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 Roll To Dodge 2 (RtD2) - Finished 
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Imma chargin mah roll... later. (On PS3 naow, must wait for compooter access.)

Sat Aug 21, 2010 2:22 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Yolady, for like the past five or six rolls (maybe even further back) you've had messed-up modifiers like that. BUT DO NOT QUESTION IT! It is merely some god talking through you to us in code.

(I accidentally posted this as a new topic because I fail at life and just woke up...)

Sat Aug 21, 2010 2:35 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Heres my new character since BJJ has become a NPC.

Name: VN Warrior
Age: 1, the year on the factory assembly line.
Equipment: Thick metal armour, Large Rotary Auto Cannon, 10 drums of ammo (125 Shells per drum, easy to remove drums) , Machinegun (2 Boxes, each 500 rounds), Fission power core, Mk4 Processing Core with AI 1.1b, High resolution camera with heat/night vision, BlackBox recorder, Linksys wireless card (To download software updates?), backup processing core in main body.

Appearance: Large, Jungle camo, Serial number on the back along with corporate logo, 8 legged frame with the rotary autocannon mounted bellowAbove the head, Camera embedded in front of head front to detect hostiles. Y Shaped adjustable feet ( The 'Toes' Can move closer to each other and other such things. )
Primary Weapon: Large Auto Cannon
Secondary Weapon: Machinegun.
Tertiary Weapon: Crush people.
Abilities: Dreadnaught ( Large size means +1 to armour, but unable to get into small locations, or through single wide door. The large size also makes it easier to hit, but +1 to standing after a explosion, Because its a machine, its vulnerable to all things a machine is vulnerable to, including EMP, Hacking, Being knocked over, and various other things that are horrific to machinery, the large bot is unable to sneak what so ever, as it produces quite alot of sound from moving. Since its a machine it cant be healed in the normal way, needed repairs in a garage to replace parts of the metal shell.)
Role: Dreadnaught, Heavy Fire support.

Backstory: The corporation thats funding this expedition desired a bit of security to protect its investment not only from various wildlife, but also from other corporations that are also interested in the tree. They also needed a good field testing for the VN Warrior, a new development thats designed to revolutionize warfare. So they put 1 & 1 together, sending the VN Warrior to protect the investment, while also recording its performance in a jungle enviroment.

So they shipped the VN Warrior to protect the expedition.

EDIT: Thanks shadow for helping out with this.

Last edited by caekdaemon on Sat Aug 21, 2010 8:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Aug 21, 2010 7:33 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
caekdaemon wrote:
Heres my new character since BJJ has become a NPC.
Name: VN Warrior
Age: N/A
Equipment: Thick metal armour, Large Rotary Auto Cannon, 10 drums of ammo, Machinegun, Fission power core, Mk4 Processing Core with AI 1.1b, High resolution camera with heat/night vision, BlackBox recorder, Linksys wireless card (To download software updates?)
Appearance: Large, Jungle camo, Serial number on the back along with corporate logo, 8 legged frame with the rotary autocannon mounted bellow the head, Camera on front to detect hostiles.
Primary Weapon: Large Auto Cannon
Secondary Weapon: Machinegun.
Tertiary Weapon: None
Abilities: Dreadnaught ( Large size means +1 to armour, but unable to get into small locations, or through single wide door. The large size also makes it easier to hit, but +1 to standing after a explosion, Because its a machine, its vulnerable to all things a machine is vulnerable to, including EMP, Hacking, Being knocked over, and various other things that are horrific to machinery, the large bot is unable to sneak what so ever, as it produces quite alot of sound from moving. Since its a machine it cant be healed in the normal way, needed repairs in a garage to replace parts of the metal shell.)
Role: Dreadnaught, Heavy Fire support.

Backstory: The corporation thats funding this expedition desired a bit of security to protect its investment not only from various wildlife, but also from other corporations that are also interested in the tree. They also needed a good field testing for the VN Warrior, a new development thats designed to revolutionize warfare. So they put 1 & 1 together, sending the VN Warrior to protect the investment, while also recording its performance in a jungle enviroment.

So they shipped the VN Warrior to protect the expedition.

Summarized: Visual Novel Warrior (hehe)
Age: 3 months on the production line (It SHOULD know that much)
Primary Weapon: Large Rotary Auto Cannon with 10 drums of ammo (how much per drum?)
Secondary Weapon: Machine Gun (How many clips/boxes/chains and how many per clips/boxes/chains?)
Tertiary Weapon: Walk over people.
Apperance: Large, Arachnoid with jungle camo and a serial number on the back with the corporate logo, Camera mounted up front in a protected sphere with the auto cannon from the top with it's own camera (From below won't let you fire to the sides since the legs obstruct it no?) NOTE: the feet must be the wide claw type since this is the jungle and it can sink in mud or get uneven footing if it can't change the elevation for portions of the foot

Sat Aug 21, 2010 8:07 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice

I made BJJ an NPC only temporarily until you were back. When you got back you would have had to wait til someone died and then you got back in the game.

I did NOT give you the chance to make a new character and then bump you up the waiting queue.

If you want a new character then you have to resign, I will take BJJ over PERMANENTLY (and he might die) and you go to the bottom of the waiting list.

I'm sorry I couldn't do the roll before, something came up. It will magically appear here within two hours.

And for those two whiney ♥♥♥♥♥es on the last page, yes the medic/s are in the truck with you, but THE TRUCK WAS BLOWN BACKWARD AND TIPPED OVER. So they are just as hurt as you two are.

I'm tired. :|

Sun Aug 22, 2010 1:15 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Yoman987 wrote:
Wow, that's great timing caekdaemon. not that it's your fault, but BJJ (well, everyone) is pretty messed up. But I have an idea:

caekdaemon, would you mind if I put you at the top of the waiting list and made BJJ an NPC? That way you can join in after you get internets back but noone gets annoyed from me ignoring the 2-day-timelimit-player-kick rule.

Refer to the top of the waiting list part.

Besides, il just have my old character back if it dont quite work out.

Sun Aug 22, 2010 1:43 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
No, it doesn't work like that. You can play as BJJ or you can WAIT to play as the VN Warrior.


Sun Aug 22, 2010 2:50 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Yoman987 wrote:
No, it doesn't work like that. You can play as BJJ or you can WAIT to play as the VN Warrior.


Then il be BJJ.

Sun Aug 22, 2010 3:01 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Hyperkultra (1-1=1) Fiona Lovagale
Fiona turns to Asfer, "There was a fight. We lost. Help me find my backpack, it has a medkit."
"Okay." He replies.
"I think we should also get this guy up. But first, lemme throw up."
Fiona then turns to the pile of rubble and vomits. She wipes her mouth on her already filthy sleeve.

Electronics Expert: +1 to rolls dealing with circuitry
Weapon Specialist: +2 to rolls using Railgun Sniper -1 when using other weapons
Enrage: +1 to damage and attack-related actions. Can only be triggered by anger.
Railgun Sniper Rifle (4 rounds out of 6, Wielded)
Multitool (Stored)
Iridescent Lighter (Long-range light source, 90% fluid) Held
Containment Unit (50 slots used. 0 available)
Portable MicroFusion Generator (15 slots)
Incendiary and Kinetic Magazines (3 and 2, six rounds each, 5 slots total)
6 Handgun Magazines (10 rounds each, 6 slots total)
Satchel of standard electronic components (10 slots)
1 Lithium-Ion Battery, fully charged (1 slot)
Two-way Radio (1 slot)
Phoenix Down Revival Device (In FedEx Bag and Bubblewrap, 1 use, 4 slots)
One empty sack containing:
Medical kit (3 Uses left, Max 5, refillable, 5 slots)
Cybernetic Enhancement Kit (1 Use left, nonrefillable, 1 slot)

Rested for 8 turns, 11 turns before tiredness.
Concussion (GIANT Headache, dizzy, more tired, -1 to all actions)
Nauseous (Roll a 1 and throw up)
Bruised (All over, sore, -1 to taking melee damage)
Lost most of your inventory

RotorDrone (-) Gyro
Artificial Intelligence (Can act on it's own if instructed, +1 to precision actions, -1 to 'smart' actions)
Flight Control (+1 to flying and dodging actions)
Powersaving Mode (Reduces Power decrease to 0.5% per turn, observation actions only)
Beretta U22 Neos (9 Rounds, Wielded)
Chassis Mounts (18 slots used, 2 available)
Dual Rotors (8 slots)
External Camera (Night Vision & Infrared, 1 slot)
Wireless Video streaming link (1 slot)
Wireless Radio link (1 slot)
External Microphone (1 slot)
External Speaker (1 slots)
Grasping Mechanism (3 slots, currently holding Beretta U22 Neos)
1 Spare Lithium-Ion Battery (1 slot)
Battery Compartment (1 slot)
Battery (Limited actions in regards to Power Level, currently 71%)
Energy Consumption (Decreases battery power by 2% per turn)
No Power!
Unable to Self-Reboot!

caekdaemon (3-1=2) Bob Jameson Jones
BJJ groans and tries to roll over, but his arms are just too heavy. He hears talking around him somewhere, and then someone rolls him over. The bright light is painful for his eyes.
Mechanical Engineering: +1 to rolls involving mechanics
Unconventional Weapons: +1 to rolls using unique/strange weapons
Heavy Armour and Brunt-Force Absorbers: Always roll a 4 or 5 to absorb melee damage
Bulletproof Plating: immune to small arms fire, except you if roll a 1
NTE Monocle: +1 to seeing in any light
Energy Detection: Able to detect the amount of energy in use by other entities
Lifesigns Detection: Able to determine your own Vital Signs at-will and others when in close proximity
Earplugs: +1 to actions while there is loud noise Not in use

Pancor Jackhammer (10 Shots) Wielded
Beretta 92FS (10 rounds, Holstered)

Screwdriver (Stored)
Earplugs (around ears, not currently in use)
Night vision / Thermal vision Monocle with Scouter Energy Detector WORN
Armour Compartments (20 slots used, 5 available)
Diamonds (20 slots)
HUGE backpack (46 slots used, 54 slots available)
Speargun parts (Handgrip, Hollow steel shaft, 2 stainless steel cables, 7 slots total)
Toolkit, also contains NV Goggles Left Lens (11 slots used, 9 available)
Briefcase (broken lock, closed, contains secret papers, 4 slots)
Sleeping Gear (in a vacuum-compression sack, 8 slots)
Ammo (3 drums of 12 Gauge shells, 5 Handgun magazines, 11 slots total)
Silver Case (4 slots)

Darkness (-1 to any actions)
Encumbered (-1 to any actions involving endurance, quick relexes etc)
Rested for 8 turns, 21 turns before tiredness.
Barely Conscious (-1 to next turn)
Bruised (All over, sore, -1 to taking melee damage)
Lost most of your inventory

FoiL (1-2=1) Andrew Rodrigues
Somebody crawls over next to him and puts an arm on his chest.
"You're ... going to make it ... be brave ..." They whisper in his ear.
Then there is a slight pinch below his armpit, and his chest starts to go numb.
"I'll get the bullets out ... don't watch ..." They say.
Andrew can feel something moving around in his chest, but it's not painful at all.
"Damn, Doc, where've you been this past hour?"
"Nevermind ... but you'll be fine ... "
There is a slight coldness across his chest now, and Andrew looks down. There are bandages covering his torso and a hand resting on top. Andrew looks to the hand's Owner. His eyes are closed, one very bruised and swollen and blood caked on the same-side cheek.
Fists of fury (+1 to actions involving melee)
Forced Break & Entry (+1 to actions involving breaking things)
Hyper Focus (+1 concentration. Can only be used 2 more times before rest (Max 6) )
Anti-Laser (Immune to attacks using Pure Energy as a Main Source, unless rolling a 1)
Blast-Proof (Immune to explosive forces, unless rolling a 1)
RAGE FACE (+1 to intimidation, scariness etc)
AA-12 (Full Drum=32 Rounds, Slung over shoulder)
Colt 1911 (7 rounds, Holstered)

Extendable baton (Holstered)
Blast-Proof Jacket (Pockets: 1 slot used, 9 available)
Jacket Usage Manual (1 slot)
Waist Pockets (18 slots used, 2 available)
3 rockets for a SMAW (6 slots)
Swiss army knife (1 slot)
Utility knife (1 slot)
Top gun sunglasses (on face)
Ammo (3 Drums, 4 Magazines, 10 slots total)
Botanist's Backpack (13 slots used, 17 available):
Flare Gun and 4 red flares (6 slots)
A Shovel (3 slots)
Some Vials, one of them being purple (4 slots)
30ft of rope (5 slots)

Darkness (-1 to any actions)
Heavyweight (-1 to any actions involving fast movement)
Tiredness (3): Not tired.
Bullet Wounds (Torso, causes pain, -1 to all actions)
Badly hurt (Crushed or broken bones or hemmorage, you can't tell. -1 to some actions)
Lost most of your inventory

Ociamarru (2-2=1) Vladimir Ivanov
Vladimir tries to right himself, but he seems to be caught in something. His eyes focus and he looks up, erm, down. It looks like he is hanging on the wall, somehow. No, wait. The truck is tipped! That's why everything is sideways! Below him he can see a mess of sleeping bags, supplies and, unfortunately, bodies. One of which screams out for a medic, blasting Vladimir's eardrums. Obviously, that's Andrew. Somebody crawls over to him. There is something wrong with their legs ...
Cybernetics (+2 to mobile actions, speed is doubled, can only use 2 more times before rest (max 5) )
Athletic (+1 to mobile actions)
Resilience (Gains one extra roll before death)
Pilot Training (Able to fly aircraft, Cannot roll 1s)
Scar-face (+1 Intimidation, -1 Charisma etc)
Saiga-12 Combat Shotgun (9 shells, slung over shoulder)
Beretta 92FS (10 rounds, holstered)

Khazar-replicated knife
Backpack (35 slots used, 15 available)
[s]Low-Light Goggles (2 slots)
Carved Wooden Statuette of self (1 slot)
Radio (1 slot)
Cellphone (Reception: 3/5, 1 slot)
Flare gun with 2 green flares (4 slots total)
Ammo (4 mags of Shotgun Shells (40), 8 handgun magazines (80), 12 slots total )
5 days of Rations (15 meals, 5 slots)
TOP-SECRET Information File (4 slots)[/s]
Darkness (-1 to any actions)
Rested for 8 turns, 21 turns before tiredness.
Collapsed Lung (Hard to breathe, -1 every second turn)
Fractured Ribs (-1 to all actions)
Lost most of your inventory

Point.Blank (3-1+1=3) Asfer
It's a lady, and she looks pretty messed up. She turns to Asfer and says, "There was a fight. We lost. Help me find my backpack, it has a medkit."
"Okay." He replies.
"I think we should also get this guy up. But first, lemme throw up."
She then turns to the pile of rubble and vomits. Asfer looks at the big hunk of metal that is apparently a person. Then it groans. So Asfer pushes at it and they roll over, and he can see his face; dirty, cut and bleeding. He needs medical attention, along with the lady as well.
Large Muscle Mass (+1 to action requiring strength)
Sixth sense (+1 to detecting enemies, traps etc)
Mk.III 40mm Revolver Cannon (6 rounds, 1 turn to reload) NOT IN USE
Mk.II 5.7x28mm Vulcan Gun (250 rounds, 1 turn to reload) NOT IN USE
Bladed Shield (Left arm) Retracted

MAF-EX103C Exo-suit (1 turn to enter/exit)
Ultra-compact generator (Recharged by light, 15% per turn) 100%
Sensor node (Left Shoulder, IR, NV, auto-targeting camera)
Rear cargo container: (18 slots used, 32 slots available)
40mm cannon rounds (6xHE, 6xFrag, 6xSmoke, 6xStun, 12 slots total)
500 spare Vulcan rounds (6 slots total)

Loud (-2 to sneaking, stealth etc)
Heavyweight (-1 to any actions involving fast movement)
Wounded Left Calf Muscle (-1 to using lower left leg)
Bound Wrists (Obvious negatives here)

Tearagion (2) Daniel
Daniel goes over to the locker and rattles the handle. It's locked. There is a small electronic keypad on the door, along with a list detailing the contents of the locker:
All Personnel be advised
This locker is property of the scribbled out words here
and the contents must not be used without explicit permission.

Contents of locker:
Refill if neccessary!
o Safety Equipment
o Various Hand Tools
o Various Testing Equipment
o Electronic Materials
o Mechanical Supplies
o Stationary

Scientific ( +1 to studying or analyzing etc)
First Aid Qualified ( +1 to healing actions)
Mechanic (+1 to using and repairing mechanical devices)
FN P90 (Flashlight & Sound Suppressor, 50 rounds, Slung across chest)
Mini-Crossbow (5 bolts, Slung over shoulder)
Spyder III High-Power Laser (Burns through many materials, nonsolid beam, 100% Power, Stored)
Backpack (40 slots used, 10 available)
Sample-taking kit (swabs, syringes etc, 4 slots)
Tablet PC (100% Battery, 5 slots)
Universal Solar Charger (2 slots)
First Aid Kit (5 uses, refillable, 6 slots)
Bagged Mechanical Components (5 slots)
Field rations (5 days, 15 uses, 8 slots)
Water filtration kit (2 slots)
Water bottle (3 uses, 2 slots)
Ammunition (3xP90 Mags, 30 Tranquilizer Darts, 6 Slots)
Weak (-1 to anything requiring physical strength)

Game Events
The south side of the Compound is no longer lit, as the shockwave busted the torchlight.
The time is 3:15am and is dark. Make sure to use your lights and your abilities!

Sun Aug 22, 2010 3:45 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Search for the lady's backpack.Start searching in the immediate vicinity, then fan out towards the giant hole in the ground.
Plain and simple.

Sun Aug 22, 2010 3:55 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Get healed, and give as much information as possible about my injuries.

Uh, Yolady, out of curiosity, does the -2 apply to ALL actions? The only thing that would affect me giving info right now would be the collapsed lung or whatever, right? Or does it affect ALL actions?

Sun Aug 22, 2010 5:23 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Darkness and Fractured Ribs makes -2. Next turn is -3 because of your Collapsed Lung.

Fractured Ribs means -1 to moving.
Darkness means -1 to seeing (I was nice this roll)
Collapsed Lung means -1 to ALL actions because you are always short of breath.

I guess resting is the only thing you can do without getting a negative.

Sun Aug 22, 2010 6:18 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Did my backpack explode from being too full of junk, as im not sure why im missing most of said junk.

Sun Aug 22, 2010 12:45 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Wait a minute, my legs are fine according to my list of injuries...

EDIT: I'm not moving, Yoman, so you mean I get a -1, right? I'm sitting there, getting patched up, telling the guy where I'm injured. That requires little to no movement.

Last edited by Ociamarru on Sun Aug 22, 2010 4:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Aug 22, 2010 1:19 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Attempt to laser through the lock with the spyder III being careful not to angle it in such a way that would cause self injury.

Sun Aug 22, 2010 3:05 pm
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