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 Let's Play: Fallout 3 (PC) 
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Post Re: Let's Play: Fallout 3 (PC)
No, like really, the stereotypical Southern/Texan accent and all that doesn't apply to 95% of our population.

Thu Sep 16, 2010 12:09 am
happy carebear mom
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Post Re: Let's Play: Fallout 3 (PC)
Goddamn I'm pissed.

So I went and found the food 'n pills Moira wanted, along with a few goodies I got from the raiders that tried an' keep me out of their little hidey hole.
Damn wasteland rats, not worth the lead I fill their hides with if'n you ask me.

Brought back some junk to sell to Moira, then got half-dead irradiated so she could "study the effects of my home-brew radiation treatment" or some ♥♥♥♥ like that. Came out of it with a few "benign" changes.

I'm startin' to get a mite unsatisfied with my workin' conditions, if ye get my drift. I was damn happy to get out of that hole again, off on another adventure to get myself blow'd up in "Minefield", a town nearby. Great name, ain't it?

On the way outta town, I met Simms again. Real dedicated guy, him. I like him, so I told him about Burke and his damnfool plan to blow that bomb in the middle of the square.
Simms nearly blew a gasket, and 'e marched right up to Moriarty's saloon to bag Burke's ass. I tagged along, quicklike, just to see what a good ol' fashioned jailin' looked like.

The two got into a little "discussion" and Simms got Burke to come along with 'im to the jail.

Before Simms could take two steps, Burke got out a pistol and shot him in the back. No hesitation, I got out my new rifle and gunned right through Burke's neck on the spot. Spat on his headless corpse and took his glasses too.

♥♥♥♥' dirty city scum. Should've gunned him down earlier when he asked me to blow up the town, then Simms' little boy wouldn't be without 'is pops.
I felt damn sorry for the kid, so I took his Pop's coat and hat and told the tyke I'd take over keepin' the town straight, at least for a little while 'til he gets his bearin's again.

I might just go an' pin Burke's body to the wall over his goddamn chair.

And to top it all off, that slimeball Moriarty raised the price for the scoop!

I had half a mind...

But I'm too goddamn mad to think straight now. I'm gonna go wander over to minefield and crack some skulls to calm down.

(If you're interested in our girl's stats, I have most of her points in Big Guns and Repair, and her SPECIALs in strength, endurance, and perception, with agility and intelligence taking a hit each, int might have taken two

As usual, like/dislike, what do you want more of, etc)

Thu Sep 16, 2010 12:18 am

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Post Re: Let's Play: Fallout 3 (PC)
Um, yeah, I play Fallout 3 (and a bit of 2 too) but FOOK dissapointed me. When I was going to Point Lookout, I got stuck when the screen starts to turns black and I go there. Weird, huh?

Also, wait moriaty to leave the computer room and hack his computer to see something is there.

Last edited by XxMegamanxX on Sat Sep 18, 2010 2:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Sep 18, 2010 12:37 am
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Post Re: Let's Play: Fallout 3 (PC)
Wander over to Minefield.
Miss Minefield, accidentally enter up the back way, so you encounter Arkansas before any of the mines.

Sat Sep 18, 2010 12:52 am
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Post Re: Let's Play: Fallout 3 (PC)
This still going?

Thu Sep 23, 2010 11:25 pm
happy carebear mom
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Post Re: Let's Play: Fallout 3 (PC)
I suppose I could write an update. I got a few more mods though, so things will be... different.

Thu Sep 23, 2010 11:34 pm
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Post Re: Let's Play: Fallout 3 (PC)
Would be cool.

Fri Sep 24, 2010 2:45 pm
happy carebear mom
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Post Re: Let's Play: Fallout 3 (PC)
Small problem occurred. I got a new computer, but no new OS, so I have to transfer the license etc to the new one. This means I have to reinstall FO3, and I don't know where I put the .iso for it, so it'll be a day or so mayhaps until I can update.

Sat Sep 25, 2010 9:09 pm
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Post Re: Let's Play: Fallout 3 (PC)
Duh102 wrote:
Small problem occurred. I got a new computer, but no new OS, so I have to transfer the license etc to the new one. This means I have to reinstall FO3, and I don't know where I put the .iso for it, so it'll be a day or so mayhaps until I can update.

Are you saying you didn't obtain your copy through totally legitimate means?

Sat Sep 25, 2010 10:31 pm
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Post Re: Let's Play: Fallout 3 (PC)
She coulda made a backup, then broken the disk by accident...

Sat Sep 25, 2010 10:45 pm
happy carebear mom
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Post Re: Let's Play: Fallout 3 (PC)
Tomaster wrote:
Are you saying you didn't obtain your copy through totally legitimate means?

Entirely legitimate. I bought it off steam, but actually play off a backup .iso so that I can play with minimal hassle in case I ever don't have internets.

Sat Sep 25, 2010 10:57 pm
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Post Re: Let's Play: Fallout 3 (PC)
My Fallout 3 died, so I had to use a crack to play it - unfortunately, the only crack I could find was in Russian...

Wed Sep 29, 2010 6:32 pm
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