Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - BOSS: ROBO BJJ
Ociamarru wrote:
I'm sure Yomazing would've chimed in if he had a problem with it.
Sure did. Swapped the weapons around. Pri - Sec - Ter, in that order.
CrazyMLC (-) James Blond
Abilities:Ambidextrous (+1 to rolls involving the use of both hands)
Sly (+1 to sneaking, deceiving, picking up ladies etc)
Weapons:Super-Heated Plasma Rifle (4|4)
High-Powered Dual Laser Pistols
Mono-filament Bladed Bronze Knuckles
Inventory:Backpack (22 slots used, 3 available)
-Rations (15 meals, +1 to next action, 3 slots)
-Water Bottle (2 uses, +1 to next action, 1 slot)
-Two hand-lit flares (2 slots)
-Box of 12 Cigars (lasts 2 turns, +1 to awesomeness, 1 slot)
-Box of 50 matches (3+ to use, 1 slot)
-2x C-4 Explosives (3+ to use, 2 slots)
-3x Flash bangs (3+ to use, 2 slots)
-Blasting caps (3+ to use, 1 slot)
-Box of 6 Cigar guns (Disposable, single use, 1 slot)
Fancy Expensive, manly cologne (1 slot)
-Plasma Rifle Ammo (5 mags, 5 slots)
-Utility machete (2 slots)