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 Roll To Dodge 2 (RtD2) - Finished 
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Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - BOSS: ROBO BJJ
Ragdollmaster wrote:
Well, obviously, less awesome stories

Dont count on that. MLC is probably one of the best candidates for a DM, as he runs those RP Games.

Im already running a RtD so cant do another at the same time.

On a side note : Explosive decompression of a compartment of a spacecraft is hard to portray in a roll to dodge.

Wed Sep 29, 2010 11:55 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - BOSS: ROBO BJJ
I think Srs Rtd was the prequel since I introduced Fiona into RtD.

Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:01 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - BOSS: ROBO BJJ
>technically 3 when you count the fact that this (RTD) is now considered a canonical prequel to Hyper's RTD

That's what I said, Hyper :P

>Dont count on that. MLC is probably one of the best candidates for a DM, as he runs those RP Games.

How does your second sentence relate to your first? Or the quoted phrase? Even if MLC is a very good or very bad DM, there is no reason to assume that his story will be either more or less awesome than mine/Yolady/Hyper's until you can actually read and compare both.

>Explosive decompression of a compartment of a spacecraft is hard to portray in a roll to dodge.

Haha, it's hard to portray in any literary work without illustrations :P Though you really just have to have a rudimentary knowledge of wacky space physics and fancy words.

Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:08 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - BOSS: ROBO BJJ

Thu Sep 30, 2010 1:14 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - BOSS: ROBO BJJ
Really busy today, ill read through the topic and post a roll tonight (tonight for me)

Thu Sep 30, 2010 2:16 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - BOSS: ROBO BJJ
I love you...SO SO much.

Thu Sep 30, 2010 2:19 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - BOSS: ROBO BJJ
Oh man, that looks like I did that on purpose. I SO did not, no way. I realised I was really busy, open the topic and hit 'Reply'. Coincidence that you guys bitched complained worried about the rolling.

CrazyMLC wrote:
It's around 7 AM for him... so he's asleep.
5.30am actually.

FYI GMT+8. Almost opposite time to the East Coast.

And Rolling. Expect Epicness and Plot Progression.

Thu Sep 30, 2010 7:28 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - BOSS: ROBO BJJ
Hyperkultra (6+2=6) Fiona Lovagale
By now, Fiona isn't exactly happy about BJJ avoiding her shots:
She fires again, and yet again, BJJ somehow blocks it. Details are irrelevent.
She drops the current magazine and slams an Incendiary mag in its place. And in true quotational goodness:
She fires. Whether she hits or not, she doesn't know, because she just got put into a world of hurt.
Fiona hits the ground. Hard. She puts her chin to her chest and sees a long metal pole sticking out of her stomach.
The world goes fuzzy.
"Fiona. Don't give up now." She hears someone say from behind her.
Electronics Expert: +1 to rolls dealing with circuitry
Weapon Specialist: +2 to rolls using Railgun Sniper -1 when using other weapons
Enrage: +1 to damage and attack-related actions. Can only be triggered by anger.
Dual Desert Eagles (+1 to both ranged and melee)
Railgun Sniper Rifle (2 of 6 rounds, Flashlight attachment, dropped nearby)
Dual Desert Eagles (12 - 12 of 12 rounds, holstered)
Multitool (Stored)
Flashlight Attachment (On RailSniper, Battery Green)
Portable MicroFusion Generator (1 slot used, 14 available)
- Reactor Dump Container (Radioactive, 1 slot)
Containment Unit (50 slots used. 0 available)
- Incendiary and Kinetic Magazines (3 and 2, six rounds each, 5 slots total)
- 6 Handgun Magazines (10 rounds each, 6 slots total)
- Satchel of standard electronic components (10 slots)
- 1 Lithium-Ion Battery, fully charged (1 slot)
- Two-way Radio (1 slot)
- Phoenix Down Revival Device (In FedEx Bag and Bubblewrap, 1 use, 4 slots)
Hessian Sack (8 slots used, 2 available)
- Medical kit (2 Uses left, Max 5, refillable, 5 slots)
- Cybernetic Enhancement Kit (1 Use left, nonrefillable, 1 slot)
- 4 Desert Eagle magazines.
Tiredness (1) Bleugh... (One more low roll and you lose consciousness)
Speared (Internal Injuries, bleed out in 3 turns.)

FoiL (1) Andrew Rodrigues
Oops, you trip and fall on your face. Damn.
Fists of fury (+1 to actions involving melee)
Forced Break & Entry (+1 to actions involving breaking things)
Hyper Focus (+1 concentration. Can only be used 3 more times before rest (Max 6) )
Anti-Laser (Immune to attacks using Pure Energy as a Main Source, unless rolling a 1)
Blast-Proof (Immune to explosive forces, unless rolling a 1)
RAGE FACE (+1 to intimidation, scariness etc)
Mental Link - Vladimir (Bonding, Identical Twin 'Telepathy')
AA-12 (32 of 32 Rounds, Wielded)
Colt 1911 (7 of 7 rounds)
Extendable baton (Holstered)
Top gun sunglasses (Worn)
Blast-Proof Jacket (Pockets: 1 slot used, 9 available)
- Jacket Usage Manual (1 slot)
Waist Pockets (18 slots used, 2 available)
- 3 rockets for a SMAW (6 slots)
- Swiss army knife (1 slot)
- Utility knife (1 slot)
- Ammo (3 Drums, 4 Magazines, 10 slots total)
Botanist's Backpack (12 slots used, 18 available):
- Flare Gun and 4 red flares (6 slots)
- A Folding Shovel (3 slots)
- Some empty vials (3 slots)
- 30ft of rope (5 slots)
Heavyweight (-1 to any actions involving fast movement)
Broken Leg (Realigned, -1 to jogging and faster, belt-tied to stop blood flow)
OWOWOWOWOW (-1 to next turn)

Ociamarru (2+2=4) Vladimir Ivanov
Vladimir leaps forward to tackle BJJ, who sidesteps him, and he hears Fiona take another shot. Vlad skids in the dirt, finds his footing, and goes for another try. BJJ leans back and throws something like a javilin, just before an explosion topples him. Vlad takes the chance. He leaps onto BJJ, who swipes at him, and fires two rounds at his face. One goes wide but the second goes straight through his right cheek, spurting blood everywhere.
Cybernetics (+2 to mobile actions, speed is doubled, can only use 2 1 more time before rest (max 5) )
Athletic (+1 to mobile actions)
Resilience (Gains one extra roll before death)
Pilot Training (Able to fly aircraft, Cannot roll 1s)
Scar-face (+1 Intimidation, -1 Charisma etc)
Mental Link (Can project thoughts to others and 'see' theirs)
Slow Motion (Uncontrollable)
Instinctual Actions (Vladimir does things without thinking or knowing)
Say what? ( ??? )
Saiga-12 Combat Shotgun (8 of 8 shells, dropped nearby)
Colt 1911A (5 of 7 rounds, wielded)
Khazar-replicated knife
Backpack (35 slots used, 15 available)
- Carved Wooden Statuette of self (1 slot)
- Radio (1 slot)
- Cellphone (Reception: 3/5, 1 slot)
- Flare gun with 2 green flares (4 slots total)
- Ammo (4 mags of Shotgun Shells (40), 8 handgun magazines (80), 12 slots total )
- 5 days of Rations (15 meals, 5 slots)
- TOP-SECRET Information File (4 slots)
Rested for ∞ turns, ∞ turns before tiredness.
Flail Chest? (-1 to not many actions, needs rest to fix it)

Point.Blank (4) Asfer
Asfer shifts his position slightly as he hears BJJ's Heavy Railgun wind up, and fires another grenade at him. Fiona fires at the same time, and BJJ sidesteps both rounds, somehow. The Revolver Cannon spins to the next chamber, BJJ throws something like a Javilin and Asfer shifts position again. Fiona goes down to the 'Javilin' and Asfer fires another shot in retaliation: a hit.
The round impacts the dirt or BJJ's lower armour or something, but the explosion throws him backward. Vladimir, who is in close quarters with BJJ, leaps (literally) at the chance to take BJJ down.
Large Muscle Mass (+1 to action requiring strength)
Sixth sense (+1 to detecting enemies, traps etc)
Mk.III 40mm Revolver Cannon (4 of 6 rounds, 1 turn to reload) TARGET LOCKED
Mk.II 5.7x28mm Vulcan Gun (250 of 250 rounds, 1 turn to reload) READY
Bladed Shield (Left arm) RETRACTED
MAF-EX103C Exo-suit (1 turn to enter/exit)
Ultra-compact generator (Recharged by light, 15% per turn)
Sensor node (Left Shoulder, IR, NV, auto-targeting camera)
Rear cargo container: (18 slots used, 32 slots available)
- 40mm cannon rounds (6xHE, 6xFrag, 6xSmoke, 6xStun, 12 slots total)
- 500 spare Vulcan rounds (6 slots total)
Loud (-2 to sneaking, stealth etc)
Heavyweight (-1 to any actions involving fast movement)
Wounded Left Calf Muscle (-1 to using lower left leg) Mechanized
Heavy Armour (Asfer's body is mostly safe from harm)
Generator Power 100%

HighEndNoob (4) Kyle Berguard
"Jerk! You dud'd my nade!"
Kyle fires a burst at BJJ, but he sidesteps the rounds. BJJ then throws what looks to be a javilin, before an explosion throws him off his feet backward. The Russian takes the chance and leaps on top of him, firing his handgun frantically.
"Alright, it's time for the big guns."
Kyle switches to his dual Desert Eagles and moves in for the kill, and maybe even to help the Russian.
Marksman (+1 to longrange combat)
Pyromaniac (+1 when using explosives or flame)
Famas-G2 (30 of 30 Rounds, Slung)
Dual Golden Desert Eagles (9 - 9 of 9Rounds, Wielded)
Katana (Sheathed)
Holographic Sight (Mounted on FAMAS)
KAC Masterkey Shotgun Attachment (Mounted on FAMAS)
Recoil-countering Wristguards (100% Energy)
Backpack (23 slots used, 2 available)
- 5 Flashbangs (Non-Lethal, Audio/Visual, 2 slots)
- 5 Claymores (Lethal, contains ball-bearings and shrapnel, 5 slots)
- 5 Molotov Cocktails (Flammable, 2 slots)
- Cigarette Lighter (100% Fuel, 1 slot)
- 4 Semtex Plastic Explosives (Waterproof, malleable, 2 slots)
- 4 C-4 Explosives (Everything-proof, malleable, 2 slots)
- C-4 Detonator (1 slots)
- 5 Spare Magazines per weapon (15 total, 7 slots)
- 12 Spare Shotgun Shells (1 slot)
Highly Explosive (Roll a 1 when shot and one of your explosives blow up)
Recoil-Countering (+1 accuracy, -1 when Energy has run out)
Explosives (Roll 3+ to successfully use, 2=fumble, 1=premature explosion, 6=dud)

Game Events

caekdaemon (4+1=5) ROBO BJJ
BJJ strafes to the side, just avoiding Fiona and Asfer's shots. He throws the Harpoon Shaft with all his might at Fiona, but an explosion in front of him conceals the result. Lying on the ground with his ears ringing, Vladimir jumps onto his chest. He swats at him like an annoying fly, but Vlad manages to fire at him twice. One shot barely misses, but the second puts a hole in his right cheek and Vlad knocks his Scouter off.
Bullet Wound (Right Cheek, bleed out in 5 turns)
Night Vision - Thermal Vision - Energy Detection
Firearm Use +1
Brunt-Force Absorbers (Immune to Melee on torso)
Heavy Armour (+1 to taking rounds on torso)
Bullet-Proof Plating (Immune to Small Arms on torso)
XOS Lower Body Exo-Suit (Lower Body Armour)
M6 Shoulder-Fired Anti-Vehicle Heavy Railgun ('Survivor') CHARGED
Pancor Jackhammer AutoShotgun & HK MP5 SMG

Last edited by Yoman987 on Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Thu Sep 30, 2010 8:07 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - BOSS: ROBO BJJ
Everyone's dying! Yay!

Thu Sep 30, 2010 8:10 am
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - BOSS: ROBO BJJ
"♥♥♥♥, That hurt. We can still call this a truce, and get on with what REALLY Matters, getting to that god forsaken tree."

Last edited by caekdaemon on Thu Sep 30, 2010 11:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Sep 30, 2010 10:15 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - BOSS: ROBO BJJ
You all hear, very faintly;
"Fiooooonaaa! NOOOO!"

Thu Sep 30, 2010 11:24 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - BOSS: ROBO BJJ
Don't worry! you still got that phoenix down thingy no?

Thu Sep 30, 2010 11:30 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - BOSS: ROBO BJJ
ShadoWKilleR255 wrote:
Don't worry! you still got that phoenix down thingy no?

Yeah. Fiona's got it :-P

Thu Sep 30, 2010 11:32 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - BOSS: ROBO BJJ
Goddamn sixes.

Thu Sep 30, 2010 11:38 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - BOSS: ROBO BJJ
Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get a 5 next turn, or at least a 4.

Thu Sep 30, 2010 11:41 am
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