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 Roll to Dodge - Mecha ON HOLD 
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Post Re: RtD - Mecha FUNTIMES AHOY
Does that mean the sheet that's quoted up there is a valid character sheet?

Sun Jan 09, 2011 7:19 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: RtD - Mecha FUNTIMES AHOY
Probably not, I'll be going over them all later. More likely I'll just have everyone resubmit their characters.

Yes, I will have more NPCs than before! Which is to say any! Hooray.

What is it: A contest to determine NPCs! I'll be using them in Mecha, unless they die, so now's your chance to inject a little bit of your own creativity into the story before things get started!

How to Enter:
  • Send me a PM with the subject beginning with "NPC", then optionally with your name and your character's name after that. If this condition isn't met, I will ignore your entry with a passion.
  • The contents of the PM will be an interview! Your NPC will be interviewing for a position aboard the USS Exoneration, a United States aircraft carrier! Disregard the fact that people are normally just selected from the army, these are special positions!
  • The actual job you're interviewing for is up to you, but make it something that would be on an aircraft carrier. Engine Mechanic is good, Farmer is not good.
  • Including a description of the character's personality in the initial PM can only increase your chances!
  • I'm looking for a wide variety of characters here, but gruff gunslingers are a dime a dozen. Not saying that a gruff gunslinger couldn't get in, I'm just saying that someone like Leeron from Gurren Laagen is much more likely to be chosen, simply because of how unique (And damn hilarious) they are.
  • You'll be speaking to Captain Lucas Dugeou for this interview. You walk into his office, he's sitting at his desk, doing paperwork. He looks up, sees you, and says "Ah, you must be *character's name*. Have a seat." Go from there. Stay in character, make a good impression.

Requirements: You must complete this interview with Captain Dugeou in order to be even CONSIDERED.
Anyone just sending a character sheet will not be selected.
If you don't give an effort at the interview, you'll probably fail.

Remember, I'm judging on both how well you've made your character and on how well you can play them.
Whether or not this means you'll actually have some say in their future or actions during Mecha is yet to be seen.

Good luck, have fun. :3

Sun Jan 09, 2011 7:26 am
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Post Re: RtD - Mecha NPC Contest, Pg. 3 for Rules!

Name: Maston Abagon
Age: 23
Physical Description: Tall, with fair proportions, light skinned,
Backstory: Maston was a major in the polish army, and a combat engineer. He joined the M.E.C.H [Mecha Evolution Corporation of Hope] where they required engineers - specifically combat engineers to engineer fearsome mechs, only combat engineers knew what could face them and would make the suitable changes to make the mech battle worthy. He now pilots his own custom mecha, the Dog of War.


Name: Dog of War
Height/Weight: 8m/60 Ton
Physical Description: Quadrupedal heavy mecha, the extra legs add extra mobility for the weight of the mecha. The extra legs also prevent the mecha from being disabled form losing a leg. It comes equipped with 2 380mm Rocket launchers, 4 10cm cal machine guns and a holding bay. The Mecha has a wolf head, but for obvious reasons the pilot is in the main body. The wolf head is capable of biting.
Classification: Medium
Combat Role: Assault
Primary Weapon: Twin 380mm Rocket Launchers - requires a turn to reload each.
Secondary Weapon: 4 10cm cal cal machine guns mounted on the ankle of each of the legs.
-GoInGunsBlazingFTW - Allows the Dog of War to fire all guns at once.
-Tackle - The dog of war can tackle opponent mecha to the ground, particularly effective on bipedal mecha.
-Quick Reload - reload the primary guns without waiting for the turn.
SuperWeapon: Hunting Call - the Dog of War unleashes several dog drones which each weigh in about 5 tons and stand 2 m tall. Each have a grenade launcher or .50 cal machine gun.

Last edited by dragonxp on Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Sun Jan 09, 2011 8:04 am
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Post Re: RtD - Mecha NPC Contest, Pg. 3 for Rules!
I would send a PM with a NPC, but

A: I don't want ANOTHER thing to add to my daily DRLFF visit
B: I don't want to make HK fumble around trying not to be biased, considering I'm a fellow mod and DiceMaster
C: I don't want to take up any places other people (that don't already play an RtD) might want

However, I would be quite humbled if there was a NPC named Corporal Jacob Barker, age 26.

Sun Jan 09, 2011 9:43 am
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Post Re: RtD - Mecha NPC Contest, Pg. 3 for Rules!

Mech coming tomorrow. What's our spread looking like in terms of L/M/H? I'll go Heavy if nobody wants to, I've got some cool ideas going.

Sun Jan 09, 2011 9:45 am
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Post Re: RtD - Mecha NPC Contest, Pg. 3 for Rules!
Dude, everyone wants to go heavy...

Sun Jan 09, 2011 2:32 pm
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Post Re: RtD - Mecha NPC Contest, Pg. 3 for Rules!
I'm going for one of these:

Name: Aark-han
Ethnicity: White eastern European
Age: 19
Physical Description: Short, medium-long brown hair, chubby.
Misc: Originally named Joe Bloggs, the one known as Aark-han had himself emancipated from his foster family at the age of 14 and took his only skill, videogames, with him. And clothes. He had his name altered to suit his online persona, and rejoices in taking gaming to a whole new level.

Name: The Han Van
Age: 5
Height/Weight: 8 meters, 24 tons
Physical Description: Custom built to suit Aark-han's diminutive stature, the Hanmobile is quick and nimble, but while not able to blast a guy to hell, will be able to hack it to death before it even notices.
Classification: Light
Combat Role: Close quartars combat

Primary Weapon: Innnardsplatter - A short range piercing explosive launcher. Can rapid fire, but overheats. More useful at close range when switched to the shotgun setting.

Secondary Weapon: Crush claw - Massive crushing fist of doom.

Abilities: Scream siren. This device will blast the eardrums to hell of anything not adequately soundproofed. For safety reasons, it will only activate when the Han Van detects extreme danger, including primary systems failiure. The Han Van is adequately soundproofed to prevent damage to the pilot in such a circumstance.

Superweapon: Full body flamer - Encases the entire mech in a ball of napalm fire, sprayed from every orifice of the mech. This flame will protect the mech from almost every kind of attack, including energy blasts, which will only be converted into more heat. It will also cook anyone within a 64 metre range.

Last edited by Roast Veg on Sun Jan 09, 2011 7:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:06 pm
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Post Re: RtD - Mecha NPC Contest, Pg. 3 for Rules!
Hyperkultra wrote:
Dude, everyone wants to go heavy...

Then I'll make a light. Unless you're sarcasissistic?

Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:08 pm
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Post Re: RtD - Mecha NPC Contest, Pg. 3 for Rules!
I'm pretty sure he's serious. That's why I went lite.

Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:10 pm
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Post Re: RtD - Mecha NPC Contest, Pg. 3 for Rules!
I am serious. ;__;
Kinda flips the bird to me trying to keep balance.

Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:16 pm
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Post Re: RtD - Mecha NPC Contest, Pg. 3 for Rules!

And what are the weapon restrictions? No Railguns on lights?

EDIT: And are these in a more Anime-Mecha style, or a more MechWarrior/BattleTech style?

Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:18 pm
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Post Re: RtD - Mecha NPC Contest, Pg. 3 for Rules!
A bit of a cross. Think Battlemech in general, but you can make lighter, more agile anime style ones as well. My White Blur is one of those lighter, more agile ones.

Roast Veg, uh, a 14 year old pilot? Really?

Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:22 pm
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Post Re: RtD - Mecha NPC Contest, Pg. 3 for Rules!
We're talking 1337 gamer here. His mecha control console is a PS3 controller and a headset for radio.

I'll bump it up to late teens, but only if you really want me to.

Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:50 pm
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Post Re: RtD - Mecha NPC Contest, Pg. 3 for Rules!
I refuse to admit a minor into this RtD.

Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:51 pm
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Post Re: RtD - Mecha NPC Contest, Pg. 3 for Rules!
Roast Veg wrote:
We're talking 1337 gamer here. His mecha control console is a PS3 controller and a headset for radio.

I'll bump it up to late teens, but only if you really want me to.

Wasn't Mechwarrior PC only?

Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:57 pm
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