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 Roll To Dodge 2 (RtD2) - Finished 
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
alphagamer774 wrote:
Here We go. Took longer than I thought
Aqquire cardboard box, somehow
Cut air holes in said box then put puppy inside
Retrieve mp5
Aqquire source of light (portable)
Return to entrance and search for AUG, or Get light
Keep looking, or Find transportation
Keep looking, or attempt to improve vehicle in some way

Now it's my turn to get all picky on you :P
First, you want to cut holes in the box with your MagNife, right?
Second, Where's the MP5? You don't know. So go look.
Third, 'Aquire light source' should be 'look around room for light source'
After that, the actions are good.

caekdaemon wrote:
we already have transport ( The Hummer? )

He said "Find transportation". That could also mean he has 'lost' the Hummer and he wants to find it again, 'tsall good. :P

And I have GOT to stop page-starting. I'm not doing it on purpose :-?

Wed Jul 21, 2010 5:24 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Find cardboard box, somehow
Cut air holes in said box With magknife then put puppy inside
Look for mp5 on the floor where I fanted then Retrieve it
Look for source of light (portable)
Return to entrance and search for AUG, or continue to look for light
Keep looking, or Relocate hummer
Keep looking, or attempt to improve vehicle in some way

Wed Jul 21, 2010 5:38 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Duh102 (1) Rachel Heuber
A sense of forboding overcomes Rachel, and her subconscious responds with a nightmare. She watches as Dogberry dies by the hands of a former teammate. She remembers that teammate being so close to her she could smell his breath. She remembers feeling the pulse of Advere's heart slowing to a stop, unable to do anything. She imagines hearing a gunshot, feeling her chest for the bullet wound, and looking up into the eyes of her killer. He holds a knife to her throat, his golden eyes blurry but somehow crisp at the same time.
"Time for you, my dear, to follow those that you could not save. I am Damien, the Golden Blur. And your worst nightmare."
She remembers seeing that face break into a deathly grin, choking her breath with his look, and gasping through the bloody hole in her throat.
Rest In Peace
Rachel Heuber - Medic - 22/07/2010
Died by the hands of a Blur.

CO2 charged repeating crossbow
9mm Uzi (20 rounds)
Carbon fiber combat knife
Medical kit (5 Uses left, Max 5, refillable)
Cybernetic Enhancement Kit (1 Use left, cannot refill)

Magnifying glass
Sleeping bag
Crossbow Bolts (70)
12 Uzi Mags (20 rounds each)
Phoenix Down Revival Device (In FedEx Bag and Bubblewrap, Single Use Only!)
Flashlight with damaged battery-compartment (0% Power!)

Hyperkultra (6) Fiona Lovagale
Fiona opens one eye and glances around the room without moving from the chair. When she sees it's all clear, she hops up out of the sofachair and stretches. A quick whistle and Gyro hovers up by her side. She looks at Gyro:
"Where's Robopants?"
A small display folds out from his undercarriage, text printing itself across the screen.
"The Insensitive Male left approximately 62 minutes ago."
"Insensitive? Why?"
"That Male did not fully perceive his walking path. His Right Foot transfered unwanted Kinetic Energy to my Chassis. There was no damage."
"Oh, right. I'll talk to him about that."
Electronics Expert: +1 to rolls dealing with circuitry
Weapon Specialist: +2 to rolls using Railgun Sniper -1 when using other weapons
Enrage: +1 to damage and attack-related actions. Can only be triggered by anger.
Railgun Sniper Rifle (5 rounds)
Incendiary and Kinetic Magazines (3 - 2, 6 rounds each)
6 Handgun Magazines (60)
Portable MicroFusion Generator (backpack)
Satchel of standard electronic components
1 Lithium-Ion Battery, fully charged.
One empty sack
Iridescent Lighter (Long-range light source, 95% fluid)
Two-way Radio (Battery)
Darkness (-1 to any actions) Back storeroom is lit
Rested for 8 turns, 32 turns before tiredness.

RotorDrone (4) Gyro
'Return' signal confirmed. Powersaving Mode disabled.
Operator identification confirmed. Activating visual and auditory input devices.

"Where's Robopants?"
"Robopants" >> correspondance utility active. Display monitor powering up.
Print> "The Insensitive Male left approximately 62 minutes ago."

"Insensitive? Why?"
Print> "That Male did not fully perceive his walking path. His Right Foot transfered unwanted Kinetic Energy to my Chassis. There was no damage."
"Oh, right. I'll talk to him about that."
Artificial Intelligence (Can act on it's own if instructed, +1 to precision actions, -1 to 'smart' actions)
Flight Control (+1 to flying and dodging actions)
Powersaving Mode (Reduces Power decrease to 0.5% per turn, observation actions only)
Beretta U22 Neos (9 Rounds)
Dual Rotors
Camera and wireless video link
Grasping Mechanism (Currently holding Beretta U22 Neos)
1 Spare Lithium-Ion Battery
Battery (Limited actions in regards to Power Level, currently 87%)
Energy Consumption (Decreases battery power by 2% per turn)

caekdaemon (1) Bob Jameson Jones
BJJ opens his eyes and shivers. He looks at the time on his HUD and pulls himself up from the floor. Packing the Sleeping Gear back into his Backpack, he notices the Silver Case on the floor has rearranged itself again, back to its original rectangular shape. He frowns at it and stuffs it inside his Backpack. He then swings it onto his back, and the weight sends him toppeling sideways with a thud. No damage, the armour took care of that. However, he hears somebody from outside:
"What was that? Who's there?! Show yourself and you will be unharmed!"
Mechanical Engineering: +1 to rolls involving mechanics
Unconventional Weapons: +1 to rolls using unique/strange weapons
Heavy Armour and Brunt-Force Absorbers: Always roll a 4 or 5 to absorb melee damage
Bulletproof Plating: immune to small arms fire, except you if roll a 1
NTE Monocle: +1 to actions involving seeing enemies in any light
Energy Detection: Able to detect the amount of energy in use by other entities
Earplugs: +1 to actions while there is loud noise Not in use
Lifesigns Detection: Able to determine your own Vital Signs at-will and others when in close proximity
Pancor Jackhammer (10 Shots)
Beretta 92FS (10 rounds)
Tools (in pockets and whatnot)
Earplugs (around ears, not currently in use)
Night vision / Thermal vision Monocle with Scouter Energy Detector
HUGE backpack, containing:
Speargun parts (Handgrip, Hollow steel shaft, 2 stainless steel cables)
Toolkit, containing small fabric bags and Night-Vision Goggles Left Lens w/ housing.
Briefcase (broken lock, closed, contains all papers)
Sleeping Gear (in a vacuum-compression sack)
Ammo (3 drums of 12 Gauge shells, 5 Handgun magazines)
Darkness (-1 to any actions) Garage is dimly lit
Encumbered (-1 to any actions involving endurance, quick relexes etc)
Rested for 8 turns, 32 turns before tiredness.

FoiL (5) Andrew Rodrigues
Putting the manual back in the pocket, he heads towards a truck, adjacent to the Armouror's one he was at. Going around to the rear, he pulls the flap up and looks inside. People are in sleeping bags all through here, so he hops up into the back, takes off his backpack and gets in a bag near to the flap. The Jacket is surprisingly comfortable for sleeping in. Just as he is about to nod off, somebody opens the flap again and comes inside. Its a Male Nurse and a man, being dragged by the ear. The Nurse tells him off, mentioning 'naughty boy' a few times, and Andrew falls asleep with a grin.
Do you want me to PM you when we will wake up, or what?
Fists of fury (+1 to actions involving melee)
Forced Break & Entry (+1 to actions involving breaking things)
Hyper Focus (+1 concentration. Can only be used 6 times before rest (Max 6) )
Anti-Laser (Immune to attacks using Energy as a Main Source, unless rolling a 1)
Blast-Proof (Immune to explosive forces, unless rolling a 1)
AA-12 (Full Drum, 35 Rounds)
Colt 1911 (7 rounds)
Extendable baton
Blast-Proof Jacket (Has many pockets)
3 rockets for a SMAW
Swiss army knife
Utility knife
Top gun sunglasses
Ammo (3 Drums, 4 Magazines)
Unknown Backpack containing:
Flare Gun and 4 red flares
A Shovel
Some Vials, one of them being purple
30ft of rope

Darkness (-1 to any actions) Armourer's Truck is lit.
Heavyweight (-1 to any actions involving fast movement)
Resting for 8 turns = 120 minutes.

alphagamer744 (6) Tyrone
(4) He grabs the cardboard box and stabs a few holes in it, (5) then nicely puts the Puppy inside and locks the flaps together. He pokes his finger in one of the holes and gets a lick. YAY :) (6) He then realises he doesn't have any other weapon apart from the MagNife and his M6 'Survivor', and he tries to recall where he left his other guns. He lost the MP5 when he was attacking the Black Tribesman in the dark near the tents, and the AUG when he was on the Hummer. (5) So first he looks on the shelves and cupboards for a light source, and finds an old-style Oil Lantern. It is a modernised version, made of aluminium and plastic and even an inbuilt lighter, but it still needs oil to work. Luckily, there are a few SURPLUS! Synthetic Oil Cubes for your Olden Day Lantern! boxes, so he puts one in the lantern and puts the rest in his backpack.
OBTAINED: Synthetic Oil Cube x3
OBTAINED: Old Style Modernised Lantern

(1) Lighting the Lantern, Tyrone steps lightly so he doesn't wake Fiona and heads to the door. He misses noticing Gryo the HoverDrone though, and accidentally kicks him. Gyro beeps and makes a grinding noise, obviously not happy with being kicked, and spins his rotors a bit. He mumbles an apology and goes through the door and back outside, heading in the direction of the Hummer and the Main Gate. (5)As he walks past the tents, the Lantern illuminates something near the tents in the middle of the ground. He walks over to look. It's his MP5! He takes it without a second thought and checks the magazine - half empty - on his way to the Hummer. (2) When he gets to it, he tries to open one of the doors, but they're locked. He feels a bit tired now.
Exo-suit (Allows large loads to be carried, +2 to any straight-line sprints when not encumbered)
Heavy Weapons (+1 to firing from a stationary/prone position)
IMMAFIRINMAHLAZAR (Roll a 5 or 6 and get an insta-kill against the targeted enemy. Can only use once per day. Any other roll means you miss.)
Model 6 Shoulder-Fired Anti-Vehicle Heavy Railgun (Nicknamed 'Survivor')
AUG HBAR Light machine gun /w extended mags, Holographic sight Lost!
H&K Mp5 /w grip, laser sight (150 rounds)
MagNife (Crushed magazine with sharp edges, used as a knife)
XOS Lower Body Exo-Suit /w attached equipment storage rack (See abilities)
Ammo (38 Railgun rounds, 6 AUG Mags, 10 MP5 Mags)
Small camo Day-Pack
3 days of Rations (9 meals)
Two water bottles (4 uses each)
3 Synthetic Oil Cubes (last 10 turns each)
Old Style Self-lighting Lantern (Contains an Oil Cube, 8 turns left)
Loud (-2 to sneaking, stealth etc)
Clawed Face (Will scar in 4 turns, -1 to Charismatic actions)
Darkness (-1 to any actions) Lantern
Tiredness (6) Not tired. Lasts for two more turns but a -1 for the third.

Ociamarru (5) Vladimir Ivanov
(4) Vladimir rolls over and yawns. He pushes himself up from the floor and looks outside the tent. Everything is as it was when he fell asleep, from what he remembers, except less noisy. (3) He grabs his bag and heads outside. The Convoy is much more quiet now; everyone is inside sleeping. He walks past a truck with boxes all down the side of it and things in piles, and goes to the one next to it. It has a Red Cross emblazoned on the side, obviously where Rachel would be, being a Medic. (6) He lifts the flap at the back and pulls himself inside. There is somebody crouching over someone lying down, like if they were tending to them. Obviously that has to be Rachel. Vlad calls to her in a low voice (people are sleeping :P )
(4) "Reychel, eeny shance oov upgrayden - "
Rachel looks up, and a glint of metal in her hands flashes in the darkness. The figure's silouette is blacker than black, and it's eyes gleam of evil. Obviously -
This is not Rachel.
(5) Vladimir prepares for the fight about to come, removing his Knife from its sheath. He feels the Adrenaline pumping through his veins. His Cybernetics kick in, just as the Blur attacks.
Cybernetics (+2 to mobile actions, speed is doubled, can only use 5 times before rest (max 5) )
Athletic (+1 to mobile actions)
Resilience (Gains one extra roll before death)
Pilot Training (Able to fly aircraft)
Low-Light Goggles (Able to see in low light) Dropped
Saiga-12 Combat Shotgun (9 shells)
Beretta 92FS (10 rounds)
Khazar-replicated knife
Carved Wooden Statuette of self
Cellphone (Reception: |**...| )
Flare gun with 4 green flares
Ammo (4 mags of Shotgun Shells (40), 8 handgun magazines (80) )
5 days of Rations (15 meals)
Low-Light Goggles Dropped
TOP-SECRET Information File
Wounded Face (Will scar in 7 turns, -1 to Charismatic actions)
Darkness (-1 to any actions) Rear of truck is dimly lit
Rested for 8 turns, 32 turns before tiredness.
Cybernetics (+2 to mobile actions, speed is doubled)

Game Events
The south side of the Compound is lit, no Darkness modifiers when in that area.
The time is 12:45pm and is dark. Make sure to use your lights and your abilities!

Last edited by Yoman987 on Thu Aug 05, 2010 5:12 am, edited 7 times in total.

Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:22 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Oooooooo! This is going to be exciting! What will happen next!? :D

Thu Jul 22, 2010 5:12 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
>Go find Rachel to reacquire the Phoenix Down so I can put it onto Gyro. An RC 1-Up sounds more useful than a human bound one.

Yoman987 wrote:
Oooooooo! This is going to be exciting! What will happen next!? :D


Thu Jul 22, 2010 5:29 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Oh ♥♥♥♥ me, I'm gonna die, aren't I?

Attempt to exit the confines of the vehicle, while firing a flare out of the truck.

Oh, I'm shouting all this. And guys, I call that cybernetics kit if I live.

EDIT: Out of curiosity, why did Miss Duh (Sounds like MISTUH/MISTER) leave? Now I have to find a FIELD MEDIC to give me the appropriate enhancements if I live! Which I won't because as I remember, they're overpowered. But then again, we now have troops here. You never know.
EDIT2: And does having an adrenaline surge add anything to my stats? I'm guessing it normally would, but it for some reason doesn't stack with my enhancements?
EDIT3: When did I drop my ENVG? I'm boned without it...yep, I'm dead. Well if I'm the-NEVERMIND!
EDIT4: Who's the new person who'll be joining us? Better not be some useless ♥♥♥♥.

Thu Jul 22, 2010 6:18 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Ociamarru wrote:
Out of curiosity, why did Miss Duh leave?
She wasn't interesting in playing any more. I guess she just got bored medic'ing all the time.
Ociamarru wrote:
And does having an adrenaline surge add anything to my stats? I'm guessing it normally would, but it for some reason doesn't stack with my enhancements?
It normally would but the cybernetics overrides it.
Ociamarru wrote:
When did I drop my ENVG? I'm boned without it...
ENVG? You mean Night-Vision Goggles? Bottom of page 86:
Vladimir breathes deeply. SNAP He jolts awake as the shelf he was leaning on tilts to the side, and he falls over. The goggles come off and it is suddenly dark.
Ociamarru wrote:
Who's the new person who'll be joining us?
One of these guys:
Waiting List
bbbzzz234 will play Ruben
Point.blank will play Asfer
Tearagion will play Daniel
HighEndNoob will play Kyle Berguard
CrazyMLC will play James Blond
MJAG will play Jake Rayte

Thu Jul 22, 2010 8:51 am
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Ask whos outside Thats just a speech action cause I dont know what to say... Put scouter back on. Be on alert.Whouldent my scouter notice duh dying?

Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:53 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Dibs on that :grin: It's been a while since someone ACTUALLY died hasn't it

Thu Jul 22, 2010 4:46 pm

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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
btw MAC, there is a ninja in your picture xD too bad he thinks he got busted :P

Thu Jul 22, 2010 10:54 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Dammit, why did I have to encounter the character with the coolest name?

Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:20 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Mac_Jack_Awesome_Guy wrote:
Dibs on that :grin: It's been a while since someone ACTUALLY died hasn't it

I counter dibs. :) I knew about this since it started, but made my character a while after it started
EDIT: Actually I think Yoman should roll everyone and who ever get the highest roll is in.
EDIT2:ACtully, there a waiting list.:)

Last edited by HighEndNoob on Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:26 pm
Loose Canon
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Mac_Jack_Awesome_Guy wrote:
Dibs on that :grin: It's been a while since someone ACTUALLY died hasn't it

There's this wonderful invention called a waiting list...

Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:31 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Hyperkultra wrote:
There's this wonderful invention called a waiting list...

I concur. It also kinda works like, um, whatitcalled, first-in-first-served?

Fri Jul 23, 2010 3:59 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Yoman987 wrote:

A FIFO Queue. First in, first out.

Fri Jul 23, 2010 8:10 am
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