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 Mods not working in B24 or just Linux? 
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Joined: Fri Dec 24, 2010 11:53 pm
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Post Mods not working in B24 or just Linux?
As the title says, I picked up the new version in the Humble Bundle (Played the demo a year ago) and have it installed on Linux, I took a couple of the more popular mods and tried installing them. After moving them to the correct folder (as per the instructions), I get an error (attached).

Wasn't sure if it was just Linux being picky (tried making changes to no avail) or if it was just the new version making changes that made the mods not work.

Didn't find a discussion relating to all the mods, just a couple specific ones. Thanks in advance.

Screenshot-1.png [ 10.89 KiB | Viewed 3928 times ]
Sat Dec 25, 2010 4:29 am
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Post Re: Mods not working in B24 or just Linux?
What other mods do you have installed?
Is Darkstorm the first one (alphabetically)?
Also, try running the game without DS, and see if there are any errors.

Sat Dec 25, 2010 12:22 pm

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Post Re: Mods not working in B24 or just Linux?
Problem is that GNU/Linux is case sensitive OS.

If ini calls file "weapon.png", file name should be "weapon.png" not "Weapon.png".

I was able to run MDC mod, but Unitec and Vault-tec (cortexmods web) have spaces like "Female 1 Death 4.ogg" when it should be "Female1Death4.ogg".

Hope it helps, ;)

Sun Dec 26, 2010 6:33 pm
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Post Re: Mods not working in B24 or just Linux?
CC is case sensitive as well; any mod that doesn't capitalize filenames correctly will fail to load regardless of OS. I think what you're trying to say (and based upon your second statement) is that Linux requires you to not have whitespace in your file directories.

That's an inconvenience, but it shouldn't a huge problem; most mods and modders don't use too many spaces in filenames, at least.

Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:16 pm

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Post Re: Mods not working in B24 or just Linux?
DarkStorm was the only Mod and it runs perfectly fine without mods.

So I should look through the ini file and the included files to fix the case sensitive/space portion?

Also the file it gives me the error with, in the included error screen, I tried changing the first letter but still got the error. I noticed a thread recommending that before, so that was the first thing I tried. I'll keep looking to see what I can find, I'd really like to use some mods.

Update: Well I figured out that CC wanted both null and Null but now I have a wav file it wants and for the life of me cannot figure out why it can't find the file. Here's my screenshot.

Screenshot.png [ 328.27 KiB | Viewed 3852 times ]
Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:57 am

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Post Re: Mods not working in B24 or just Linux?
I think that all file loading functions should load files whose names contain spaces, they're not commands that take separate words as separate arguments.
Also, no idea, it worked perfectly fine for me(though as I sadly have to admit, Windows version running under Wine is much better than Linux one because the port is not of the highest quality...)

Wait, I might have an idea....
Apparently there are some differences between Linux and Windows saving of .wav files.
I remember I've had the same problem with b18 when I wanted to use sounds I recorded myself.
If you modified any of the files - try reinstalling, if not - perhaps try updating your OS...?

Mon Dec 27, 2010 11:43 am

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Post Re: Mods not working in B24 or just Linux?
More testing:

I still have a Windows XP partition so i tried B24 version with Darkstorm mod.
It loaded without problems, except two bugs than don't appear on Linux version (autoresolution didn't work, and mouse pointer moves alone)

On Linux, i launched CC with terminal, and this is the output:

Attempting to start PulseAudio sound driver
Initialized sound against PulseAudio sound driver.
[Error] OpenAL Error: Invalid Value.
[Error] Failed to create Audio Source (DarkStorm.rte/D35AssaultRifle/D35SSAssaultRifleShot.wav): Error creating audio source.

As i said, MDC mod works (after rename files) and it uses wav files for weapons.

PD: This is how Linux terminal interpret spaces: ls believe\ it\ or\ not.txt

Mon Dec 27, 2010 7:58 pm

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Post Re: Mods not working in B24 or just Linux?
I'll run CC via terminal and see what it spits out at me and doing a quick apt-get upgrade can't hurt. It's just odd how each OS has its own way of creating files that makes them unusable or just harder to use on other OS's. I may try running those wav files through Audacity and see if it likes them then, if all else fails.

On a side note, I got two other mods working that weren't DarkStorm. GreenStorm and the CoalitionDreadnought mods. Thanks for the help guys.

Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:24 pm

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Post Re: Mods not working in B24 or just Linux?
Not sure what to do. My computer doesn't deal with Wine very well, the slowdown is pretty noticeable for most apps. It was worth a try. Guess I'll have to wait to try out most mods.

Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:32 am
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Post Re: Mods not working in B24 or just Linux?
WINE works ALOT better than native build.

Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:06 am
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