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 Roll to Dodge - Island 
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Island

Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:11 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Island
Tomaster wrote:

That means you alphagamer.

Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:22 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Island

Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:38 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Island
Kick him out, allow new applications, get this ♥♥♥♥ started again.

Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:05 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Island
You are fifty posts late for that.
If all else fails, roll for the intelligence level of his action and make one for him.

Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:01 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Island
Roll 9

Name : Bear Grylls (caekdaemon)
[ 6 + 1 ] = 6
> Taking careful aim at a fish, you unleash a mighty thrust and impale the sucker through its side.

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :
- Master Of Survival (+1 to Survival actions)

Inventory : (3/5)
- Swiss army knife
- Stick w/ Fish
- Wooden Fishing Hook

Equipped : (0/10)

Conditions :
- Hunger (8/15 : ========-------) (-1 every turn) (-1 health every turn when Hunger is zero)
- Thirst (9/10 : =========-) (-1 every turn) (-1 health every turn when Thirst is zero)
- Health (20/20 : ====================) (You die when this gets to zero)

Name : John Freeman (Hyperkultra)
[ 2 ] = 2
> Scooping an armful of sand up, you dump it onto the fire to extinguish it. You then follow George to the forest, where he stops in front of Vladimir's Mattress tent.

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :
- Muscular (+1 to rolls involving strength)

Inventory : (1/5)
- Fire Starter (Flint an' Steel)
- Charred Pointy Stick w/ (5) Roasted Bananas

Equipped : (1/10)
- Waterproof Emergency Kit (Bag) (Space - 6/10)
--- Razor Blade
--- Duct Tape Roll (50 feet)
--- Fishing Line Roll (50 feet)
--- Fishing Hook
--- Whistle
--- Mini Compass
--- Alcohol Wipes (Qty. 2)

Conditions :
- Hunger (8/15 : ========-------) (-1 every turn) (-1 health every turn when Hunger is zero)
- Thirst (3/10 : ===-------) (-1 every turn) (-1 health every turn when Thirst is zero)
- Health (20/20 : ====================) (You die when this gets to zero)

Name : Robbynsan Kaarusoson (Nonsequitorian)
[ 6 ] = 6
> After walking around the beach and clubbing crabs to death with your wrench, you realize that there's no fire to cook them, and everyone else ran off.

Oh well, you just eat the crabs raw.

"See! See how PERFECT I am. I LOVE MYSELF!"

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :
- Off of Island (has a knack for finding a way off of large, water-surrounded parcels of land)
- Pain Tolerance (Lessens the effect of pain)

Inventory : (1/5)
- Massive Monkey Wrench

Equipped : (0/10)

Conditions :
- Hunger (11/15 : ===========----) (-1 every turn) (-1 health every turn when Hunger is zero)
- Thirst (2/10 : ==--------) (-1 every turn) (-1 health every turn when Thirst is zero)
- Health (16/20 : ================----) (You die when this gets to zero)
- Wounded legs (-1 any action involving leg use)

Name : Kilikolin McRae (Natti)
[ 3 ] = 3
> "So I herd u sell weanponz?"

You hand Vladimir a bushel of 60 bananas and get a cutlass!

Active Abilities :
- First Aid (+2 to targets' health when used.)

Passive Abilities :

Inventory : (3/5)
- Luger P08 pistol (Ammo - 8 )
- Leather Sheath
--- Cutlass
- Bushel of Bananas (60 Bananas)

Equipped : (0/10)

Conditions :
- Hunger (10/15 : ==========-----) (-1 every turn) (-1 health every turn when Hunger is zero)
- Thirst (8/10 : ========--) (-1 every turn) (-1 health every turn when Thirst is zero)
- Health (20/20 : ====================) (You die when this gets to zero)

Name : Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (Tomaster)
[ 3 ] = 3
> "Selling personal defense weapons for a banana bushel each!"

Kilikolin hands you a bushel of bananas and you give him a cutlass.

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :
- Russian Upbringing (+1/-1 to the use of firearms)

Inventory : (2/5)
- Compound Crossbow
- Quiver (15/20)
--- Arrows (Qty. 15)
- Bushel of Bananas (60 Bananas)

Equipped : (4/10)
- Leather Sheath
--- Cutlass
- Leather Sheath
--- Cutlass
- Leather Sheath
--- Cutlass
- Blanket/Bag
--- Blanket (Qty. 3)
--- Pillow (Qty. 4)
--- Flintlock Pistol

Conditions :
- Hunger (8/15 : ========-------) (-1 every turn) (-1 health every turn when Hunger is zero)
- Thirst (3/10 : ===------) (-1 every turn) (-1 health every turn when Thirst is zero)
- Health (20/20 : ====================) (You die when this gets to zero)

Name : Anonymous (Anonymous)
[ - ] = -
> -

You sit there, idle

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :

Inventory : (0/5)

Equipped : (0/10)

Conditions :
- Hunger (14/15 : ==============-) (-1 every turn) (-1 health every turn when Hunger is zero)
- Thirst (9/10 : =========-) (-1 every turn) (-1 health every turn when Thirst is zero)
- Health (20/20 : ====================) (You die when this gets to zero)

Name : George A. Roberts (NPC)
[ - ] = -
> George drinks some more water from the barrel before speaking.

"Okay guys, those pirates are gonna' be coming with guns an' swords, we gotta head deep into the forest an' lose 'em. There's supposed to be some dusty ruins on this island, we should avoid it."

Active Abilities :
- ?

Passive Abilities :
- ?

Inventory : (?/5)
- Pointy Stick

Equipped : (4/10)
- "Pirate" Hat
- Blue coat
- Ruffle Shirt
- White Pants

Conditions :
- Hunger (11/15 : ===========----) (-1 every turn) (-1 health every turn when Hunger is zero)
- Thirst (6/10 : ======----) (-1 every turn) (-1 health every turn when Thirst is zero)
- Health (20/20 : ====================) (You die when this gets to zero)

Time of Day : 6:00 AM/600 hrs (2 hours per turn)

Attention: If you are on the waiting list, post here saying if you want in. Whoever is at the highest part of the list and posts, gets to play. Make sure you re-post your char sheet too.

Last edited by CaveCricket48 on Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Feb 18, 2011 2:39 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Island
"Alright then. Say, can I ask why you're dressed like a pirate Revolutionary War soldier?"
> Take a long drink of water.

Fri Feb 18, 2011 2:42 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Island
Begin camouflaging mattress tent. If it's too close to the edge of the woods, take it down and relocate deeper.

Fri Feb 18, 2011 3:32 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Island
>Go with Vladimir and help him.
"Hey buddy, I think you could use some help."

You misspellt my name! It's Kilinkolin, not Kilikolin.

Fri Feb 18, 2011 3:02 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Island
Head back to the main area the group has set up, try and start a fire.

Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:14 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Island
Roll 10

Name : Bear Grylls (caekdaemon)
[ 3 + 1 ] = 4
> You locate the others standing near a large bush and start a camp fire near by.

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :
- Master Of Survival (+1 to Survival actions)

Inventory : (3/5)
- Swiss army knife
- Stick w/ Fish
- Wooden Fishing Hook

Equipped : (0/10)

Conditions :
- Hunger (7/15 : =======--------) (-1 every turn) (-1 health every turn when Hunger is zero)
- Thirst (8/10 : ========--) (-1 every turn) (-1 health every turn when Thirst is zero)
- Health (20/20 : ====================) (You die when this gets to zero)

Name : John Freeman (Hyperkultra)
[ 3 ] = 3
> After drinking from the water barrel, you ask George,

"Alright then. Say, can I ask why you're dressed like a pirate Revolutionary War soldier?"

"What? This is West Verna's Naval uniform."

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :
- Muscular (+1 to rolls involving strength)

Inventory : (1/5)
- Fire Starter (Flint an' Steel)
- Charred Pointy Stick w/ (5) Roasted Bananas

Equipped : (1/10)
- Waterproof Emergency Kit (Bag) (Space - 6/10)
--- Razor Blade
--- Duct Tape Roll (50 feet)
--- Fishing Line Roll (50 feet)
--- Fishing Hook
--- Whistle
--- Mini Compass
--- Alcohol Wipes (Qty. 2)

Conditions :
- Hunger (7/15 : =======--------) (-1 every turn) (-1 health every turn when Hunger is zero)
- Thirst (10/10 : ==========) (-1 every turn) (-1 health every turn when Thirst is zero)
- Health (20/20 : ====================) (You die when this gets to zero)

Name : Robbynsan Kaarusoson (Nonsequitorian)
[ 5 ] = 5
> "I guess I can make my way with pirates. I served 9 years in the navy, you know, and my father was a trader."

The pirate ship throws anchor just off shore, and you see it lower 2 row boats into the water. The row boats quickly quickly make their way to the shore in front of you, and you see about pirates get off. The captain-looking one, with a large grey coat and a pirate's hat, steps forward.

"You there! I don't suppose you've seen one of 'em blue coats, eh?"

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :
- Off of Island (has a knack for finding a way off of large, water-surrounded parcels of land)
- Pain Tolerance (Lessens the effect of pain)

Inventory : (1/5)
- Massive Monkey Wrench

Equipped : (0/10)

Conditions :
- Hunger (10/15 : ==========-----) (-1 every turn) (-1 health every turn when Hunger is zero)
- Thirst (1/10 : =---------) (-1 every turn) (-1 health every turn when Thirst is zero)
- Health (16/20 : ================----) (You die when this gets to zero)
- Wounded legs (-1 any action involving leg use)

Name : Kilinkolin McRae (Natti)
[ 4 ] = 4
> "Hey buddy, I think you could use some help."

After a few minutes of work, the camoflaged the tent looks just like a bush.

Active Abilities :
- First Aid (+2 to targets' health when used.)

Passive Abilities :

Inventory : (3/5)
- Luger P08 pistol (Ammo - 8 )
- Leather Sheath
--- Cutlass
- Bushel of Bananas (60 Bananas)

Equipped : (0/10)

Conditions :
- Hunger (9/15 : =========------) (-1 every turn) (-1 health every turn when Hunger is zero)
- Thirst (7/10 : =======---) (-1 every turn) (-1 health every turn when Thirst is zero)
- Health (20/20 : ====================) (You die when this gets to zero)

Name : Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (Tomaster)
[ 4 ] = 4
> Your tent is a good distance away from the forest's edge, so you start camoflaging the mattress shelter with tree branches and bushes.

"Hey buddy, I think you could use some help."

With Kilinkolin's help, your mattress tent looks just like foilage!

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :
- Russian Upbringing (+1/-1 to the use of firearms)

Inventory : (2/5)
- Compound Crossbow
- Quiver (15/20)
--- Arrows (Qty. 15)
- Bushel of Bananas (60 Bananas)

Equipped : (4/10)
- Leather Sheath
--- Cutlass
- Leather Sheath
--- Cutlass
- Leather Sheath
--- Cutlass
- Blanket/Bag
--- Blanket (Qty. 3)
--- Pillow (Qty. 4)
--- Flintlock Pistol

Conditions :
- Hunger (7/15 : =======--------) (-1 every turn) (-1 health every turn when Hunger is zero)
- Thirst (2/10 : ==-------) (-1 every turn) (-1 health every turn when Thirst is zero)
- Health (20/20 : ====================) (You die when this gets to zero)

Name : Anonymous (Anonymous)
[ - ] = -
> -

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :

Inventory : (0/5)

Equipped : (0/10)

Conditions :
- Hunger (15/15 : ===============) (-1 every turn) (-1 health every turn when Hunger is zero)
- Thirst (10/10 : ==========) (-1 every turn) (-1 health every turn when Thirst is zero)
- Health (20/20 : ====================) (You die when this gets to zero)

Name : George A. Roberts (NPC)
[ - ] = -

Pulling out a compass, George looks at it carefully.

"... Since we're at the southern end of this island, we should head north until we hit the shore. Then we could build a large raft and run away from those pirates before they realize we left."

Active Abilities :
- ?

Passive Abilities :
- ?

Inventory : (?/5)
- Pointy Stick
- Compass

Equipped : (4/10)
- "Pirate" Hat
- Blue coat
- Ruffle Shirt
- White Pants

Conditions :
- Hunger (10/15 : ==========-----) (-1 every turn) (-1 health every turn when Hunger is zero)
- Thirst (5/10 : =====-----) (-1 every turn) (-1 health every turn when Thirst is zero)
- Health (20/20 : ====================) (You die when this gets to zero)

Time of Day : 8:00 AM/800 hrs (2 hours per turn)

Attention - Whoever wants to join the game, just post your char sheet and you can take the empty spot, whether or not if you're on the waiting list. First come first server.

Spot taken!

Last edited by CaveCricket48 on Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:22 pm

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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Island
Name : Wially Crowshovel
Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :
Pirate : +1 to looting/shooting things

Inventory : (0/5)

Equipped : (1/10)
Loaded flintlock

Conditions :
- Hunger (13/15 : ===============) (-1 every turn) (-1 health every turn when Hunger is zero)
- Thirst (9/10 : ==========) (-1 every turn) (-1 health every turn when Thirst is zero)
- Health (20/20 : ====================) (You die when this gets to zero)

Don't mind me,i'm just ninjaing piratizing you all(the join was not a joke o_o)

Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:27 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Island
Huh. Those pirates look fairly friendly, for pirates. You hold down the fort, I'm going to go see what they're doing.
Go find that water barrel and drink from it. THEN go check out the pirates.

Last edited by Tomaster on Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:44 pm

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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Island
Tomato,look at your thirst.

Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:45 pm
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Island
> Nom some bananas.
"West who now?"

Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:48 pm
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