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 PlayStation Move 
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Post Re: PlayStation Move
I just have this image of some big guy at sony claiming not to make controllers that look like lollies. This was enough for me to decide that the move will be crap.

Also, mario kart did not work with a wii mote, it works with a gamecube controller.

Lastly: the wii is a family console, while the ps3 is more gamer oriented, so I guess there SHOULD be more "good" motion games on the ps3.
Oh and the six axis didn't work, at all, this does effect my judgement of the move.

Tue Aug 31, 2010 3:01 pm
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Post Re: PlayStation Move
Motion games will never be anything more than "family games" except for weird people.
It's just how it is.

Tue Aug 31, 2010 3:05 pm
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Post Re: PlayStation Move
maart3n wrote:
Also, mario kart did not work with a wii mote, it works with a gamecube controller..

Mario Kart Wii, as opposed to Mario Kart: Double Dash (the latter being better).

Tue Aug 31, 2010 3:39 pm
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Post Re: PlayStation Move
Lol, this has quickly become a one-sided argument.

I think that the move is just gonna be a slightly-higher precision wii, with slightly better graphics. Dissapoint. move on.

Although that tech demo with the sword looked pretty badass...

Tue Aug 31, 2010 4:49 pm
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Post Re: PlayStation Move
The only thing I'd like with Move would be something to do with DMM, but hey, nobody uses DMM for anything but television and movies, so that's just a pipe dream.

At least Pixelux is finally getting some business done; they did the tree destruction in Avatar and are working on some TV series now.

Tue Aug 31, 2010 5:05 pm
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Post Re: PlayStation Move
robolee wrote:
maart3n wrote:
Also, mario kart did not work with a wii mote, it works with a gamecube controller..

Mario Kart Wii, as opposed to Mario Kart: Double Dash (the latter being better).

Although I agree with DD being WAY better, the other part of the post is nonsense.
Mario kart wii can be controlled with the gamecube controller and the wii mote, the latter just doesn't work.

Tue Aug 31, 2010 6:57 pm
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Post Re: PlayStation Move
How does it not work? I've played it many times with the wiimote, unless you mean you personally dislike it, which is completely different. The fact is that it DOES work so I had to assume you were either crazy or talking about the gamecube version. I chose the kinder choice, but now I think you're crazy :P.

Tue Aug 31, 2010 11:20 pm
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Post Re: PlayStation Move
I think he means it doesn't work well enough to drive well with it.

Tue Aug 31, 2010 11:23 pm
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Post Re: PlayStation Move
For me it does :3

Wed Sep 01, 2010 12:33 pm
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Post Re: PlayStation Move
I find the Wiimote unresponsive to quick jerky movements, and it easily gets disoriented. As far as driving with it, it seems to work alright but you have to hold it at a certain angle for it to register...
The thing about the Playstation Move is that not all of the tech is in the wand. (On the Wii, that stick you have to place is just two infrared lights. You could place two candles there and it would work fine.) It actually has a camera that it uses to watch the wand move around, so it's likely get disoriented less often and be more accurate.

The Playstation Move also has less lag time than the Wiimote, such that you can't even tell that it isn't immediate.

So yeah, I'm psyched.

TLB pointed out that nothing is very original about their line up. It isn't like those will be the only games to come out for it. One original game, for example, that uses it is LBP2. (Little BIG Planet 2)
I also imagine any swordplay games would be much more accurate and therefore more fun to play.
But yes, I'm not going to buy it immediately when it comes out, at least not until some decent games for it are released.

Thu Sep 02, 2010 9:02 am
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Post Re: PlayStation Move
I remember one of the demos, where the guy used two Wand controllers to control chameleon hands and move around a tree. I think something like that would work well with Shadow of the Colossus (assuming they're doing the HD remake that they should be). But I wouldn't use it because movement controls make you look like a douche.

Thu Sep 02, 2010 12:24 pm
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Post Re: PlayStation Move
Speaking as a PS3 owner, I can frankly say that I'm not planning to buy this, for the same reason I didn't buy a Wii; motion control is too gimmicky for me to bother with. Buttons on a controller are much more reliable than motion-sensing and leave zero margin for error unless you're a retard or somebody with less than 10 fingers.

Do I think it's cool? Yes. Is it better than the Wii? Probably. Am I at all interested in it? Unless a bunch of good games start coming out exclusively for the Move, no. If there's a Move version of say, MGS Rising, or Bioshock Infinite, or CoD 7, and so on, great; I'm still sticking with the standard six-axis.

Fri Sep 03, 2010 12:00 am
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Post Re: PlayStation Move
When TLB totted up the prices for it all, he forgot to add in the consoles themselves.

Hmm... some quick mental calculation ells me that the overall price difference is...


Fri Sep 03, 2010 12:27 am
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Post Re: PlayStation Move
The only reasons the ps3 move wand thingy will be better than the wii is because the camera and lights are flipped around, the light on the controller is effectively spherical meaning it can be read from almost all angles and the tilt sensor (gyroscope) is inbuilt (it was supposed to be built into the wiimote -something I have deduced from pictures from when it was called, by it's codename, the revolution, guess they thought it was too expensive).

Fri Sep 03, 2010 10:52 am
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Post Re: PlayStation Move
the wiimote does have accelerometers in it

you can connect it to a computer using bluetooth and use it as a pointing device

it's not just an IR camera

Fri Sep 03, 2010 11:30 pm
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