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 The APOLLOCALIPSE V4 - Is this a B25 I see? 
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Post The APOLLOCALIPSE V4 - Is this a B25 I see?


EDIT: The mod was slightly reworked to work on B24. Though pretty much all of the content is the same, I balanced it a bit again, and the result is that, in general, I prefer it much more than the B24 vanilla. Good heavens I love playing with this. :P

This is it, gentlemen. The result of several months of polishing, thinking furiously, working furiously, drinking heavily and listening to bad music (and some good music near the end, too).
This is not just another mod for me. It's my brainchild, the final product of a huge experiment with balancing and gameplay mechanics. It is, all in all, what I wanted vanilla CC to be. It features, among other things:

- Pilotable vehicles;

- Burst fire weapons;

- Alternate fire options;

- Sound effects from real Apollo astronauts;

- A full-length, picture-based manual;

And other kewl stuffz.
Everything here was polished until a cross-examination by me and a few other dudes found no flaws whatsoever. Anything not up to standards was commented out, at least for the initial release.

Therefore, I would really aprecciate C&C on this. My objective is to make it as good as possible, no matter the cost. And for that, I need your help, fellow forumite. If you like the stuff here, say it. If you hate the stuff here, say it, and most importantly, say why. I'll do whatever it takes to fix any bugs found. Whatever. It. Takes. :twisted:


This mod is not just my work. A ton of people also have their hand on it, and, without their help, I'd most surely never had got this done. Let the credits roll!

Areku - Myself, for the original idea and most all of the coding;

NaXX - The creative genius behind this, and maker of 99% of the spritework; (Huge props for him!)

Gotcha! - For some super-useful extra spriting/coding;

Geti - For his amazing laser aim script;

Kyred - For the equally amazing particle accelerator script;

Numgun - For the comments which made Kyred's script understandable ( :P );

Grif - For the oh-so-incredibly-useful LengthDir functions;

Mail2345, TheLastBanana, LowestFormOfWit and CaveCricket48 - For useful .lua support;

Petethegoat - For fixing unit description background and providing me with a free image host;

Dolphin from Pixiv - For the promotional poster that opens up this thread;

The Trigun Series - For the motto which I so shamelessly ripped;

Lee Myoung-jin - For the small skill/trait icons;

NASA - For (obviously) the Apollo space program;

DaTa & Prom - For the unbelievably awesome game that CC is;

And that's it, if I remember correctly. Now, for the mod itself!


This part should be fairly self-explanatory.


The light level is the basic vanilla-kind part of this mod. Each weapon/actor, however, has a special charactetistic (dubbed as "skill) that makes them more unique to use. Mastering all of them is key to using this mod to it's full extent.



The medium level is a notch above the previous one, and considerably more expensive, though also much more powerful. The weapons in this level are more starightforward in function, each serving a specific purpose in battle instead of having different skills.


THe heavy level actually wasn't supposed to exist yet, since it's highly unfinished, but I just couldn't resist posting an early alpha here. I like to refer to it as "the surprise inside the cake". What is it? Frankly, it's even more self-explanatory than everything else here:



---Apollocalipse V1 - Image heavy!
-Initial release.

---Apollocalipse V2 - **** just got real!
-Cleaned up temporary/unused files;
-Added Activities file (enabled by default);
-Added custom effects for all weapons;
-Fixed crash bug when destroying a piloted vehicle;
-Added one ballistic weapon;
-Fixed some descriptions and added others that were missing;
-Cathegorized items into levels for easier viewing.

---Apollocalipse V3 - B24 or bust!
-Converted to B24, tweaked a couple of values to make weapons work with the new materials.

---V4 - Is this a B25 I see?
-Converted to B25.

And that's about it. Now how about you download it? :P

File comment: VERSION 4.0
Apollocalipse.rte.rar [1.8 MiB]
Downloaded 5929 times

Last edited by Areku on Sun Aug 14, 2011 5:29 pm, edited 9 times in total.

Fri Sep 03, 2010 12:33 am
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Post Re: The APOLLOCALIPSE V1 - Image heavy!
Is this a major overhaul of CC? In other words, do I need to put it on a fresh install?

Fri Sep 03, 2010 12:36 am
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Post Re: The APOLLOCALIPSE V1 - Image heavy!
Nonono, it's just a mod. However, it works quite well as a standalone activity.

EDIT: Well, it is a major overhaul, you just don't need a fresh install.

Fri Sep 03, 2010 12:39 am
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Post Re: The APOLLOCALIPSE V1 - Image heavy!
The poster is A+, the mod itself is pretty epic, I especially like the guns. There aren't too many, which is nice, it keeps it all organised, and the superweapons are nicely levelled so that they are not overpowered, but still pack a hefty punch.

A couple of questions:
1. How does one enter the power suit?
2. Where is that epic vehicle I saw the sprite for in the crafts folder? [dw I know, not ready yet]

Also I love the drop pod's design. Beautiful. Makes a great place to hide from enemies in the middle of battle.

Fri Sep 03, 2010 1:02 am

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Post Re: The APOLLOCALIPSE V1 - Image heavy!
The landing pod looks really strange with the old shading style, but new gibs. I like the concept of the exosuit, and it effectively works as an exosuit should: heavy armor without limiting mobility too much. After using this on the tutorial bunker and then restarting CC crashed.

Fri Sep 03, 2010 1:03 am
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Post Re: The APOLLOCALIPSE V1 - Image heavy!
any chance of missions or some kind of alien to shoot?

Fri Sep 03, 2010 1:20 am
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Post Re: The APOLLOCALIPSE V1 - Image heavy!
that power suit script is excellent :wink:

it's a different concept to pilot battle a suit :grin:

Fri Sep 03, 2010 1:34 am
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Post Re: The APOLLOCALIPSE V1 - Image heavy!
I love the weapons and how they all have a specialty. My most favorite you ask? The MAGNUM dude! That thing is ultra powerful and I Love how you did the lasersight. I'm figuring out how to put that ♥♥♥♥ on EVERY weapon

Fri Sep 03, 2010 2:33 am
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Post Re: The APOLLOCALIPSE V1 - Image heavy!
I haven't even tried out the mod yet, but I really like the presentation. I feel like more people should present mods like that, even if it's more time-consuming.
Please don't start bitching at me about that. If you've got a problem with it, take a deep breath and don't let it go until things go glittery.

Fri Sep 03, 2010 2:41 am
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Post Re: The APOLLOCALIPSE V1 - Image heavy!
This mod is awesome! I really like the little icons on the side. Quality work!

Fri Sep 03, 2010 2:59 am

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Post Re: The APOLLOCALIPSE V1 - Image heavy!
I just downloaded the mod and took a peek in the folders, I noticed tons of old WIP files scattered everywhere, old sprites, copies of an older script ect...
I'd strongly recommend cleaning the whole thing up, removing the files that the mod does or will not need. Doing this, you could greatly decrease the whole size of the mod almost by half (About 2mb atleast), make the whole thing more cleaner to move about and not scare off any modders that might try to learn modding tricks from your work.

I can imagine the reason you kept some of the old files is the same one that I had long ago when I made improvements to a mod and left tons of sprites or code that were old or different in function, but still worked well. In this case you just have to get cold and think hard will you really need this code/sprite later or no? If you might, but not in this mod, move it to an organized resource archive, where you can collect and dump things like these and use them later on.

Now, I'm gonna go and play the actual mod, brb.

Fri Sep 03, 2010 7:07 am
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Post Re: The APOLLOCALIPSE V1 - Image heavy!
I actually liked a lot the final result, its been a long but very fun road, my congrats :)
Fairly balanced, very polished scripts, very well organized... my mods look like a garbage container compared...
lafe wrote:
any chance of missions or some kind of alien to shoot?

Of course, what kind of space faction would be without spacial conflict?

Fri Sep 03, 2010 8:22 am

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Post Re: The APOLLOCALIPSE V1 - Image heavy!
Alright, gave it a good run and now its time for some feedback.

The sprites, functions of guns, the battlesuit (♥♥♥♥ yes ridable mechs!) are awesome. I can't play sounds right now (I'm in class), so I wont comment on those.
But really, those Lua sorcery tricks this mod offers are well done and fun, it really adds more interesting gameplay with those special functions on the guns. And the battlesuit that acts like a vehicle like in Metal Slug is cool too.

As for what to improve:

-Something that I find lacking in this mod are effects for various things like jetpacks, weapons and such. The astronaut jetpacks would really be better if they were custom made. New particles, new flash or something that changes it from the old boring outdated jetpack effect that has been in CC for years. Then the pulse weapons for the suit, they feel underwhelming with their effects. The weapon power is fair, but I find the lack of flashy firing/projectile effects seem a bit boring for the guns. Perhaps add a smoke burst as the shell to give the gun more detail during action. And for ballistic weapons, some smoking shells every 4-5 shots (tracer round) could be good too.

-Make the battlesuit become HitsMOs = 0 while inactive. The reason is that people can safely get in and out of the suit without either the suit or the pilot getting killed by funny CC collisions. As long as GetHitByMOs is 1, bullets can still hit and destroy the suit, but actor could pass through it and get in/out safely.

-The sharpaim distances could use some tweaking. For example, I can see far almost as much with the pulse rifle as with the sniper. And the sniper cant see much far regardless of that large scope it has attached to it, so it feels like a semi-auto rifle with slightly more powerful shots.

-This is just extra suggestion, but it could be cool if the suit would spawn a small text glow in green and red when it goes on/off, respectively. The glow could either be a status symbol or a text that says "ONLINE/OFFLINE" in green and red colors as a cool gimmick when you enter and leave the suit.

-And again, clean up all the unused stuff from the folders to reduce the size of the mod.

Fri Sep 03, 2010 10:57 am

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Post Re: The APOLLOCALIPSE V1 - Image heavy!
Jesus christ this is epic! 10/10!

Fri Sep 03, 2010 1:38 pm
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Post Re: The APOLLOCALIPSE V1 - Image heavy!
Beautifully done! I love the guns and all the actors, as well as the totally kickass Power suit. Also like the touch of RPG flava in your images.

Fri Sep 03, 2010 6:35 pm
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