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 Mission: [Ronin] Nest 
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Post Re: Mission: [Ronin] Nest (Updated: 13-aug-2009)
Two things to add:

1. Found a bug. My dropship died before its engines fails, and then it turned into an infinite clone sniping fest. The game never went into the rocket phase.

2. This can be a pretty nice two-player mission. One sniping, one on the ground. There can be more obstacles to shield the clones from the sniper, and better armed clones. And both players have to escape in order to win.

Mon Aug 17, 2009 1:45 pm
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Post Re: Mission: [Ronin] Nest (Updated: 13-aug-2009)
Curious, I definetely have DS death check in this phase. Caught some console errors to assist?

Mon Aug 17, 2009 1:58 pm
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Post Re: Mission: [Ronin] Nest (Updated: 13-aug-2009)
WeeGee: God of Cortex Command missions.

Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:41 pm
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Post Re: Mission: [Ronin] Nest (Updated: 13-aug-2009)
Indeed. I have an idea for a new one:

You have to ferry unarmed Ronin into a base, take control of them, steal a prize, get out and ferry them out again, all without ever being discovered.

Tue Aug 18, 2009 12:05 am
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Post Re: Mission: [Ronin] Nest (Updated: 13-aug-2009)
Metal Gear Solid style, I like. Face them with heavy coalition forces, a few random dummy squads, and air-strikes, and you got a mission comparable to the OMGWTF missions.

Tue Aug 18, 2009 12:11 am
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Post Re: Mission: [Ronin] Nest (Updated: 13-aug-2009)
Hmm, a prequel to this mission would be awesome.

Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:26 am

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Post Re: Mission: [Ronin] Nest (Updated: 13-aug-2009)
weegee wrote:
Dropship is easier to control

Heh not to me im pretty good with rockets better than dropships i must say dummy rockets are just plain inbalanced though "Literally they lose control a bit to fast" anyway great mission weegee least it isn't hard as stratosphere that is just maginot all over again

Wed Apr 07, 2010 1:51 am
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Post Re: Mission: [Ronin] Nest (Updated: 13-aug-2009)
You felt the need to bump this from almost a year ago just to say that?

Wed Apr 07, 2010 5:41 am

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Post Re: Mission: [Ronin] Nest (Updated: 13-aug-2009)
I increased joint stiffness so much that dimitry exploded!!! Lolz it was funny because his head killed an enemy.

Sat Jun 12, 2010 6:10 pm
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Post Re: Mission: [Ronin] Nest (Updated: 13-aug-2009)
Ahh good times.. Still havent completed it. My latest attempt. Everyone dead, but my dafred. Dropship hovering. Jumping to the roof from the ground. Hard when the clones smashed the platforms. Anyways. Make it up, but a clone jetpacks over the and edge and shoots my while Im being sucked in. 1 hp Mr.Awesome gets in the ship. Epicly kill all the guys with the robot and run for the ship. Open up, and out comes a dead Dafred. Instant fail.

Tue Jun 29, 2010 10:02 pm
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Post Re: Mission: [B24][Ronin] Nest (Updated: 29-dec-2010)
Updated to B24

Wed Dec 29, 2010 10:03 am
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Post Re: Mission: [Ronin] Nest (Updated: 29-dec-2010)
Could you make this easier by adding more things to jump on the get up, or ladders if they tend to work better? I have kept losing because I can't get Dafred up the base.

Wed Jan 05, 2011 1:32 am

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Post Re: Mission: [Ronin] Nest (Updated: 29-dec-2010)
It's tricky to get up. If you need to cross those gaps, try dive-rolling as I call it: move forward, hold down briefly so that your guy goes into a front dive, and before his feet leave the ground hit jump to have him long-jump. Careful, this sometimes hurts when he hits the ground or opposite wall head-first. I've had Dafred snap his neck and die from 100 health like this once.

Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:21 am
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Post Re: Mission: [Ronin] Nest (Updated: 29-dec-2010)
JacenHanLovesLegos wrote:
Could you make this easier by adding more things to jump on the get up, or ladders if they tend to work better? I have kept losing because I can't get Dafred up the base.
Practice easier manouevres first. Work your way up to weegee missions. Part of their charm is the fact that they are difficult enough to challenge veteran players.

Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:42 am
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Post Re: Mission: [Ronin] Nest (Updated: 29-dec-2010)
Surviving by shooting the ai is easy enough. But Ive had issues when i was trying to get to the top of the building, when I'm trying to climb the stairs my units comment suicide by jumping into gun fire. Can you make them jump slightly higher?

My story for this mission. (1st person goodness)
We arrive, At the base. We quickly settle into the bottom floor, since its hard to get onto the second floor.
Mia spots coalition soldiers and rapid fires a bombardment of bullets. Meanwhile Demetri is fires a single shot and trips, dropping his gun off the cliff.
(this is a strike of luck, the rifle impales a coalition soldier while he was aiming for a kill and kills him)
After a while our drop ship comes in. We quickly evacuate in the drop ship, just before we go into orbit the engines fail, the drop ship scraps against
the cliff but doesn't take damage. We land and and wait for the repair robot to come. When it arrives in its drop pod it crash's onto 3 coalition troops killing them. The robot then fly's to the drop ship and gets in it. At 75% a coalition suicide bombs the drop ship making it lose control, the left engine activates full thrust roasting Mia and and flips the drop ship onto nearby coalition troops. As the robot ejects from the crashed drop ship it fires 3 shots before the drop ship explodes flinging a engine into the robot obliterating it. After a while a rocket lands just as a ion beam barely misses my face. I get in the rocket as the ion residue dissipates and start to fly away. I dodge 4 more ion shots before my rocket gets stuck in the cliff. Suddenly a ion beam hits and explodes Demetri, just as my rocket spins out of control and crashes. I am ejected but the exploding rocket sends shrapnel tearing off my arms and legs. I sit and watch a bright light come at me as fast as death.

This is all stuff that actually happened in this mission. :P

Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:39 am
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