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 Roll To Dodge 2 (RtD2) - Finished 
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Tribal Consequences
My char's name is Ruben. In the PM you said you didn't need stats, so I won't repost them. If you DO need them, just search for Ruben, you should find it.

Does this mean I'm finally in?

Wed Jan 26, 2011 6:49 pm

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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Tribal Consequences
I think Yoman meant that he will if someone died, I don't see the logic otherwise.

Wed Jan 26, 2011 11:13 pm

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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Tribal Consequences
Yolady543 wrote:

Everyone will join but will probably die quickly

I would prefer if you didn't re-post a PM, as the contents were only meant for the people I sent it to.

Wed Jan 26, 2011 11:17 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Tribal Consequences
I replied to the PM, and Sure, I might as well join.

Wed Jan 26, 2011 11:42 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Tribal Consequences
FoiL (3+3-1=5) Andrew Rodrigues
As the body of the recently-deceased Tribesman falls through the air, Andrew leaps out of Asfer's Container at the Tribesman nearest where Tyler was standing. The Tribesman is taking a step forward as Andrew flies through the air. The Tribesman's face takes on a look of terror as the M4 'Beowulf' Carbine's stock slams into his face with a crunch. As the Tribesman goes down, Andrew tucks and rolls along the ground and then crouches - ready to fire the M4 'Beowulf' Carbine. The downed Tribesman behind him doesn't move but the one in front takes a step back.
ABILITIES USED: Hyper Focus, Fists of Fury and Forced Break & Entry
ABILITY UPDATED: Hyper Focus (-1 use, now 3/6)
20, Black hair, brown eyes, 6', well built.

Fists of fury (+1 to actions involving melee)
Forced Break & Entry (+1 to actions involving breaking things)
Hyper Focus (+1 concentration. 3 of 6 uses)
RAGE FACE (+1 to intimidation & pain-ignorance)
Anti-Laser (Immune to attacks using Pure Energy as a Main Source, unless rolling a 1)
Blast-Proof (Immune to explosive forces, unless rolling a 1)
Mental Link - Vladimir ('Telepathy' with Vladimir)
Berserk Mode - Uses all abilities as needed and an additional +1 to all rolls. -1 to the roll in which you exit this mode. Maximum 5 consecutive uses and 2 turn cooldown.
M4 'Beowulf' Carbine (30 of 30 rounds, wielded)
Beretta 92FS (7 of 10 rounds, holstered)
Extendable baton (Stored, snapped in half)
Top gun sunglasses (Worn)
Blast-Proof Jacket (Pockets: 7 slot used, 3 available)
- Jacket Usage Manual
- 9 Rations (+1 to next action)
- A water bottle (+1 to next action, 2 uses)
- Ammo (5 Handgun magazines)
Waist Pockets (18 slots used, 2 available)
- 3 rockets for a SMAW
- Swiss army knife
- Utility Machete
- Ammo (2 Drums, 4 Handgun Magazines)
Botanist's Backpack (19 slots used, 11 available):
- Flare Gun and 4 red flares
- A Folding Shovel
- Some empty vials
- 30ft of rope
- Briefcase (Broken lock but closed)
- 6 Beowulf Magazines

Heavyweight (-1 to any actions involving fast movement)
Twisted Ankle (-1 to movements for next turn)
Broken Nose (Speech impediment, -1 until re-aligned) - Countered by Rage Face

Ociamarru (6) Vladimir Ivanov
Vlad decides to give Kyle a little scare, so he stalls the propeller for a moment and looks back. The look on Kyle's face is priceless. Kyle proceeds to swear at him in French as the propellers start up again.
27, Russian. 6' 2", shaved blonde hair, green eyes, well built.

Cybernetics (+2 to mobile actions, speed is doubled, 4 of 5 uses)
Athletic (+1 to mobile actions)
Scar-face (+1 Intimidation, -1 Charisma etc)
Resilience (Gains one extra roll before death)
Pilot Training (Able to fly aircraft, Cannot roll 1s)
Mental Link (Can project thoughts to others and 'see' theirs)
Slow Motion (Uncontrollable)
Instinctual Actions (Vladimir does things without thinking or knowing)
Say what? ( ??? )
Saiga-12 Combat Shotgun (6 of 8 shells, slung)
Khazar-replicated knife (Sheathed)
Grappling Cane with hidden blade (Held)
Containment Unit (36 slots used, 14 available)
- Carved Wooden Statuette of self
- Radio
- Cellphone
- Flare gun with 2 green flares
- Ammo (18 Shotgun Shells, 8 handgun magazines)
- 5 days of Rations (15 meals, +1 to next turn)
- TOP-SECRET Information File
- Bubblewrapped Mechanical Cube (Downed Phoenix?)
- Cybernetic Enhancement Kit (1 Use left, nonrefillable)
- Cybernetic Enhancement Upgrade Kit

Rested for ∞ turns, ∞ turns before tiredness.
Fail Chest? (Healed?)
Holey foot (-1 to running every second turn)
Apricot Effect ( Anti-Poison )

Point.Blank (3) Asfer Wilks
Asfer attempts to arm the Mk.II Vulcan Gun in record time, but some of the moisture in the air must have slowed down the internals somehow. Two Tribesmen come at him front the front, spear points glinting in the scarce sunlight. Asfer swings the Bladed Shield up in time to sever said spear-points straight off. The two Tribesmen are befuddled with their new staffs.
Pilot: 21y/o. Mobile Armored Frame EXpirimental 103 Cannon Exosuit.

Large Muscle Mass (+1 to action requiring strength)
Sixth sense (+1 to detecting enemies, traps etc)
Mental Link - Vladimir ('Telepathy' with Vladimir)
Super Sprint (Diverts all power to the legs of the Exo-Suit to sprint. Max 3 consecutive uses. +2 to sprints, -2 to any other power-using action)
Mk.III 40mm Revolver Cannon (5 of 6 rounds, 1 turn to reload) HE SHELL
Mk.II 5.7x28mm Vulcan Gun (200 of 250 rounds, 1 turn to reload) READY
Bladed Shield (Left arm) EXTENDED
MAF-EX103C Exo-suit (1 turn to enter/exit)
Ultra-compact generator (Recharged by light, 5% per turn if resting, damaged)
Sensor node (Left Shoulder, IR, NV, auto-targeting camera)
Underslung Harpoon Gun (Attached to Thermite Revolver, loaded)
- 2 spare Harpoons
Rear cargo container: (17 slots used, 33 slots available)
- 40mm cannon rounds (3xHE, 3xFrag, 6xSmoke, 6xStun, 9 slots total)
- 250 spare Vulcan rounds (3 slots total)
- 9 spare Thermite rounds (5 slots)
Mk.IV 20mm Thermite Revolver (5 of 5 rounds, minor action to reload)

Loud (-2 to sneaking, stealth etc)
Heavyweight (-1 to any actions involving fast movement)
Limp (Old wound, -1 to jogging or faster)
Heavy Armour (Asfer's body is mostly safe from harm)
Generator Power 75%

HighEndNoob (4+1=5) Kyle Berguard
"Ah, j'aime doing that."
He looks back behind the Biplane to settle a feeling he had in his gut. The only thing tailing the plane is the Eagle. All of a sudden, the propeller stalls and a blurt of exhaust sounds. Kyle whips his head forward to see Vlad grinning mischievously at him. Kyle starts swearing at him in French as the propellers start up again.
French. 5'8", goatee, green eyes.

Marksman (+1 to longrange combat)
Pyromaniac (+1 when using explosives or flame)
Mental Link - Vladimir ('Telepathy' with Vladimir)
FAMAS-A3 (30 of 30 rounds, Semi-auto mode, slung)
Dual Golden Desert Eagles (4 - 5 of 9 Rounds ea, holstered)
Katana (Sheathed)
Holographic Sight (Mounted on FAMAS)
KAC Masterkey Shotgun Attachment (Mounted on FAMAS)
Recoil-countering Wristguards (85% Energy)
Backpack (26 slots used, 4 available)
- 5 Flashbangs (Non-Lethal, Audio/Visual, 2 slots)
- 5 Claymores (Lethal, contains ball-bearings and shrapnel, 5 slots)
- 4 Molotov Cocktails (Flammable, 2 slots)
- Cigarette Lighter (100% Fuel, 1 slot)
- 3 Semtex Plastic Explosives (Waterproof, malleable, 2 slots)
- 4 C-4 Explosives (Everything-proof, malleable, 2 slots)
- Detonator (C-4/Semtex, 1 slots)
- 5 spare FAMAS Magazines (2 slots)
- 10 spare Desert Eagle Magazines (5 slots)
- 7 Spare Shotgun Shells (1 slot)
- Rations (2 uses - +1 to next turn when used, 2 slots)
- Medical Kit (0 uses, refillable, 1 slots)

Highly Explosive (Roll a 1 when shot and one of your explosives blow up)
Recoil-Countering (+1 accuracy, -1 when Energy has run out)
Explosives (Roll 3+ to successfully use, 2=fumble, 1=premature explosion, 6=dud)
Refreshed (+1 to the next 3 actions. Resting actions do not count)

Raven (3) Tyler Smith
Tyler hangs there in the air, only able to watch the fight.
19, 6 foot, shaggy hair, skinny grey jeans, T-shirt, dark zippered-hoodie, skate shoes.

Stealth (+1 to stealth actions)
Athletics (+1 to agility-related actions)
Chaotic (Things are more chaotic or gory around you)
Akimbo (Can use two weapons at once, 4 or 5 to use successfully)
Auditory R&R (+1 to any non-combat action while listening to your music)
Silenced H&K UMP45 (25 of 25 rounds, stock-less, slung)
Silenced H&K USP .45 (12 of 12 rounds, holstered)
Machete (Sheathed)
Ballistic Knife (Single use unless retrieved, sheathed) Paralysis
Pair of Throwing Knives (1 turn to extract from shoes)
Skiing mask
Chocolate snack bar
iPod and Skullcandy headphones
Garrote (5 of 5 uses)
Ammo (1x UMP45, 1x USP)
MAD SKILLZ E-Book (5 uses)

Hanging by a vine (Left leg restricted, other obvious effects)

Game Events
It is about 3pm

Vlad has some fun at Kyle's expense. The Eagle is still in tow. They fly over a river.
Asfer stops two Tribesmen in their tracks and Andrew takes another out. Tyler is just hanging around.

Find the Fabled Tree to the South-West.

Asfer + Andrew + Tyler:

Vlad + Kyle: (Red square is your objective, you two are over the river)

Thu Jan 27, 2011 9:39 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Tribal Consequences
I am aware that I am double posting, but my above post is the roll and I don't like putting non-roll info in those because people miss it.

If there aren't any more replies from the PMs I sent tomorrow when I wake up then I'll add players for the roll after that.

The first person who was on the waiting list AND who has posted will be the first one in and, most likely, the first to die of the Waiting List Players. Make sure all your actions are epic so that you die in some awesome way.

So far the people to play are, in order:
bbbzzz234 will play Ruben
hax will play Johnny Maxfield
caekdaemon will play a VN Warrior
Tokochiro will play Akron
Roast Veg will play someone

Thu Jan 27, 2011 2:51 pm
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Tribal Consequences
Yoman987 wrote:
The first person who was on the waiting list AND who has posted will be the first one in and, most likely, the first to die of the Waiting List Players. Make sure all your actions are epic so that you die in some awesome way.

That may prove interesting.

Edit: If you need to kill people off fast, take a look at this.

The Wandering Damage System Matrix

Roll Result
1 Your character has fallen down a flight of stairs; roll his dexterity or less on percentile dice, or else consult Limb Loss Subtable.
2 The monster your character just killed gets up and attacks him, doing 8-80 points of damage.
3 Your character smells smoke; his right arm is on fire. Take 14 points of damage and save vs. gangrene.
4 Your character cuts himself while shaving; consult Limb Loss Subtable.
5 Your character's nose hairs catch fire and he dies of smoke inhalation.
6 Your character stumbles backward into a yawning chasm and disappears from view.
7 The next time your character says something, he eats his words, chokes on them, and dies.
8 Something cuts your character's nose off, doing 2-12 points damage and really messing up his charisma.
9 Your character steps on a piece of glass; consult Limb Loss Subtable.
10 Your character suddenly catches a severe case of brain death.
11 Something invisible chews on your character, doing 6-36 points damage.
12 Your character develops an incredibly severe case of arthritis and can grasp nothing with his hands; he drops anything he's holding - and if that happened to be a sword or an axe, consult the Limb Loss Subtable.
13-20 Consult the Random Damage Subtable for no reason whatsoever.
Limb Loss Subtable (roll d6)

1 - Left leg gone
2 - Right leg gone
3 - Left arm gone
4 - Right arm gone
5 - Head gone
6 - Torso cut in half

Random Damage Subtable

Dice roll Result
01-05 Take 10 hit points damage.
06-10 Take 15 hit points damage.
11-20 Take 30 hit points damage.
21-25 Take 10 hit points damage and consult Limb Loss Subtable, modifying die roll by +5.
26-30 Take 10 hit points damage and roll again on Wandering Damage System Matrix.
31-35 Take 15 hit points damage and then take 30 more.
36-40 Roll every die you own for damage.
41-45 Take 17 hit points damage.
46-50 Take 42 hit points damage.
51-55 Multiply your character's age by 5. Take three times that much damage.
56-60 Take 24 hit points damage and then take 31 more.
61-65 Take 1,000 hit points damage and roll again.
66-70 Roll every die within 30 feet for damage.
71-73 Add up the total hit points of everyone in the party. Take that much damage.
74-75 Take 3 hit points damage and consider yourself very lucky - for the time being.
76-00 What? You didn't get hurt? That's impossible - this system is foolproof. Roll again.

Thu Jan 27, 2011 5:23 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Tribal Consequences
It seems very... unfair xD

But seriously, using this table means you roll 1 or 2's all the time in Dragonchampion's RtD, incidentally someone died from rolling a 2.

Thu Jan 27, 2011 9:11 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Tribal Consequences
I can just imagen Vlad was doing a troll face when he grinned at me.
Now that I got that out of the way, rest

Fri Jan 28, 2011 12:07 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Tribal Consequences
Fly like an eagle, let my spirit set me free!
By that I mean, fly the plane while seeing if I can 'see' from other beings' perspectives.

Sorry if we explode, my friend.

Fri Jan 28, 2011 12:21 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Tribal Consequences
Ociamarru wrote:
Fly like an eagle, let my spirit set me free!
By that I mean, fly the plane while seeing if I can 'see' from other beings' perspectives.

Sorry if we explode, my friend.

Err, nope. I'm telling you now so that I don't have to make something up in the roll. You can imagine seeing like that, but you can't actually do it.

Fri Jan 28, 2011 2:19 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Tribal Consequences
Now I'm sad. Very well then, scratch that bit.

Fri Jan 28, 2011 3:04 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Tribal Consequences
Pull out my baton and distribute some broken bones.

Fri Jan 28, 2011 11:27 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Tribal Consequences
dispatch the two tribesman with the blade shield, firing a few bursts at the surrounding tribesmen if possible.

Sat Jan 29, 2011 12:25 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Tribal Consequences
FoiL (1+3-1=3) Andrew Rodrigues
Andrew throws his M4 'Beowulf' Carbine over his shoulder on its sling and whips out his Baton in one smooth motion, then leaps ahead at the two Tribesmen in front of him, swinging it in a downward slash. The first Tribesman avoids the attack with a horizontal block of its spear and pushes him away. Andrew uses this momentum to spin and hit the second Tribesman, who barely blocks and falls onto his back. He kicks his feet up into Andrew's midsection and somersaults him over. Andrew lands heavily but then readies himself for another attack.
ABILITIES USED: Hyper Focus, Fists of Fury and Forced Break & Entry
ABILITY UPDATED: Hyper Focus (-1 use, now 3/6)
ABILITY UPDATED: Twisted Ankle (Healed)
20, Black hair, brown eyes, 6', well built.

Fists of fury (+1 to actions involving melee)
Forced Break & Entry (+1 to actions involving breaking things)
Hyper Focus (+1 concentration. 3 of 6 uses)
RAGE FACE (+1 to intimidation & pain-ignorance)
Anti-Laser (Immune to attacks using Pure Energy as a Main Source, unless rolling a 1)
Blast-Proof (Immune to explosive forces, unless rolling a 1)
Mental Link - Vladimir ('Telepathy' with Vladimir)
Berserk Mode - Uses all abilities as needed and an additional +1 to all rolls. -1 to the roll in which you exit this mode. Maximum 5 consecutive uses and 2 turn cooldown.
M4 'Beowulf' Carbine (30 of 30 rounds, slung)
Beretta 92FS (7 of 10 rounds, holstered)
Extendable baton (Wielded, snapped in half)
Top gun sunglasses (Worn)
Blast-Proof Jacket (Pockets: 7 slot used, 3 available)
- Jacket Usage Manual
- 9 Rations (+1 to next action)
- A water bottle (+1 to next action, 2 uses)
- Ammo (5 Handgun magazines)
Waist Pockets (18 slots used, 2 available)
- 3 rockets for a SMAW
- Swiss army knife
- Utility Machete
- Ammo (2 Drums, 4 Handgun Magazines)
Botanist's Backpack (19 slots used, 11 available):
- Flare Gun and 4 red flares
- A Folding Shovel
- Some empty vials
- 30ft of rope
- Briefcase (Broken lock but closed)
- 6 Beowulf Magazines

Heavyweight (-1 to any actions involving fast movement)
Broken Nose (Speech impediment, -1 until re-aligned) - Countered by Rage Face

Ociamarru (2) Vladimir Ivanov
Vlad fails to see a few birds in front of the plane and they fly into the cockpit, crashing and squawking past the two occupants. The plane ducks and dives a little before Vlad gains control of it, but they have lost some altitude and their heading is now too south than west.
27, Russian. 6' 2", shaved blonde hair, green eyes, well built.

Cybernetics (+2 to mobile actions, speed is doubled, 4 of 5 uses)
Athletic (+1 to mobile actions)
Scar-face (+1 Intimidation, -1 Charisma etc)
Resilience (Gains one extra roll before death)
Pilot Training (Able to fly aircraft, Cannot roll 1s)
Mental Link (Can project thoughts to others and 'see' theirs)
Slow Motion (Uncontrollable)
Instinctual Actions (Vladimir does things without thinking or knowing)
Say what? ( ??? )
Saiga-12 Combat Shotgun (6 of 8 shells, slung)
Khazar-replicated knife (Sheathed)
Grappling Cane with hidden blade (Held)
Containment Unit (36 slots used, 14 available)
- Carved Wooden Statuette of self
- Radio
- Cellphone
- Flare gun with 2 green flares
- Ammo (18 Shotgun Shells, 8 handgun magazines)
- 5 days of Rations (15 meals, +1 to next turn)
- TOP-SECRET Information File
- Bubblewrapped Mechanical Cube (Downed Phoenix?)
- Cybernetic Enhancement Kit (1 Use left, nonrefillable)
- Cybernetic Enhancement Upgrade Kit

Rested for ∞ turns, ∞ turns before tiredness.
Fail Chest? (Healed?)
Holey foot (-1 to running every second turn)
Apricot Effect ( Anti-Poison )

Point.Blank (3) Asfer Wilks
Taking advantage of the confusion, Asfer slashes diagonally at the two Tribesmen, effectively cutting them both in half with an explosive splatter of blood. The four halves hit the ground with a wet sound and various blood trails.
Pilot: 21y/o. Mobile Armored Frame EXpirimental 103 Cannon Exosuit.

Large Muscle Mass (+1 to action requiring strength)
Sixth sense (+1 to detecting enemies, traps etc)
Mental Link - Vladimir ('Telepathy' with Vladimir)
Super Sprint (Diverts all power to the legs of the Exo-Suit to sprint. Max 3 consecutive uses. +2 to sprints, -2 to any other power-using action)
Mk.III 40mm Revolver Cannon (5 of 6 rounds, 1 turn to reload) HE SHELL
Mk.II 5.7x28mm Vulcan Gun (200 of 250 rounds, 1 turn to reload) READY
Bladed Shield (Left arm) EXTENDED
MAF-EX103C Exo-suit (1 turn to enter/exit)
Ultra-compact generator (Recharged by light, 5% per turn if resting, damaged)
Sensor node (Left Shoulder, IR, NV, auto-targeting camera)
Underslung Harpoon Gun (Attached to Thermite Revolver, loaded)
- 2 spare Harpoons
Rear cargo container: (17 slots used, 33 slots available)
- 40mm cannon rounds (3xHE, 3xFrag, 6xSmoke, 6xStun, 9 slots total)
- 250 spare Vulcan rounds (3 slots total)
- 9 spare Thermite rounds (5 slots)
Mk.IV 20mm Thermite Revolver (5 of 5 rounds, minor action to reload)

Loud (-2 to sneaking, stealth etc)
Heavyweight (-1 to any actions involving fast movement)
Limp (Old wound, -1 to jogging or faster)
Heavy Armour (Asfer's body is mostly safe from harm)
Generator Power 70%

HighEndNoob (5) Kyle Berguard
Kyle rests, ignoring any changes of altitude, rotation, inclination, bird sounds or swearing that occur. (Well done :P)
French. 5'8", goatee, green eyes.

Marksman (+1 to longrange combat)
Pyromaniac (+1 when using explosives or flame)
Mental Link - Vladimir ('Telepathy' with Vladimir)
FAMAS-A3 (30 of 30 rounds, Semi-auto mode, slung)
Dual Golden Desert Eagles (4 - 5 of 9 Rounds ea, holstered)
Katana (Sheathed)
Holographic Sight (Mounted on FAMAS)
KAC Masterkey Shotgun Attachment (Mounted on FAMAS)
Recoil-countering Wristguards (85% Energy)
Backpack (26 slots used, 4 available)
- 5 Flashbangs (Non-Lethal, Audio/Visual, 2 slots)
- 5 Claymores (Lethal, contains ball-bearings and shrapnel, 5 slots)
- 4 Molotov Cocktails (Flammable, 2 slots)
- Cigarette Lighter (100% Fuel, 1 slot)
- 3 Semtex Plastic Explosives (Waterproof, malleable, 2 slots)
- 4 C-4 Explosives (Everything-proof, malleable, 2 slots)
- Detonator (C-4/Semtex, 1 slots)
- 5 spare FAMAS Magazines (2 slots)
- 10 spare Desert Eagle Magazines (5 slots)
- 7 Spare Shotgun Shells (1 slot)
- Rations (2 uses - +1 to next turn when used, 2 slots)
- Medical Kit (0 uses, refillable, 1 slots)

Highly Explosive (Roll a 1 when shot and one of your explosives blow up)
Recoil-Countering (+1 accuracy, -1 when Energy has run out)
Explosives (Roll 3+ to successfully use, 2=fumble, 1=premature explosion, 6=dud)
Refreshed (+1 to the next 2 actions. Resting actions do not count)

Raven (2) Tyler Smith
Suddenly, the rope he is attached to slips a bit, scaring the absolute hell out of Tyler. He angles his head up to see a Tribesman dangling a slack piece of rope or vine at him. With a small tug of this slack bit, he drops another foot and shouts again in fear.
19, 6 foot, shaggy hair, skinny grey jeans, T-shirt, dark zippered-hoodie, skate shoes.

Stealth (+1 to stealth actions)
Athletics (+1 to agility-related actions)
Chaotic (Things are more chaotic or gory around you)
Akimbo (Can use two weapons at once, 4 or 5 to use successfully)
Auditory R&R (+1 to any non-combat action while listening to your music)
Silenced H&K UMP45 (25 of 25 rounds, stock-less, slung)
Silenced H&K USP .45 (12 of 12 rounds, holstered)
Machete (Sheathed)
Ballistic Knife (Single use unless retrieved, sheathed) Paralysis
Pair of Throwing Knives (1 turn to extract from shoes)
Skiing mask
Chocolate snack bar
iPod and Skullcandy headphones
Garrote (5 of 5 uses)
Ammo (1x UMP45, 1x USP)
MAD SKILLZ E-Book (5 uses)

Hanging by a vine (Left leg restricted, other obvious effects)

Game Events
It is about 3pm

Karma catches up with Vlad and Kyle just ignores him.

Asfer slices two Tribesmen in half and two more come at him from his left and right. Andrew's attacks are blocked by another two. Tyler's rope is being played with by yet another Tribesman.

Find the Fabled Tree to the South-West.

Asfer + Andrew + Tyler:

Vlad + Kyle: (Red square is your objective, you two are over the river)

Sun Jan 30, 2011 12:14 pm
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