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 How to run Cortex Command B23 with Wine 
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Joined: Thu Nov 15, 2007 5:49 pm
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Post Re: How to run Cortex Command B23 with Wine
I'm very new to this and I am actually having trouble getting Wine to even install on my mac. I am running leopard and I read that one has to download Xcode in order to run Wine, and I am having trouble getting the correct version of Xcode for my mac. Is this a necessary step? Thanks.

Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:16 pm
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Post Re: How to run Cortex Command B23 with Wine
Xcode is easy enough to install, you find it on the OS extra install options, and it can update from system update.
But don't worry about it, if you do not need to compile your own, don't.

Here. Use WineBottler, it's a better GUI than compiling WINE, and has lots of neat features.

Wed Jun 30, 2010 11:52 pm

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Post Re: How to run Cortex Command B23 with Wine
minmay wrote:
So, nobody else seems to have decent instructions for this method (the only one that works for me). Should maybe be stickied if it works for enough people.

Step 1: Download and install Wine. I tested with 1.1.35, 1.1.43, and 1.2-rc4. It probably won't run on 1.0.1.

Step 2: Install Cortex Command.

Step 3: Get winetricks.

Step 4: Run this in the terminal: sh winetricks vcrun2005

Step 5: Run Cortex Command! You may get an error about reverting to VGA mode, that's fine.

Step 6: Laugh at Windows users as you realize that the game runs better than it ever did on Windows. Registering works and all, though for some reason the forum still doesn't think I registered.

If you try this and it works, please post. If you try this and it doesn't work, please post.

Got CC running on Wine finally :)

I did a clean new install of Wine (1.1.35 newer versions should work fine, but i'll try that later), installed Winetricks and following lines in the terminal:

sh winetricks vcrun2005

sh winetricks vcrun2005sp1
# found this on some other forum
sh winetricks d3dx9
# installs directX9 (this might be the missing part in the past - I just gave it a try)

Afterwards I installed Cortex Command and ran it - it worked ;)
It's still a bit slow - but I'll try to figure that out (might be some driver issue with my graphics chip)

Thu Jul 01, 2010 1:02 pm

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Post Re: How to run Cortex Command B23 with Wine
pol3waf wrote:
It's still a bit slow - but I'll try to figure that out (might be some driver issue with my graphics chip)

Are you running it in windowed mode? Try switching to fullscreen if you are. Keep in mind that CC uses the CPU rather than the GPU for nearly everything, so if you're running a lot of stuff in the background (and it's running on the same CPU core as CC) you'll slow down CC.

I'm not sure why you had to install DirectX 9 - Wine's DirectX clone works perfectly for me off a fresh install.

Geti: I haven't ever seen that error, so can't help you there. Sorry. :???:

Thu Jul 01, 2010 7:11 pm

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Post Re: How to run Cortex Command B23 with Wine
minmay wrote:
Are you running it in windowed mode? Try switching to fullscreen if you are. Keep in mind that CC uses the CPU rather than the GPU for nearly everything, so if you're running a lot of stuff in the background (and it's running on the same CPU core as CC) you'll slow down CC.

Fullscreen mode doesn't work for some reason. Any ideas? And the game still runs a bit slow - not unplayable, but sometimes the mouse-movement lags, as do the music+sounds.

Sat Jul 03, 2010 12:36 pm

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Post Re: How to run Cortex Command B23 with Wine
So what happens when you try to change to fullscreen? I need something more specific than "it doesn't work."

Sat Jul 03, 2010 5:49 pm

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Post Re: How to run Cortex Command B23 with Wine
minmay wrote:
So what happens when you try to change to fullscreen? I need something more specific than "it doesn't work."

Actually nothing happens. If some other application was active before running CC and its still running, then that one goes fullscreen instead of CC, when I press alt+enter.
When I try to change fullscreen and window mode in the options, the window flashes once and returns to its pervious state.

Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:19 am
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Post Re: How to run Cortex Command B23 with Wine
ffs this is pissing me off. Clean install of wine with minimal installation and it still craps out on me <_<

Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:32 am
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Post Re: How to run Cortex Command B23 with Wine
@minmay: works like a charm

Sat Aug 07, 2010 4:50 am

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Post Re: How to run Cortex Command B23 with Wine
hm .. nothing new here as i see.
i'll try to solve it in some near future .. at least it works^^

Geti wrote:
ffs this is pissing me off. Clean install of wine with minimal installation and it still craps out on me <_<

try doing as i said some posts before. it should somehow work (at least it did for me)
my only problem is that the game lags .. might be an issue with my 64bit linux and a 32bit piece of CC run in 32bit wine and the lack of some decent graphics accelerator on my laptop.

for example Gish* (32bit) runs awefully slow, while the 64bit version runs quite well.

*Gish: some other nice 2D-platform indie-game ;)

Sat Aug 07, 2010 8:00 pm

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Post Re: How to run Cortex Command B23 with Wine
I make it run in ubuntu10.04, but it is slow, only have 50fps in zombie cave...

Fri Aug 20, 2010 1:41 pm
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Post Re: How to run Cortex Command B23 with Wine
50 fps isn't that bad. It's most definitely playable.

Fri Aug 20, 2010 1:54 pm
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Post Re: How to run Cortex Command B23 with Wine
Also, if you want to have really good performance open up AllegroConfig.ini inside YourCCDirectory/Base.rte and:
Change gfx_card =
to gfx_card = XWIN
or to XWFS if you're running in fullscreen
digi_card =
to digi_card = ALSA
This will make wine not have the (little) overhead associated with WinAPI -> LinAPI, and it will in general make Allegro run in configuration optimized for linux.
With that I have nearly 2x better performance than I used to have on windows :>

Tue Oct 05, 2010 6:54 pm

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Post Re: How to run Cortex Command B23 with Wine
Hi all. new guy here. I love CC, just found it the other day. YET, for some reason I keep getting this error:

abortion in file .\System\DDTError.cpp, line 109, because:

Assertion failed: After failing to open the Base.rte/Settings.ini, could not
then even create a new one to save settings to! Are you trying to run the game from a read-only disk? You need to install the game to a writable area before running it!

The last frame has been dumped to 'abortscreen.bmp'

I fixed it the first time by uninstalling / reinstalling but it only worked for one or two runs, then the error came back. I've done everything that minmay told me to do. I even uninstalled/reinstalled wine. Tried win 98, 2000 and XP.

I'm running Ubuntu Lucid, not sure even where to find the wine version. Just used the Ubuntu Software Center to install it two minutes ago, so whatever version is currently there.

I just don't understand the error... Everything is in the default location, why wouldn't it be able to open settings.ini, and why can't it just create a new one? I'd sure appreciate any help I can get. Thanks.

Mon Oct 11, 2010 1:41 pm

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Post Re: How to run Cortex Command B23 with Wine
Seems to be an issue with latest wine, just navigate to folder where CC is installed and launch it by double clicking(or by typing "wine Cortex\ command.exe" into terminal)

Sat Nov 06, 2010 3:43 pm
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