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 Metal Gear Online (MGS4 Multiplayer) 
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Post Metal Gear Online (MGS4 Multiplayer)
*Cue epic music*

Metal Gear Online is technically a standalone game, but the "Starter Pack" was automatically bundled with all retail versions of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots. There are currently three expansions- MEME, GENE, and SCENE- which add extra characters, codec messages (preset voice-overs that you use to communicate with your squadmates, comparable to Team Fortress 2 taunts.), and 3 maps each. They also enable the use of Special Characters: Special Characters are randomly given to players in SC-Enabled Lobbies during the beginning of a round.

Oh yeah.

There's a pretty high level of customization for your PMC soldier; you can select the face, hairdo, voice, skin color, clothing, and even gender with the MEME expansion, of your player character. But despite all of this uniqueness, there is still a heavy emphasis on cooperation and teamwork in the game's team-based matches.

Cover me, I'm eating a sandwich!

If you try to totally ignore your team, you will probably end up inadvertently shooting a teammate in the back, resulting in you being kicked from the server. Or, alternatively, you will get swarmed by 8 enemies who are actually staying in a squad like smart people instead of being lone guns. Speaking of shooting teammates in the back, don't. Not only does it irritate them, it also causes an automatic SOP lock.


SOP is one of the things that really sets MGO apart from other squad-based shooters. It's a fictional system in MGS4 that's essentially a soldier-to-soldier network run and managed by nanomachines. You will be able to see teammates through walls, track enemies that have been spotted and damaged, alert your friends to hidden traps or ambushes, and so on. Another one of the things that sets apart MGO is the CQC, or Close Quarters Combat. Hand to hand combat in other games is typically either a weak punch attack or a stab with a knife, but in MGO, you get down and dirty with supporting attacks that tie in with your weapons and abilities.

Sneaky noob.

CQC is controlled by an intuitive system in MGS4 that's simple to remember and context-sensitive. Tapping R1 rapidly is your basic Punch-Punch-Kick combo; slow, but useful for attacking people trying to dodge attacks by crawling on the ground. Holding R1 while standing still initiates a CQC Grab, from which point you can either cut your enemy's throat (provided you have a high enough Blade skill), disarm them, knock them out with a chokehold, or throw them on the ground and hold them up from behind for weapons and ammo. Holding R1 while running initiates the CQC Ground Throw, a powerful stunning attack which can instantly KO enemies if your CQC skill is high enough. CQC can also be used with weapons for gun butts, disarms, throws, and you can even grab an enemy when using a single-handed weapon to use as a human shield. Just initiate the CQC Grab and hold L1 (aiming button) to pick off their friends. Speaking of getting knocked out, and speaking of skills, these are yet two more features in MGO. The former is that you can be knocked out or put to sleep by players- this can give them more points if they KO you before killing you, or it can incapacitate you while preventing you from respawning. Its quite a useful tactic, but be wary of being KO'd- sometimes, your brave team will divert manpower to revive you, which can be epic but also end in disaster.

Get ♥♥♥♥ up!

Skills are the Perks of MGO. They range from the straightforward, like the Weapons+ series (Assault Rifle+, SMG+, Shotgun+, etc) which increase damage while reducing recoil and reload time, to the tricky, like Monomania which essentially turns your bullets into tracking devices that show you where injured enemies are going even with SOP disabled. You have everything from the supporting skills, like Runner which increases movement speed, to the offensive skills, like Blades which increases your knife attack speed, damage, and technique range.

Also notable in MGO is the sheer randomness of the whole affair that Konami and the Metal Gear series is pretty famous for. From the Playboys and alluring dances you can use to distract enemies...

Image the giant catapults that you can use to get around the map...

Image the giant gator cap and afros that you can buy at the Reward Shop...


MGO is full of injokes and randomness that spice up the gameplay and level out the general seriousness of the series with some lighthearted fun.

-Summarized Features-
12 Game Modes
15 Maps
Special Characters
High Customization Level
Varied Weapons

Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:21 am
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Post Re: Metal Gear Online (MGS4 Multiplayer)
Gees has it really changed that much now?

It was an awesome game (If its considered a different from game from MGS4), really wish I didnt accidentaly trade it in when I though it I was trading in Overlord :roll:

Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:32 am
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Post Re: Metal Gear Online (MGS4 Multiplayer)
Meh, it's okay, but as previously stated, I hate how the basic shotty sucks total ass and has NO RANGE, and the Saiga-12, which is actually a good shotgun and balanced for its price, is removed from most games. Also, I find sniping to be pretty annoying. You can do just as well and sometimes better with a scoped M4 than with an actual sniper rifle.

Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:46 am
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Post Re: Metal Gear Online (MGS4 Multiplayer)
Are the servers for it still up? I found it kinda boring, though I imagine with a really coherent, organized group it might be fun (though I would probably have more fun with an organized group in something I actually enjoy solo, like CoD.)

I do have some fond memories of grabbing a guy, pistol shooting another guy or two while using the first guy as a human shield, then slitting his throat.

Mon Oct 18, 2010 5:57 am
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Post Re: Metal Gear Online (MGS4 Multiplayer)
Ever ran into an enemy with a shotgun while you had the same shotgun, shot at the exact same time, fell back at the exact same time, looked up and aimed at each other at the exact same time, shot again at the exact same time, and died at the exact same time?

I did :)

I loved MGO right away..

Only pet peve about the game was matchmaking took so god damn long!

Mon Oct 18, 2010 7:28 am
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Post Re: Metal Gear Online (MGS4 Multiplayer)
Eh. I don't have a ps3. For that matter, I don't even have a TV in my own room.

But I must ask, every single piece of gameplay footage I've seen, people suck royally at aiming.
Shooting map geometry while trying to pull their sights somewhere around an enemy.
Moreover, people rarely react to enemies that are off their firing vector.

Is it just that the console controls are plain clunky, or that I've managed to pick out the worst players around?

Oh, and isn't this the game where people are made of kevlar down from the neck?

Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:27 am
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Post Re: Metal Gear Online (MGS4 Multiplayer)
findude wrote:
But I must ask, every single piece of gameplay footage I've seen, people suck royally at aiming.
Shooting map geometry while trying to pull their sights somewhere around an enemy.
Moreover, people rarely react to enemies that are off their firing vector.

Odd. I suppose that's people just being shitty players. There is, actually, an autoaim function with limited range allowed in some servers, but most of the time I've played, people have no trouble with aiming. They'll be sniping across the map with pistols and assault rifles for crying out loud. Aiming is not too difficult in MGO.

findude wrote:
Is it just that the console controls are plain clunky, or that I've managed to pick out the worst players around?

Probably the latter. The controls are some of the best I've ever seen, not just in the Metal Gear series, but for gaming in general.

findude wrote:
Oh, and isn't this the game where people are made of kevlar down from the neck?

Dunno what you mean by that. High damage tolerance? Or lack of response to gunfire? If the former, it's because they are literally covered in body armor (cosmetic appearance aside) as PMCs, and it's not like they have insane amounts of health. You will die in a matter of two seconds when sustaining continuous gunfire. If the latter, there is plenty of response. Small arms fire makes you stumble and slow when running, larger rounds from sniper rifles and the like can actually knock you back a little, shotguns can knock you over at close range, explosions will send you flying through the air as a ragdoll, etc.

Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:55 am
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Post Re: Metal Gear Online (MGS4 Multiplayer)
Oh yeah, I have one more gripe - the ridiculous death delays. I've gotten headshots on people, then THEY kill me, and after I die they die, giving me the credit of the kill, as a headshot. Is that a feature or something? Because it happens to me just about every other kill...

Mon Oct 18, 2010 12:38 pm
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Post Re: Metal Gear Online (MGS4 Multiplayer)
Never had that happen. Maybe lag? Could be you or just shitty hosts.

EDIT: Though then again, if it happened over a long distance, keep in mind that MGS' bullets do not hit instantly ala Call Of Duty. It can sometimes take like half a second for a bullet to reach its target over a long distance. That's an intended effect; in your case, though, it's probably being amplified by lag.

Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:55 pm
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I dunno, it doesn't just affect me, it affects the one other friend of mine who plays it, even when we're playing each other. And it isn't from half way across the map, I mean when we're maybe ten feet away from each other, I shoot the person, blood spurts outta their friggin' head, then they off me, dying a fraction of a second later.

Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:06 am
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Post Re: Metal Gear Online (MGS4 Multiplayer)
Yeah I do know what you mean, What happens is the health doesn't drop right away once they take damage. If you get shot or blown up by an explosion, the effects dont happen until after that event ends. Whats happening to you is you shoot them, the health drops and they have that fraction of a second to kill you too, Rarely do they ever manage to but thats what happens.

Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:38 am
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Ah, yeah, that's also what it is. Your health does not instantly vanish ala Call Of Duty, either, it drains.

Eg: If you have 100/100 HP and take a bullet that shaves off 20 HP, you will not instantaneously drop to 80 HP. Your health will instead rapidly drain to 80 HP (eg a rapid succession of -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1) It happens over about, like you said, a quarter of a second, so it's not really that noticeable until it gets to close quarters.

Some people don't like it, but I think it's kind of cool, though I did rage one time that I was taking heavy fire and rolled into cover only to die a fraction of a second later from my draining health.

I think I would have preferred, for the health system, the bleeding that was in MGS2 and MGS3. You know, you take a hit and your health slowly drains from blood loss until you staunch it by crouching? Of course, the reciprocal to that is health regeneration. The lack of HP regen was annoying in non-respawn matches, but also occasionally useful in killing fleeing enemies.

I would have also liked to see some more intricate stuff done with the Psyche meter. Sure, in MGS4's campaign, it's pretty cool (stress goes up in certain weather, close proximity to guards, etc) but in MGO it's really more of a stun bar affected only by tranquilizers and blunt attacks. I would have liked for my stress to increase when I'm taking hits, or even when bullets start landing close to where I'm hiding for cover.

Also, ALSO: Lack of Combat High. Should have been a killstreak-esque reward given when you kill a certain amount of enemies, fortifying your Psyche and preventing you from KOs. "Hittin' me with enough tranquilizers to bring down an elephant? I'm too hyped up on adrenaline to give a ♥♥♥♥."

tldr there were a lot of cool things that MGO could have done, but at the same time, I think staying more streamlined was a good decision.

Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:54 am
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Post Re: Metal Gear Online (MGS4 Multiplayer)
Now, if only it were for xBox or PC, because not everybody can afford to have everything... I liked the Metal Gear Solid series, and wasn't even aware there was online until this thread. It looks pretty cool, sounds pretty cool, but is just out of my reach.

Tue Oct 19, 2010 5:28 am
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Post Re: Metal Gear Online (MGS4 Multiplayer)
YHTFLKC wrote:
Now, if only it were for xBox or PC, because not everybody can afford to have everything... I liked the Metal Gear Solid series, and wasn't even aware there was online until this thread. It looks pretty cool, sounds pretty cool, but is just out of my reach.

I don't get it, why do you need everything? Just get a PS3.

Tue Oct 19, 2010 5:32 am
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Post Re: Metal Gear Online (MGS4 Multiplayer)
I like to sneak.

Can you sneak in it?

Tue Oct 19, 2010 10:38 am
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