down, then attempt to stealthily walk around the big guy. You fail miserably.
"What the ♥♥♥♥ are you doing, you shitstain?"
"I-I'm just walking. Not doing any-"

His fist hits your square in the face before you finish your sentence, and you crumple to the ground in pain.
- Field Medical Kit
- Field Repair Kit
- 9mm Glock
- Rough Map of the Exoneration
- Sleepy (-1 to next 2 rolls)
- Broken Nose (-1 to speech)
- Cut Lip (-1 to speech)
- Broken Tooth (-1 to rolls)

Name: The Han Van
Class: Light
- Innnardsplatter
- "Le Big Tweezers"
- Some Kinda Acid Sprayer [SW]
- 20 AP Grenades
- Scream Siren
Arms: OK
Legs: OK
Torso: OK
Etc: OK

"Amazigh" [6+1=7]: "Yeah, you see i'd love to do that but i've got places to go, things to blow up, you know how it goes."
You turn away for a second, then hear Aark make a stammering excuse and get a fist to the face. Vlad comes over to help Aark, but the musclehead is onto you again.
"I didn't see any bootlicking, ♥♥♥♥♥!"
He fires a meaty fist face-ward, but your enhanced reflexes and cybernetic arm catch his punch easily.
"And I didn't see you shutting the ♥♥♥♥ up. I think I'd call that even."
- Cyborg Enhancements
- Field Medical Kit
- Field Repair Kit
- 9mm Glock
- Well Rested (+1 to next 2 rolls)

James Argus [7-1=6]: You look through everyone else's footlockers, but find no trace of your coffee anywhere. You detect a CHALLENGE.
- Sniper expert (+1 when shooting from long range)
- Field Medical Kit
- Field Repair Kit
- 9mm Glock
- Panic (-1 to actions when in close combat)
- Sleep Deprived (-1 to rolls)

Name: Stinger
Class: Medium
- Machine Gun
- Light Rail Sniper
- 8 LRS Slugs
- 550 .50 rounds
- Energy Blast [SW]
Arms: OK
Legs: OK
Torso: OK
Etc: OK

John Kosloswa [3]: You drop the HUNK RUMP, but somehow your hand gets caught inside the Pringles can.
It's cold and sticky.
- Field Medical Kit
- Field Repair Kit
- 9mm Glock
- DIY Fleshlight
- Hand stuck in Fleshlight

Game Events: The large man looks around, and sees that there are 6 people around him ready to fight, one of whom just caught his punch.
"Feh. I'll deal with you punks later."
Amazigh delivers a retort to the retreating musclehead.
"Alright! Make sure you bring your boyfriend to watch us kick your teeth in!"

Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:10 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Mecha
Get hand out of fleshlight and go inside the bathroom to wash hands.

Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:53 pm
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Mecha
By the way, there are more ways to alleviate sleep deprivation than just by sleeping.

Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:54 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Mecha
Stimulants are your friend!

Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:55 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Mecha
> Blunder my way to the infirmary, get help.

Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:59 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Mecha
Go into the Food Hall, and get some food

Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:14 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Mecha
>Get Some. [Food]

Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:24 pm

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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Mecha
>Get some food and some coffee from the kitchen then.

Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:05 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Mecha
"There a coffee machine in here?"
Get coffee to go with my food, and then ask my crew about adding an additional weapon slot to my Mecha.

Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:00 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Mecha
Rolling in 5...

Pierre Berguard [8]: You exit the Mecha Bay through the now clear door, and head through the ship towards the galley. About 3/4 of the way there, you pass a large, muscled man who's growling to himself angrily. You ignore him, and continue on your way. Upon entering the galley, you see that there seems to have been a ruckus. You ignore this for now, and get into the line for food. A disconcerted serving woman hands you a tray of still-hot breakfast.
- Field Medical Kit
- Field Repair Kit
- 9mm Glock
- Breakfast

Vladimír Shurla [6-1=5]: Why yes, there IS a coffee machine! Not a big fancy industrial one, sadly, but it's still a pretty high end looking thing. And of course, there's no coffee. You quickly prepare some and set the machine to brew, choosing a good strong blend of coffee. This'll wake you up.
- Field Medical Kit
- Field Repair Kit
- 9mm Glock
- Sleep Deprived (-1 to rolls)
- Brewing Coffee (Ready in 2 rolls)

Name: Goliath Mk.V
Class: Heavy
- Two Heavy Cannons
- Hellfire FaF Missile Pod
- 32 Depleted Uranium Heavy Cannon Shells
- 72 Hellfire Missiles
- Heavily Armored (+1 to defense rolls, -1 to dodging attacks)
- Depleted Uranium Slugs (+1 to attacks using the main guns)
- Morale Boost (+1 to all allied rolls at the beginning of the battle, or when the Goliath arrives on the battle scene)
- Ypsilon Strike [SW]
Arms: OK
Legs: OK
Torso: OK
Etc: OK

Roast Veg
Aark-han [8-1-1=6]: "Ouw. Phuk."
You get up, limping just a little bit, and hobble out the door and down the hall, to the mercifully nearby infirmary. You thank the heavens that the two are so close to each other. Standing outside the nearly closed door, you hear voices inside. You can't tell what they're saying, but it seems to be two men angrily talking. From their tone, it could easily turn to an argument.
- Field Medical Kit
- Field Repair Kit
- 9mm Glock
- Rough Map of the Exoneration
- Sleepy (-1 to next roll)
- Broken Nose (-1 to speech)
- Cut Lip (-1 to speech)
- Broken Tooth (-1 to rolls)

Name: The Han Van
Class: Light
- Innnardsplatter
- "Le Big Tweezers"
- Some Kinda Acid Sprayer [SW]
- 20 AP Grenades
- Scream Siren
Arms: OK
Legs: OK
Torso: OK
Etc: OK

"Amazigh" [4+1=5]: Satisfied with your handling of the situation, you get back in line to get breakfast. This time, you get a significantly less heaping breakfast. Well, it's still breakfast, still hot, and still delicious.
- Cyborg Enhancements
- Field Medical Kit
- Field Repair Kit
- 9mm Glock
- Breakfast
- Well Rested (+1 to next roll)

James Argus [10-1=9]: Wait, this is stupid. You just go to the galley to get some food. You walk in, and almost immediately find an abandoned Delicious Breakfast on a table nearby. You wait for a minute to see if anyone claims it. Noone does.
You snag the Delicious Breakfast and move over to the coffee maker. Seems as though someone's already but some on to percolate. You grab a couple packets of instant coffee, hide them in your pants, and head over to the table Vlad is sitting at.
- Sniper expert (+1 when shooting from long range)
- Field Medical Kit
- Field Repair Kit
- 9mm Glock
- Panic (-1 to actions when in close combat)
- Sleep Deprived (-1 to rolls)

Name: Stinger
Class: Medium
- Machine Gun
- Light Rail Sniper
- 8 LRS Slugs
- 550 .50 rounds
- Energy Blast [SW]
Arms: OK
Legs: OK
Torso: OK
Etc: OK

John Kosloswa [10]: "GRRRRK! THIS! CAN! SHOULD! NOT! BE! THIS! TIGHT!"
With a squelchy pop, you finally wrench your hand free. It then flies up from the force of your struggles, and hits you in the face.
Now your hand AND your face is cold and sticky.
- Field Medical Kit
- Field Repair Kit
- 9mm Glock
- Cold and Sticky Hand
- Cold and Sticky Face

Game Events:

Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:20 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Mecha
> Knock very loudly on the door, then walk in if nobody answers me.

Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:09 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Mecha
Hyper, will you answer my question OOC? What's required to get an additional weapon slot on my Mecha?
Make small talk while I eat my meal and wait for coffee to be ready.

Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:14 am
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