Trapped Together(banner will be made in time.)Welcome to the thread of Trapped Together, a 6 player RP of people playing a game called Sburb, which is a part of the webcomic called
homestuck.So hey again Datarealms forum! Yes, im directing myself in your direction again, wanting to make something special: A roleplay! But a little different this one is!
You will be six heroes working together to try and play a game of sburb. But the game has other thoughts in mind for the heroes. You will get a lot more when you are finally in the game. Dont worry.
Yes yes, Hephaestus Thunders is not dead. Life has been a douche. Dont worry, it will return soon enough.Rules:
------------------------------------------------------------------First of all,
THIS IS A ROLEPLAY. HUMAN FRIENDLY INTERACTION IS NEEDED....So yeah. This is not really a Roleplay, but it also is. You need to post commands like so to make yourself do things:
>:Harry: Go kill dude.
If you have read
Hephaestus Thunders then you know how this goes. With commands like that, its clear to me what to look at when updating. The name you use is also the name of the character you will be creating in a moment. Meanwhile, you can still roleplay all you want, but actions are done in commands. So if you are talking to someone, and decide you want to bash his ♥♥♥♥ skull in, you go like:
"Hey dude, i was just wondering if you had some suga-
>:Harry: Bust a sword in his sphincter.
You get that? Good. Gaming abstractions and how it all works further is revealed when we start.
------------------------------------------------------------------Character Creation:
------------------------------------------------------------------Character creation sheetOn this sheet you can put together a character. You can also make your own pieces. Just use this to make character creation a lot easier.
Anyways, there is also a template:
Name: Your characters name.
Username: The player playing this character.
Age: This is always 15.
Weapon of choice: What kind of weapon you will be using.
Items: You must have 10 items with you. You can not have multiple of any items. Else its all go. Any item really, except for uber things like super lazer chainsaws. You know, normal things you find in a house, or maybe even some little more strange things like medieval armors and things. Just a lot of things.
...And thats basically it. You will get stats (what few there is) when the game begins.
------------------------------------------------------------------Name: torrentialGamemeister
Username: Hyperkultra
Age: 15
Weapon of choice: BookKind
AP Bio textbook
Ultimate Compendium of All Things Geek
Ipod Touch
Ornamental glass sword
A slice of Cake
Powerthirst Energy Drink
CD case full of PC games
------------------------Name: Thanatos
Username: Ragdollmaster
Age: 15
Weapon of choice: Double-Bladed Sword
1 - Throwing Knife
2 - Smoke Bomb
3 - Pen Laser
4 - Flashlight
5 - Matches
6 - Needle of Adrenaline
7 - Pepper Spray
8 - Stapler
9 - Banana
10 - Cool Sunglasses
------------------------Name: David Johnson
Username: Requisite
Age: 15
Weapon of choice: Wakizashi (CHEAP PIECE OF ♥♥♥♥)
Spray Deoderant
PVC Pipe
Assorted Knives
Cool Goggles
Cool Headphones
2 liter of Dr Pepper
------------------------Name: Frederick Von Trappmann (So this is the guy in the game...)
Username: Barnox
Weapon of choice: Classy walking cane. Diamond-topped.
Shoe shine
A dictionary
A bell
A letter opener
A drinks flask
A battery
A lighter
A cushion
An electric hand fan
------------------------Name: Bob Jones
Username: caekdaemon
Age: 15
Weapon of choice: Crowbar
Cable Cutter
Bag of donuts
Crafting Knife.
------------------------Name: Jimmy Gibbs
Username: Ociamarru
Age: 15
Weapon of choice: Improvised zed-fu
Items: Crowbar (embedded in back of head)
Tupperware container w/brains
Bottle of Tabasco
Wallet w/money
Florescent orange pen
Tattered blanket
------------------------------------------------------------------You wont get anymore info before you make some characters and this game gets beginning! Im telling you though, it will be fun! I have run the idea by about 20 people, and all think its pretty interesting and would work fine.
So get to making