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 The APOLLOCALIPSE V4 - Is this a B25 I see? 
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Post Re: The APOLLOCALIPSE V2 - **** just got real!
I like the new stuff, and can't wait to see the huge mech get weapons. Also, lol Naxx. That's going in my signature.

Thu Sep 30, 2010 1:10 am
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Post Re: The APOLLOCALIPSE V2 - **** just got real!
Okay, time to finally get round to actually giving you feedback.

Critical stuff out the way first.
  • The glow on the ISV jetpack is too big, and the smoke effects for the main jetpack are overdone somewhat.
    I'd scale the glow down by a third at minimum, or you could possibly just make the glowstrength a lot less.
    Most likely both would be best.
    You could try halving the amount of smoke that comes out the bottom? Whatever, tone it down a bit, anyway.
    Don't touch the top pipe thing. That is perfect. I love how it smokes a tiny bit when you're doing nothing, but someone is in the suit, it smoke a fair bit when you're walking, and how it fiery smokes when you're jetpacking.
    Really cool.
  • Personally, I dislike using white glows for shell casing smoke, I'd much prefer a subtle MOSParticle trail.
    This is a matter of opinion, though.
  • The drop pod thing has a couple of issues; namely the lack of custom gibs, that is tunnels through the ground very easily (remove deepcheck?), and that it is too heavy, which kind of goes for the previous point.
    Also, I have no idea what the difference between the two versions are. The AI one seems to do nothing different to the regular variety.
    Ultimately, I'd remove one and keep the other. Less clutter in the menu that way.
  • The grenade launcher is awesome, but the mortar angle needs to be more generous, and the mortar projectile needs to be fired at a higher velocity.
  • The bouncy bullets on the SMG are cool, but the novelty wears off quickly and they become quite annoying.
    I'd definitely consider replacing them with something else, if you can think of anything.
  • Both Leon and the giant suit are missing icons in the buy menu.
    I don't know if this is a thing you can fix, but if it is, do.
  • The module icon is a bit meh. Spice it up!
  • The burst on the assault rifle is very nice, but it doesn't work properly on Macs.
    Worked fine on Windows, but on my Mac it would fire a seemingly entirely random amount of bullets. Approx. from 4 to 20, if I had to guess. PM if you want me to do more testing.
  • I'd comment out the Reeve for now; it is very (very) awesome, but with any weapons or a proper way of ordering it, it is a bit lacklustre.
    Can't wait to see it finished.
  • The actor speech sounds are pretty cool, especially the pain and death ones, but the change weapon ones are too long, and are somewhat annoying. I'd change them to just radio static or something like that.
  • The pew pew auto carbine needs bullet trails.
    It just doesn't feel like a bad ass weapon at the moment.

Glargh, so much criticism.
Bear in mind I've been focusing only on criticism here, and I've still been interspersing it with praise. :)

That all took me a long time to write, but praise will take a lot longer, I think.
Also, I'd remove the linebreaks between the images in the OP. There's enough space around the images that they'll still be spaced out enough.

Mon Oct 04, 2010 12:31 am
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Post Re: The APOLLOCALIPSE V2 - **** just got real!
@Pete: Yep, I think I might have overdone the glows a wee bit. I'll see what I can do. I don't think I'll change the casing smoke MOPs, however. initially, they used MOSPs for the effects, but a big quantity of particles was needed to create a continuous trail, and the lag generated was quite big, specially with automatics. I agree that just glows are a bit bland, though, so I've settled with the current middle-ground, with mostly glows but a bit of smoke every few MS.

The AI drop pod... well, that was a mistake on my part, I forgot to make it Buyable = 0. You see, when using the activities, the map tended to become quite cluttered with empty pods, so I made it use the AI version, which selfdestructs after a few seconds. That's the only difference.

The IS5 and Leon's heads...
They don't have them. Don't tell anyone.

Bouncy bullets were also not my first option, but I just couldn't think of anything to replace 'em. Gonna give it a try later.

Also, about the actor sounds, glad you liked the death and pain ones, but, eh...
They're the vanilla ones. :P

The burst problem is actually a really reallly complex one, I'll talk about it when I've got more free time. :roll:

Also, great C&C. Stuff like that really helps improve the mod.

Tue Oct 05, 2010 2:40 am
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Post Re: The APOLLOCALIPSE V2 - **** just got real!
Areku wrote:
Also, about the actor sounds, glad you liked the death and pain ones, but, eh...
They're the vanilla ones. :P

Wait, what?

What about the one where he's like "Oh! OH!"?
I thought that was a pain sound. Oh well, not a huge problem anyway.

I did think that the glows on casings might be a compromise to cut down lag, in which case I suppose they're okay. You might want to have a go at making a more textured glow, in that case.

I'm in a super constructive mood recently.
I think the feedback Geti gave on the Gal has kicked that off. Thanks Geti! :-o

Tue Oct 05, 2010 7:28 am
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Post Re: The APOLLOCALIPSE V2 - **** just got real!
there is a slight bug when using the ISV Power Suit with your brain actor , so far ive seen this happen on zombie cave .
as soon as i entered the ISV Power Suit one of the zombie tubes gets assigned as brain . little later as the tube gets blown to bits i get a failed screen.

Fri Oct 08, 2010 5:20 pm
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Post Re: The APOLLOCALIPSE V2 - **** just got real!
I don't think that's the ISV. The mission is trying to keep track of your brain, and loses it, so it simply assigns the nearest thing as the brain. Which happens to be a random tube.

Fri Oct 08, 2010 6:53 pm
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Post Re: The APOLLOCALIPSE V2 - **** just got real!
Uh, actually no. The ISV doesn't delete the pilot unit or anything, it is just moved off-screen while the suit is active, so I don't think that would be the problem.

Also, dutch, are you positively sure that the tube was assigned as the brain? As far as I know, that would be impossible, since it's not even an actor. I tried reproducing the circumstances you described a few times, but nothing unusual happened.

Aside from all that, I finally found myself the guts I needed to explain the burst rifle problem. Please note that I haven't actually tested this on a mac, so I may be a bit (or completely) wrong. At any rate:

The rifle relies on some very precise calculations to make the burst effect. Basically, after the first round is fired, the script forces the weapon to remain active for a set amount of time, just enough for the other two to be created, and then forces deactivation. However, due to the hackyish implementation of Lua that Data used, the console is a bit slower than the core engine. This means that, for every burst, there is a small delay when the timer variables are checked, but, in normal conditions it is no more than 4-5ms, at least for this script. My guess is that the mac version, due to some code difference, amplifies that effect, effectively making every engine tick for .Lua count as quite a few for .ini! In other words, even though enough time for the burst to stop passes, the script thinks that only a few ms have gone by, effectively making it fire until either the magazine is empty or the console catches up with the actual situation.
I was able to reproduce such error by running CC on a very fast computer with high CPU priority: every time the FPS went above 900, the console would not be able to catch up and would desync, breaking the burst.

As far as I know, there is no current fix for that, unless Data makes some serious speed optimisations on his Lua add-on.

Fri Oct 08, 2010 10:19 pm
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Post Re: The APOLLOCALIPSE V2 - **** just got real!
So basically, your script is too precise for CC, and way too precise for a mac version of CC? I don't really know how to respond to that, other than pissing of all those mac users, or as you said, the superfast PCs. It looks like we're going to have to go with the middle way on this one in terms of speed.

Fri Oct 08, 2010 10:25 pm
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Post Re: The APOLLOCALIPSE V2 - **** just got real!
I really like this mod, very creative

my one complaint would be, when i try to have more than one active power armour (a pliot in each) it ends up killing the actor i loaded up first
thus it seems i can't have a squad of active power armour :???:

Mon Nov 08, 2010 8:23 pm
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Post Re: The APOLLOCALIPSE V2 - **** just got real!
Presumably that's because every actor in a power suit is teleported to the same place.
It wouldn't be difficult to change it to a random place right at the bottom of the map, though.

Tue Nov 09, 2010 12:14 am
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Post Re: The APOLLOCALIPSE V2 - **** just got real!
Well that's odd. I made the script zero the velocities of the pilots, so they shouldn't die when more than one is at the same place. At least they didn't when I tested it. Maybe they're firing at each other?

Tue Nov 09, 2010 12:29 am
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Post Re: The APOLLOCALIPSE V2 - **** just got real!
Beyond the bounds of the visible map there shouldn't be any collisions working anyway, so I doubt it's that.

Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:28 am
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Post Re: The APOLLOCALIPSE V2 - **** just got real!
hmm...i'm not sure why it happend it just happend, I was testing on tutorial (I try a mod out there before I go to use it on a mission or skirm)

also it's never a good idea to pliot with a brain unit...I was doing the stratosphere mission and the dummies dug thier way down to where the brain was and killed it :?

I didn't even realize till I failed ( I did notice the dummies were acting odd though, not going into the base like they should)

despite those minor setbacks I still realy like this mod

Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:29 pm
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Post Re: The APOLLOCALIPSE V3 - B24 or bust!
Update, peoples!

Aside from converting this to B24, there were only a few very minor tweaks, as I discovered that the mod managed to keep it's balance despite the material overhaul (in fact I prefer using it than B24 vanilla). So go go go and download it!

Fri Dec 17, 2010 8:31 pm
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Post Re: The APOLLOCALIPSE V3 - B24 or bust!
Various Linux Bugs:
Astronaut/Astronaut.ini[line 1100]: JetPack.bmp is called but "jetpack.bmp" exists, Linux is case sensitive.
Astronaut/IS5/IS5.ini[line 400]: null.bmp is called but Null.bmp exists, same issue with lower characters here.

everything else seems to load up just fine.

Very nice Mod by the way.

Fri Dec 17, 2010 9:03 pm
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