Re: Metal Gear Online (MGS4 Multiplayer)
>The sneaking consists of 'crouch walking and crawling places, hoping not to be seen',
Well, yeah, hiding in places is pretty typical for not being seen. But a lot of people also crouch walk because it makes them a smaller target and it's a better position to use CQC from.
>'being almost invisible except for your gun'
Shadow and knife also show. The challenge behind this is you have limited invisibility and need to know how to use it (eg going in dark places, moving slowly, etc; oh also, if you crawl very slow and "pretend to be dead", your gun and knife disappear, so in dark areas where you don't have a shadow, it makes you totally invisible.)
>'oh look I'm snake so I have Octocam'
This was cool, IMO.
> and lastly, 'I hope nobody looks at this cardboard box because if they do I will be shot'.
Nah. You can only see the player from one side of the box where there's a small slit; if you face a wall or away from a path, then they usually don't see your eyes. Some people like shooting every box they see, though, and if you move it'll obviously ruin the whole effect.
Coops9753 wrote:
I never knew you could do this until later in the game, but you can also, if necessary, hold people up and take their equipment and knock them out by clutching their groin. Doesn't work out well with the Frog soldiers/Female soldiers when trying to knock them out...
You can do it online, too. Also, with FROGs, just don't press triangle when he pats their groin. Triangle is what makes Snake KO the soldier. Hit triangle at all of the other body areas, just not the groin. They'll still be holding their hands up when you finish, and you can either KO them with CQC or a non-lethal weapon, or just kill them.