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 Roll To Dodge 2 (RtD2) - Finished 
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - MEET BLUE DEMON
I meant the plate, but whatever rocks your boat buddy. On a serious note, that would mean we can't rest more than one turn and I can see that becoming a problem.

Sat Oct 09, 2010 8:05 pm

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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - MEET BLUE DEMON
Stop nitpicking, there are always exceptions, and resting is one of those exceptions because resting isn't actually a roll but more of a "skip roll" function.

Sat Oct 09, 2010 8:07 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - MEET BLUE DEMON
It's actually a normal roll. I think I remember not being able to rest due to a 1.

Sat Oct 09, 2010 8:10 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - MEET BLUE DEMON
Just chiming in - there are no rules on the first post regarding the whole 'no repeating actions' thing. So if you really WANTED to you could.

Sat Oct 09, 2010 8:20 pm

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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - MEET BLUE DEMON
[suddenrandomcrazythought] I want to see an evil roll, even an old one [/suddenrandomcrazythought]

Sat Oct 09, 2010 9:46 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - MEET BLUE DEMON

Sat Oct 09, 2010 9:53 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - MEET BLUE DEMON
I was evil for a very brief period of time, a LOOOONG time ago. PMing it to you, Ragdoll, to clear it with you to see if I can post it or at least send it to Shadow.

Sat Oct 09, 2010 10:19 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - MEET BLUE DEMON
My brother betrayed me ;__;

Sat Oct 09, 2010 10:37 pm

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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - MEET BLUE DEMON
I don't even care if you censor some parts, I just want to see it..

Sat Oct 09, 2010 11:34 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - MEET BLUE DEMON
Oooog, fine. Blur abilities and conditions have been replaced with big "CLASSIFIED" signs because they are top-sekrit. Note; this took place 11 rolls ago, so a lot of information is outdated. It also took place partially in view of the good players, so some information is already known. Ergo, I don't really feel that worried about giving you guys potential knowledge of our Achilles' heels (not that there are any discernible ones in here)


Ragdollmaster wrote:
dragonxp (3) Advere
Advere turns into the Dark Blur and prepares to crush the soldiers with his (CLASSIFIED ATTACK), but before he can use the attack, Damien re-morphs into the Light Blur and sends the enemies flying with a shockwave. He says something to the fallen female before walking calmly out of camp, although Advere notices his arm is still at an odd angle. The female recovers from shock and gets up, running towards her fallen weapon, when suddenly gunfire breaks out near the same area, pelting the two fallen males who are each struck. The woman escapes, without her weapon, towards the medical section. What the... who could be attacking these guys other than me and Damien? Before he can decide on whether or not to attack, the woman returns and gets down to treat one of her fallen comrades. The gunfire has stopped, for now. Maybe I should wait and see if those guys are potential allies... or maybe I could just kill them all.
CQC: +1 to rolls involving close quarters actions
Light Step: +1 to rolls involving stealth or sneaking
M16A4 Rifle (30 rounds)
L9A1 (AKA Browning Hi-Power) Pistol (13 rounds)
Three frag grenades (Roll a 3 or higher to successfully throw)
3x STANAG Magazines (30 rounds each)
3x L9A1 Magazines (13 rounds each)
Full canteen of water (3 uses, revitalises energy)
Hat and sunglasses
Energy: 100/100

Ragdollmaster (3+1-1 = 3) Damien
Damien quickly heads into the bushes near the compound, gritting his teeth as his (CLASSIFIED THINGY) wavers. He can't concentrate from the pain of his broken arm, and he doesn't have enough energy to heal it. I can't just leave those other guys in that camp- it did look like they were trying to help me out. But this damn arm! Taking a deep breath in, Damien grabs his broken arms and yanks it straight, resetting the bone into its more or less proper position but suffering a lot of pain in the process. That's fine for now, but I definitely need to heal it when I get the chance.
Marksman: +1 to rolls involving long-range combat
First-Aid: +1 to rolls involving healing actions
M14EBR w/ 10x telescopic sight (20 rounds)
Mk23 USP .45 (USSOCOM variant) w/ laser guide (12 rounds)
Bowie Knife

2 Flares
Kevlar Armor
4 spare M14 Magazines (20 rounds each)
3 spare HKMk23 Pistol Magazines (12 rounds each)

Broken Set Arm - Pain and discomfort until it is healed. (-2 to actions involving right arm)
Energy: 35/100

TechnoGeek (1+1 = 2) Derik
Deciding that he'd better get the hell out of Dodge, so to speak, Derik sneaks over to an abandoned Humvee to try and hotwire it. Opening the case under the steering wheel containing the car's battery wires, though, Derik is a little taken back at all of the extra clutter he's not used to seeing in civilian models. After a minute or so, he reaches for two wires and connects them, and the car roars to life. Alright! Time to get out of here. As he gets in and turns on the headlights, he's greeted with the sight of a small army in front of him rousing from sleep. "Hey! He's not one of ours!" one of them yells, pointing at the rather conspicious Humvee. Other voices take up the alarm: "Somebody stop him!" "Shoot the bastard!" "Where are my pants?!?" ♥♥♥♥.
Tech Smart (+1 Technology Usage Roles)
Quick on Feet (+1 High Stress Situation Roles)
ACR w/ ACU Camo and ACOG Sight (30 rounds)
Desert Eagle w/ Lower Rail Laser Sight (9 rounds)
Butterfly Knife
5 Claymores (3 or higher to plant)
5 M67 Grenades (3 or higher to throw)
2 spare STANAG Magazines (30 rounds)
One magazine of armor-piercing rounds (+1 to rolls with ACR; 5 uses)
2 spare Desert Eagle Magazines (9 rounds each)
Water Canteen
Basic First Aid Kit
Signal Flare
Face Camouflage Paint
Water Purification Tablets
Five days' worth of MREs.

Commodore111 (3+1 = 4) Frederic von Werner-Tietzen
Fred decides the best solution to the situation is to shoot everybody some more, but as he raises his M240 he's forced to hesitate for three reasons; one, the sudden appearance of a medic treating the wounded; two, David moving in front of him, gun raised, yelling for immediate surrender; and three, somebody about thirty meters away trying to steal a Humvee and waking up half the camp. "Great. This is why my policy is shoot first, ask questions later, you pansies .__." Resolving to at least try and cover his newfound friends, Fred finds some cover behind a crate where he's fairly protected but can still shoot the three enemies close by and the soldiers in the distance.
Juggernaut - Increased health and endurance (reduces all damage taken)
Commando - +1 to rolls involving killing/shooting at animals/people; less affected by recoil and weight.
M240 w/ Foregrip & EOTech Holo-Sight (100 rounds)
Mini-Uzi (32 rounds)
Combat knife
First Aid Kit
NightVision Goggles
Heavy Kevlar Armor w/ Helmet, Goggles, Kevlar Gloves/Boots, all in Woodland Camo
Syringe with Adrenaline
Atomic Watch
5 C4 Charges plus detonator
Uzi Holster
1 spare M240 box magazine (100 rounds)
4 spare Uzi magazines (32 rounds each)

Requisite (2+2 = 4) David
David leaps into action, his Magpul Personal Defense Rifle raised in front of him as he rushes the two wounded soldiers and the medic with astounding speed. "Freeze! Hands up where I can see 'em! This doesn't have to get any bloodier than it already is!"
Athletic (+1 to mobile actions)
CQC (+1 to close quarters' actions)
Magpul PDR (30 rounds)
MGL-140 (Grenade Launcher, 6 grenades)
Trench Knife
Small shoulder-slung bag containing:
-Spare Magazines (3x STANAG 30 round Mags, 18 Grenades)
-Alternative Ammo (6 'Pyrotechnic' Grenades, 6 Anti-Tank Grenades)

dhart5000 (1) Wilson Cole
Wilson decides to sneak over to the wounded soldier and the medic when gunfire breaks out and he sees Frederic laying down a heavy spray of suppressive fire. Before he can blink, it seems, the most random events occur in quick succession as the medic leaves and then comes back with a medical kit to treat the wounded soldier, David runs out and demands surrender, somebody tries to steal a Humvee and gets caught by half the compound, and Frederic is already finding cover for a counteroffensive if the need arises. "Why does nobody tell me ANYTHING?"
Charismatic: +1 when interacting with people
Tactical Mind: +1 when carrying out plans
M4A1 w/ M320 Grenade Launcher (30 rounds, 1 grenade)
MAC-10 (30 rounds)
Composite Scimitar
Backpack containing:
-Inflatable Tent
-Night Vision Goggles
-$2.74 in loose change
-3x STANAG Magazines (30 rounds each)
-8 M320 Grenades
-2 Mac-10 Magazines (30 rounds each)

Game Events
As it stands, here are the character statuses:
Advere is observing the whole fiasco from right outside the compound, and if the need arises, he's ready to leap in and savage everyone.
Damien can provide limited support for his "maybe-allies" but is heavily hampered by his mending arm.
Derik was nearly successful in breaking out of camp unnoticed, but encountered the minor setback of a small army blocking his escape.
Wilson was trying the sneak approach when all hell broke loose, and now he's trying to decide what to do.
Frederic is ready to spray like Billy Mays and pray like the Pope if he needs to provide cover fire, and he's pretty well-protected by a crate.
David is trying to get three enemy soldiers (Rachel, Andrew, and Vladimir) to surrender in all of the chaos

Sat Oct 09, 2010 11:42 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - MEET BLUE DEMON
So I did nearly kill one of you.

Sat Oct 09, 2010 11:53 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - MEET BLUE DEMON
Who? Me? Yeah, I rolled low and got an arm break. Or rather, you guys rolled high and avoided disembowelment via shiny sword. Either way, I don't know if it counts because I have plot protection.


Sat Oct 09, 2010 11:55 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - MEET BLUE DEMON
Now thats just great. pansy

Sat Oct 09, 2010 11:57 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - MEET BLUE DEMON
Well, there's also the fact that I could have killed everybody and didn't. I had 3 people incapacitated at one time and just walked out of camp- I could have still CUT you all, broken arm and all.

PLUS, plus, you all have some degree of plot protection, too. Up to a certain point. After that, we can start killing you all off >:3

Sun Oct 10, 2010 12:02 am

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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - MEET BLUE DEMON
No disrespect, but Evil rolls are of MUCH higher quality than the good rolls.

I'm so lucky I'm not in this RtD else I would be having 5 1's in a row.

Sun Oct 10, 2010 12:33 am
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