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 Drugs 101, class is in session 
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Post Re: Drugs 101, class is in session
I'm against legalising it, just because there has to be a reason they made it illegal almost everywhere in the first place. Mind you, I'm also for making cigarettes illegal too, but not alcohol, because at least that kills you slowly.

Tue Aug 31, 2010 6:49 pm
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Post Re: Drugs 101, class is in session
Oh it's a reason, just a very bad one.

Tue Aug 31, 2010 6:53 pm
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Post Re: Drugs 101, class is in session
I'd be pro-legalizing, but only when the tests are cheap enough to test for alcohol and cannabis when you punch in at work.

Tue Aug 31, 2010 7:02 pm
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Post Re: Drugs 101, class is in session
Ociamarru wrote:
I agree with most of your points in that post, but not gonna lie, you're biased and the whole 'cancer' thing I doubt, considering marijuana contains carcinogens, although TCH does help counteract cancer. I'm sure it cancels itself out. Not really The Gospel to me.

And NONE of those sources were from some site dedicated to weed; one from Fox News, but I figured I'd keep it because they're more biased AGAINST it, so them saying it doesn't cause cancer but contains carcinogens seemed fair enough. Don't accept that, go with BlurTit. Don't accept the top answer because it's just some random jack-off? How about the one? That one seems to be pro-legalization, and they say (fifth answer) that it does in fact have carcinogens in it.

You do realize that carcinogens are fairly common, and are in a lot of products we use today, right?
The volcano vaporizer has been scientifically tested to reduce the amount of carcinogens down to 2

This is from your link and is funny because vaporizers, if used correctly, don't deliver anything to your lungs except THC.
drugtext wrote:
Although marijuana, when used to intoxication, does impair performance in a manner similar to alcohol

This is just ♥♥♥♥ laughable, as the two are vastly different and share very few effects.
p.s. carcinogens != gonna give you cancer, coffee has carcinogens in it ffs
Roast Veg wrote:
I'm against legalising it, just because there has to be a reason they made it illegal almost everywhere in the first place. Mind you, I'm also for making cigarettes illegal too, but not alcohol, because at least that kills you slowly.

You mean kind of like how a company who produces only tobacco and mentholated cigarettes got a ban on any flavored cigarettes (besides, of course, menthol) passed? The excuse is that kids smoke them. Despite the fact that there has never been any link between the two, and the rate of teenagers smoking Djarums and ♥♥♥♥ has gone down.
Seriously, you think there has to be a reason just because someone did it? That's like saying that the law is always perfect and you should never question. I mean I hate to be cliche, but jesus man, quit being a ♥♥♥♥ sheep.

Tue Aug 31, 2010 7:22 pm
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Post Re: Drugs 101, class is in session
I don't smoke weed because I don't need it. I don't know why anyone would need it. I guess I'd need to sit down and chat with someone who desperately wants weed legalised and have a good listen as to all the pros of it.

You're right, I am a sheep, but that's only because I haven't learnt enough to make a truly valid decision on the matter.

Tue Aug 31, 2010 7:31 pm
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Post Re: Drugs 101, class is in session
Roast Veg wrote:
I don't smoke weed because I don't need it. I don't know why anyone would need it. I guess I'd need to sit down and chat with someone who desperately wants weed legalised and have a good listen as to all the pros of it.

Well I don't need ice cream either, and it's adverse effects upon my waist have been proven over and over again, but I don't suppose you'd like to propose a ban on ice cream, eh?
The argument for is that it is just as harmful/less as currently legalized drugs (in some cases less so) and people want to buy it legally. I have to say, after being against legalization for a long time I'm starting to see the other side's point. I myself won't use it either and don't see the need, but if people want to get high, safely where they won't hurt someone or get hurt themselves, I'm perfectly fine with that.

Tue Aug 31, 2010 7:40 pm
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Post Re: Drugs 101, class is in session
Duh102 wrote:
Well I don't need ice cream either, and it's adverse effects upon my waist have been proven over and over again, but I don't suppose you'd like to propose a ban on ice cream, eh?

Good analogy. Puts it nicely into perspective. I need to seriously mull this over, I think. Put a good nights sleep in and see what I think tomorrow.

Tue Aug 31, 2010 7:45 pm
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I particularly listen to examples of mature individuals who insist that any addictive behavior needs to be avoided, but through education rather than banning. Much like the level of alcoholism has fallen after the days of prohibition through groups like (in the U.S.) AA and MADD, similar programs may eliminate any fears that "soft" drugs will lead to "hard" drugs, and even eliminate the use of "hard" drugs themselves.

Tue Aug 31, 2010 7:52 pm
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Post Re: Drugs 101, class is in session
Duh102 wrote:
I particularly listen to examples of mature individuals who insist that any addictive behavior needs to be avoided, but through education rather than banning. Much like the level of alcoholism has fallen after the days of prohibition through groups like (in the U.S.) AA and MADD, similar programs may eliminate any fears that "soft" drugs will lead to "hard" drugs, and even eliminate the use of "hard" drugs themselves.

Portugal proves that legalization and treatment beats prohibition by miles.
Ooh ooh ooh also, did you know:
"Whereas it is a 5-year minimum sentence for trafficking 500g of powdered cocaine, the same sentence can be imposed for mere possession of 5 grams of crack cocaine, a 100:1 ratio. There is no mandatory minimum sentence for mere possession of powder cocaine."

Tue Aug 31, 2010 8:23 pm
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So dissolving cocaine to a solution then letting it crystallize causes your sentence to increase?
/is not very familiar with all the forms of drugs

Tue Aug 31, 2010 8:48 pm
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Post Re: Drugs 101, class is in session
Ophanim, are we ever getting your next category of drugs?

Tue Aug 31, 2010 8:59 pm
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Post Re: Drugs 101, class is in session
Ophanim wrote:
Portugal proves that legalization and treatment beats prohibition by miles.

By spending millions of taxpayers money on methadone (along with needles, surgical tubing and wiping alcohol) for lowlifes who just sell the stuff they receive for free, allowing drug hell holes, much like the one where I live, and being to lazy to arrest people found in possession with intention to sell.

Yes, Portugal does indeed prove that legalization and treatment beats prohibition by miles.

Tue Aug 31, 2010 9:33 pm
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Post Re: Drugs 101, class is in session
Duh you had funny slash usage before but imma assume you were doing what I always do and foruming while sleepy.
Also education beats prohibition any day. The world should really look to the Netherlands and it's sexual education program, starts with healthy relationships and goes from there. I think that's a lot better than what I got, "this is how your parts work k, now don't have sex till you're old enough also use condoms" or the abstinence only "don't have sex, kids" approach. Similar education in relation to substance use/abuse would be very nice to see, I don't think any country has that kind of thing yet..

Tue Aug 31, 2010 10:08 pm
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Post Re: Drugs 101, class is in session
My sex ed in school was somewhere along the lines of "Don't have sex. If you do, you'll get any number of STDs. Even if you use a condom. Also, she'll get pregnant and then die. Have fun." And they even provided plenty of delightful pictures showing me exactly what Chlamydia, Herpes, AIDS, Syphilis, Genital Warts and Anal Warts look like.

Tue Aug 31, 2010 10:21 pm
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Post Re: Drugs 101, class is in session
We had cartoons that taught us everything.
It was quite sad.
But shoving the "she'll get pregnant" thing into our faces is fine by me.... Or else it'll be on your conscience forever.

Also, the government's lies are (or at least were for me) exposed to users of marijuana in their first or second times. You see that the PLANT is harmless, and that the government is full of bullllllllllll crap.

Wed Sep 01, 2010 12:15 am
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