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 Let's Play! Morrowind 
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Post Re: Let's Play! Morrowind
No, we're vaguely less suck in longblades than other weapons.

Thu Sep 09, 2010 7:59 pm
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Post Re: Let's Play! Morrowind
That's before class modifiers.

Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:21 pm
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Post Re: Let's Play! Morrowind
How can you stand to play without combat enhanced? Personally, I use Better Bodies, Better Heads, Morrowind Enhanced, Combat Enhanced, and bh_argonians 1.1 (Which adds like 20 new Argonian heads.)

Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:22 pm
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Post Re: Let's Play! Morrowind
I'm obviously using better bodies and heads, and I'm using Galsiah's Character Development or something, amongst about some 50 mods, some of which I've merged manually.

I really don't mind the default combat, so long as you take agility as one of your main stats.

Also, no update today, I've been distracted by the new Sven Coop release, and Amnesia.
I promise we'll return tomorrow.

Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:40 pm
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Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:48 pm
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Post Re: Let's Play! Morrowind
As I stride out into the sun, I decide to sell all the stuff I stole.
I can see what looks like a trader or an inn ahead, and I stop in.


I meet an odd chap called Arrille, but, unperturbed, I sell almost all of the loot to him.
He doesn't question my lack of pants, nor does he wonder where I acquired such a large quantity of items.


All in all, I made 220 gold exactly.
I realise that I could probably use some armour and stuff, so I ask him about that.
Eventually, I walk out with ten gold less than I had when I came in, an iron claymore, and a set of iron armour that is incomplete.


I suddenly realise that I have a deep ingrained hatred for Argonians, and set out to murder some.
I find one of the bastards in a particularly rubbish looking shack.


I can feel the adrenalin rushing through me as I swing the enormous blade of my claymore into his considerably smaller shoulder blades.
He falls down dead in just a few hits.


Naturally, I took his clothing and looted his house.
It occurs to me that it will make a fine place to stay, and I decide to sleep there for the night.

The next morning, I get up and step over his corpse into the morning sun.
I head back to Arrille's Tradehouse and sell the Argonian's belongings, netting me 132 gold, which isn't bad at all.
We have some friendly banter, and he mentions a nearby cave which is occupied by bandits.
I, of course, decide to investigate the matter personally.


Inside, I can't see much save for the light of a fire, when I see a Dunmer woman charging at me with a dagger.
I feel the adrenalin once more and laugh as I impale her on my blade.


I make a point of looting her belongings (purely for gold), and continue into the cave, where I find two more Dunmer; a mage, and another guy with a dagger. All fall to my singing blade, now slick with the blood of those foolish enough to be my enemy.

I find a fairly large quantity of drugs in a crate, including both moon sugar and skooma.
It will fetch an excellent price, I'm sure.

I explore the cave further, and don't find much but luminous mushrooms.
I then happen upon a small and locked enclosure, with a Khajiit and two Argonians inside.
I'd taken the key from one of the bandits earlier, and not thought much of it, but as I opened the enclosure, I dropped the key, and my hands found the claymore once more.

It was over quickly, and all three were soon dead.
I took their slave bracers and left the cave, finding myself with nothing to do for the time being.


A beautiful end to a beautiful day.

Where to next, for our heroic adventurer?

Note: I barely made it. Enjoy.

Is that quick enough for you, MLC? :3

Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:49 pm
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Post Re: Let's Play! Morrowind
On a slighter more serious but still whimsical note, do the drugs. ALL OF THEM.

Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:56 pm
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Post Re: Let's Play! Morrowind
Why, more of the same of course!
Build for yourself an empire on the backs of your dead victims!

Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:59 pm
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Post Re: Let's Play! Morrowind
I don't even think we're wearing pants anymore ;-;
Still, cool. Didn't have to kill the slave dudes but 'tevs.

Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:00 pm
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Post Re: Let's Play! Morrowind
We need a more badass sword.

Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:02 pm
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Post Re: Let's Play! Morrowind
I would have gotten pictures of the dead slaves, but they all fell onto their backs, and I wasn't going to put trousers on a corpse.

I mean, dude. That's just weird.

Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:03 pm
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Post Re: Let's Play! Morrowind
Sell the drugs but keep some Skooma, it can make you insanely powerful for a short period of time (at least it does in Oblivion, IDK the exact effects of it in Morrowind)

Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:04 pm
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Post Re: Let's Play! Morrowind
Just run free, feel the wind betwixt your nads as you roam the open countyside, claymore swinging between your hands as man after man feels your punishment!
Conquer every settlement you come across, kill every man, blah blah blah.

First: Get a Soul Trap spell.

Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:25 pm
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Post Re: Let's Play! Morrowind
So, shout at me if I don't make at least three updates tomorrow.
Tomorrow for me being in about ten hours.

<3 the weekend.

Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:50 pm
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Post Re: Let's Play! Morrowind
wth Pete I was expecting at least five more updates from you by now.

Tsk tsk man, seriously.


CrazyMLC evolves into... Sarcastic Whiny Fanboy!

Sat Sep 11, 2010 4:11 pm
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